Weapon and Armor Mods (5e Fallout Supplement)

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Certain weapons and items have modifications that greatly increase their abilities or completely change their mechanics all around. Below is a list of mods, how much they cost, and what weapons they apply to. Someone with the proper tools and know how (minimum Intelligence score of 12) can craft mods for half the cap cost and 10 minutes time. It's perfectly fair for the dungeon master to require the party to obtain a special material before crafting some modifications (ex, diamonds for the diamond tip chain or finding barbed wire for the barbed barrel) - after all, it's a post-apocalyptic setting and some materials may be much scarcer than they would normally be.

Most modifications, though, can be made with some random scrap, elbow grease, and good ol' gumption.

Melee Weapon Mods[edit]

Name Type Cost Effect
Melee Weapon Mods
Serrated Blade Bladed Weapons 1500 If the attack roll succeeds by at least 3 against a creature that is not a construct or wearing power armor, the target takes half the attack's damage at the end of each of their turns until they regain at least 1 hit point.
Poisoned Edge Bladed Weapons 2500 On hit enemies are poisoned for 1 minute
Heavy Weight Blunt Weapons 1500 On hit enemies are knocked back by 10ft and take an extra d4 damage
Sandman's Frame Blunt Weapons 2500 On critical hit knocks enemies unconscious for 1 minute
Light Weight Materials Heavy Weapons 500 Removes the heavy property
Lighter Weight Materials Non-Heavy Weapons 200 Gains the light property
Aerodynamic Coating All 400 Counts as a thrown weapon (range 20/60)
Reinforced All 1050 Increases Damage die by 1
Realignment All 1000 Gain +1 to damage rolls
Novice's Realignment All 2000 Gain +2 to damage rolls (Requires & replaces normal realignment)
Adept's Realignment All 3000 Gain +3 to damage rolls (Requires & replaces Novice's realignment)
Master's Realignment All 4000 Gain +4 to damage rolls (Requires & replaces Adept's realignment)
Weighted Grip All 100 Gives a +1 bonus to attack rolls with the weapon
Novice's Grip All 100 Gives a +2 bonus to attack rolls with the weapon (Requires & replaces Weighted Grip)
Adept's Grip All 200 Gives a +3 bonus to attack rolls with the weapon (Requires & replaces Novice grip)
Master's Grip All 300 Gives a +4 bonus to attack rolls with the weapon (Requires & replaces Adept's grip)
Electric Charge All 200 Changes the damage type from melee to energy
Mahogany Wood Baseball Bat 145 The weapon's weight is halved
Steel Core Baseball Bat 230 The weapon deals additional damage equal to the attack's ability modifier.
Box O' Nails Baseball Bat 100 Gain the serrated blade mod
Light Frame Chainsaw 180 Removes the heavy property
Diamond Tip Chain Chainsaw 250 Ignores increases attack bonus by 5 (not compatible with the Electric Charge mod)
Hardened Coating Batons/Clubs 200 Gives a +1 bonus to all AC while wielding this weapon
Spike Knuckles Brass Knuckles 150 Gives +1 bonus to damage rolls with the weapon
Extended Barrel Ballistic Fist 250 gains a range of 10ft
Thousand Fold Steel Katana/Shishkebab/Chinese Officer Sword 500 Increases the damage die by 1
Rapid Hammer Power Fist 330 You can make a second attack as a free action
Bladed Sheath Shishkebab/Chinese Officer Sword 450 The weapon's reach increases by +5 ft.
Stealth Gauntlet Frame Gauntlet/Glove 260 Gains the holdout property
Ballistic Grip Combat Knife 420 The weapon also counts as a Pipe 10mm Rifle
Pulse Tip Shock/Stun Baton 200 Gains the pulse property
Plasma Flame Shishkebab 1000 The weapon's damage is no longer halved against constructs and creatures wearing power armor
Heated Mallet Super Sledge 2000 Gains the burning property

Ranged Weapon Mods[edit]

Name Type Cost Effect
General Modifications
Long Barrel All 300 Gain +30 ft. range
Telescopic Sight All 410 The weapon's ranges are doubled while benefiting from the scoped property
Biometric sight All 350 As a bonus action while benefiting from the scoped property, you learn the AC and current hit points of one creature within range
Holographic sight All 200 The weapon gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls while benefiting from the scoped property
Scope Rail System All 600 You can have multiple sights on the same weapon
Light Weight Structure Heavy guns 750 Removes the heavy property
Steady Stock All 300 Gain +1 to attack rolls
Bayonet Lug Rifles 200 Weapon also counts as a knife (upgraded separately)
Paint Job All 50 Gain +1 to charisma checks
Single Action Guns with the Burst property 240 Burst property reduced by 3
Melee Mount Rifles 2000 Weapon also counts as a melee weapon with the light property (upgraded separately)

