Arcane Scholar (5e Feat)

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Arcane Scholar

Prerequisites: 11th level, 18 Wisdom score, 18 Intelligence score
You are a researcher of magic, lore and mysteries. As an academic at heart and a true scholar, the branches of the arcane are your subjects of focus. Taking this feat gives you the following benefits:

  • You obtain a phantasmal grimoire and pitch-black quill which allow you to cast ritual spells or record any kind of information. You can use the grimoire to record any number of spells regardless of their source or origin as long as it's level does not exceed half of your character level rounded up. The cost for recording a spell in this grimoire is 10 days and 1000 gp per spell level. The grimoire can be used as the arcane focus for casting these spells. The recorded spells can only be cast as rituals and do not count amongst your spells known. The grimoire has an infinite number of pages and can be summoned or dismissed at will. When in use, the grimoire levitates within 5 feet of you. You can only use the summoned quill to write on the grimoire. Writings from any other source vanishes after 10 minutes. Pages torn from the grimoire turn to ashes after 1 hour. The quill is capable of writing on it's own and can instantly copy information or data from another source into the grimoire if ordered to do so.

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