Werkslund (Grey Sky Supplement)

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Grey Sky[edit]

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Another underpaid day at the factory...
—Factory Worker in the region of Werkslund
Geography v
Major Nations
  • Alabas
  • Ewigereich
  • Ovemia
Minor Nations
  • The Slaveshi Confederations
  • The Brotherhoods
  • The Corporations
  • The Gypsies
  • The Red Blazon Knights
  • The Witchhunters Circle




Werkslund is the biggest, wealthiest and most industrialized region. It is immense, with plenty of natural resource. However over industrialization turned the region into wasteland, with barely any grass on the soil. It is known for it numerous metropolises. Ewigereich is the main power in Werkslund. Possessing over 90% of it territory, the other 10% belong to Alabas.



Werkslund used to be a land of beauty and wonder, it was also a place of war. For the entire pre-industrialization era, the nation of the land fought against each others for pieces of this region. When the industrialization came, Werkslund was the first to welcome the machines and factories. However the corporations and the government overexploited the land, resulting in it current state. Most of it citizen live in overcrowned citiesm often the prey of the criminal organization and the local brotherhood.


Werkslund has a complete code of law, with basic prohibition against murder, thievery, rape, kidnapping, etc. With a numerous number of commercial laws more often than not advantaging corporations.

Complete Informations[edit]


Werkslund is full of people, no alignment seem to have a hold over it people.


Except the few hidden lunars, their half-lunars offspring and maybe some rare other exceptions, Werkslund is populated purely by humans.


Werkslund being the biggest region, earned the biggest population. Most of it are rather poor but they do not struggle to survive. The laws and rights of the region make sure these things do not happen.

Government Type[edit]

Werslund is under the control of both strongest nations. In the modern days it in a period of peace


Vergeig and the 1st City are both considered the capitals of Werkslund, each belonging to the greatest nations.


Almost everyone in Werkslund speak common.


While the state of Alabas preach atheism, the Galamical church is still very much popular all over Werslund.

Important NPCs Information[edit]

Important Locations Informations[edit]

  • The 1st City: A shadow of it former self, the 1st City was mostly destroyed during the Red War. Today it is still being rebuilt, the city lack working hands and is considered one of the poorest city of Alabas. It destruction almost completely wiped out Alabas' influence over Werkslund. Now most of it district are either half-rebuilt or still in ruin, after 10 years. The brotherhood overwhelm in number the force of orders, and the city is too close of being pushed into chaos.
  • Vergeig: A gigantic industrial city, home of most corporations, The plutocrats of Vergeig are among the most powerful men on the planet. Being more influential than most of the imperial court, save the Prime Minister and the Emperor himself. The city house 3 million souls, bing the biggest city in the world.

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