Wizard Globe (5e Equipment)

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Hundreds of years ago there was a wizard, Avertis. He was the mightiest wizard. He knew every spell and could cast these whenever he wanted. He archived this by isolating himself in his tower on top of a mountain until his life ended, but due to his power he couldn't die. He was so powerful that the entirety of the realms decided to ban him into his orb so the balance of good and evil wouldn't be disturbed. Now as he is part of his beloved orb, he can no longer influence the world with his powerful magic. Even though he cannot move on his own, he is still happy to share his wisdom with adventuring parties that find him and take him with them. He doesn't age or deteriorate, the orb is indestructible.
Sentience. Avertis is a very much a neutral good character with a wisdom and intelligence score of 30. His charisma is 18.
Personality. Even though he is neutral good, he still has chaotic good tendencies, but looking at his form, he really can't do anything to defeat the warlock that has been enslaving the local goblin tribes. Demeanor wise he is calm and like any other wizard. He doesn't take pride in his all-knowing wisdom. He also doesn't share everything he knows, this would disturb the balance and he already got turned into a sphere. If the party needs to know about a spell or magical effect he will answer, but any other wisdom about things that are too game breaking are not spoken by his radiant appearance. He does possess 4th wall breaking knowledge.

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