Wreckboat (Spelljammer Supplement)

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Built By: Humans

Used Primarily By: Humans

Cost: 4,000 gp

Hit Points: 30

Damage Threshold: 15

Crew: 1/4

Max ability modifier: +5

Landing—Land: Yes

Landing—Water: Yes

Armor Class: 14

Standard Armament:

  • None


  • 1 medium ballista

Cargo(tons): 1/2 (maximum)

Keel Length: 30'

Beam Length: 15'


The Wreckboat is a simple craft designed to be carried by another craft, and to serve as an escape vessel if that craft is wrecked (hence the name). Wreckboats are easily handled by a single spelljammer, and are usually used as a shuttle or captain's gig on a day-to-day basis, while retaining the original purpose in case of an emergency.

Cargo in a Wreckboat is limited to personal gear and small valuables only, to a maximum of half a ton if the crew is two or less. In an emergency, an armed Wreckboat usually uses this space to carry up to 9 medium passengers, while an unarmed one can carry up to 12.

Deck Plans[edit]

%21WRECKBO.GIF | Source

Template:5E Spelljammer BreadcrumbSpelljammer Ships