Wizard Master (5e Feat)

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Wizard Master

Prerequisites: Level 16 or higher, spellcasting skill 18 or higher.
Your magical training taught you how to overcome your enemies' magical defenses and enhance your spells. You get the following benefits:

  • Your targets cannot have advantage on saving throws against your spells.
  • If you are within 30 feet of your target and they have a bonus greater than 10 on their saving throw, their bonus on that saving throw becomes 8 until the end of their next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest and only once per turn.
  • Your ranged spell attacks with spells of 1st level or higher have advantage. If your spell allows you to make multiple attacks, the advantage only applies to one of them.
  • You can maintain concentration with 2 spells instead of just one. If you fail a constitution save to maintain concentration on a spell, you lose concentration on the spell that has been active the longest.

(one vote)

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