World History (Rabetea Supplement)

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Sometime in the Pre-Collapse World a rogue planetoid flew by Earth. The near miss triggered earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Massive flooding ensued. Volcanic Winter contributed to seventy-five years without a sun. Radiation leaked through old dump sites damaged by earthquakes. Not quite decommissioned nuclear power plants melted down and contaminated nearby areas.


After an environmental cataclysm and collateral effects eliminated 93% of the pre-cataclysm population. Benchmarks leading to the Present are as follows:


Day 1 to Year Five[edit]

Volcanic Winter sets in. Parascape “falls open” as magic goes haywire. The skies glow a dull red. The planet cools off.

Survivors outside bunkers buckle under continuous violence over valuable resources. Famine and disease takes out more. Individuals within bunkers remain within the shelters. Many bunkers and shelters become uninhabited due to starvation and continuing crop failures. Paranormal lifeforms notice magic is off.

Many species of plants and animals neared extinction while others died out. Radiation lingers throughout the world. Advanced genetic mutation affects wildlife near old reactors and hot spots.

Five to Ten years later[edit]

Fifty-percent of wildlife surviving the first five years are extinct. Life within radiation hot spots die off. Shelter survivors start exploring outside the shelters. Shelters are still their home.

Ten to Fifteen years later[edit]

Paranormal survivors notice magic is back; but, it is unstable. Mundane survivors leaving their sheltered communities observe magical events. Ley Line Storms affect many regions. A major Carrington Event (coronal mass ejection) occurs around this time. The ashen skies quiver with colors.

Mundane survivors band with Paranormal survivors to recreate some technology of the past. Minor breakthroughs involve water purification systems, crops and livestock. They work together on maintaining defensive systems and fortifications.


Fifty years later[edit]

Mundane survivors manufacture parts for new weapons. They re-harness water and water wheels as a source of energy. Some communities develop wind for energy; but, power storage containers are rudimentary. If it weren’t for the partnerships with the Paranormals, Literacy would be dead.

Paranormal survivors research ways to stabilize magic. Progress continues in modified crops and livestock. The bunkers remain “home” to survivors. Some extended exploration with small groups begin. Communication between settlements and trade begin forming.

Seventy-five years later[edit]

Most Mundane and young Paranormals marvel at the new light in the sky. They never saw the sun before. Livestock and crops stabilize. An overabundance of yields manifests in Mundane and Paranormal survivors repopulating the land. Formal trade networks and relations begin. Survivors venturing from their settlements encounter new strange wildlife and plants. Some are dangerous while others are delicious prey.

One Hundred years later[edit]

Paranormals make breakthroughs in magical research. Land-based ley lines are static but more manageable. They discover atmospheric ley lines are stable.


One hundred and twenty-five years later[edit]

The characters are in the New Dark Age. Survivors that remembered pre-cataclysm civilization died before the characters' parents were born. Literacy is uncommon but that depends on individual settlements. History is an oral tradition that may not always be accurate.

Not much is left of the pre-cataclysm world. Few with knowledge to maintain them survive. Small groups leave “sheltered” settlements to brave the wild and explore the unknown. Some salvage what’s left of the Old World and repurpose what lay in waste. Not all artifacts of the pre-cataclysm world are functional.

Fragmented society is more stable than the times before the present. Settlements create trade goods. Traders and communities keep records. Communities grow, and, they expand beyond mere survival. Vast, dangerous wilderness dominates the landscape. Brigands threaten traders. Warlords conquer settlements that prosper.

Technological progress advances to early Industrial Age (PL 4). Pre-Cataclysm structures still litter the landscape, depending on where one adventures. These structures crumbled under stress from the elements and times. “New” technologic wonders might appear “steampunk-like” to players but normal to the characters.

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