Ballistic Ranged
Powerful Calibrated Receiver All 1080 Gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls
Calibrated Receiver All 540 Gains +1 bonus to damage rolls
Light Weight Frame All 340 Halves the weapon's weight
Light Weight Stock Rifles/Shotguns 260 Halves the weapon's weight (can stack with the Light Weight Frame mod)
Shredder Casing Rifles/Shotguns 4000 On a hit, decreases the target's AC by -1. This can not decrease a target's AC below their unarmored AC.
Dragons Breath Load Shotguns 560 Gains the burning property
Magnum Slugs Shotguns 550 The weapon's ranges are doubled
Breach Load Chamber Shotguns 650 Attacks with the weapon target creatures within a 10 ft. cone in the direction of the target, dealing half as much damage to creatures that are not the target
Venelator Cartridges Submachine Guns 550 Burst property reduced by 3
Engravings All 840 +3 to charisma checks
Hi-Point Rounds All 600 Attacks with the weapon ignore half cover and three-quarters cover becomes Half Cover
Hollow Point Rounds All 650 Deal double damage against non-constructs while you deal half damage against constructs and power armored creatures
Dum-Dum Rounds All 650 Deals -1 damage but weapon does not degrade on a 1 nor can it jam
Pulse Rounds All 650 Deals double damage against constructs and power armored creatures but deals half damage against anything else
Fire Selector All 800 As a bonus action you can switch what ammo type you are using, any mod with Rounds in the name counts as an ammo type mod.
Silencer All 550 The weapon gains the silenced property
Explosive Chambering All 450 The weapon's damage type becomes explosive and gains the blast (10 ft.) property
Expanded Chamber Revolvers 220 The weapon's magazine increases by 4
Double-Action Revolvers 620 Gains the automatic property
Extended Mag Rifles/Shotguns/SMGs/Pistols/Heavy Weapons 220 Doubles the weapon's magazine
Quick Draw Mags All 140 Reloading becomes a free action
Barbed Barrel Minigun 650 Also counts as a chainsaw (upgraded separately)
Drum Mag Tommy Gun 150 Doubles the weapon's magazine
Oak Foregrip Tommy Gun 300 +2 to attack rolls
Mahoghany Grip and Stock Tommy Gun 450 +2 to attack rolls
Drilling Variant Double Shotgun (SxS) 540 The weapon doubles as a hunting rifle with a magazine of 1
Underslung Grenade Launcher Chinese Assault Rifle (Type 93)/Caseless Assault Rifle (H&K G11) 1000 Weapon also counts as a Grenade Rifle (M79) (upgraded separately)
Grenade Barrel Battle Rifle (M1 Garand) 950 You may load one grenade in the weapon as a bonus action. You may throw this grenade as a bonus action up to its long range without disadvantage
Combat Bayonet Assault Rifle (M16A1)/Service Rifle 250 Weapon counts as a combat knife with the reach property (upgraded separately)
Triangular Bayonet Battle Rifle (M1 Garand)/Black Powder Rifle 300 weapon counts as a knife with the serrated blade mod (upgraded separately)
Heat Treated Body Cowboy Repeater/Lever-Action Rifle 700 +2 to attack rolls and the weapon's base damage die becomes 3d6
Big Iron Conversion Hunting Revolver/Ranger Sequoia 1200 Gains a +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls with a +2 to initiative

Energy Ranged
Beam Focuser All 700 Removes the bolt property and gains the automatic property
Heatsink Dispenser All 420 Gains burning
High Fission Capacitor All 620 Gains a +1 bonus to damage rolls
Gyroscopic Calibration All 1200 Gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls
Ghost Wave Emitter All 440 Gains the silenced property
High Energy Capacitor All 1000 Gains an extra damage die
Optimized Tuning All 500 Doubles the weapon's magazine
MicroFusion Breeder Conversion Rifles/Pistols/SMGs/Shotguns 2400 The weapon's magazine is halved and uses a MicroFusion Breeder
Calcite Refractor Laser Rifle 1200 your shots are invisible to the naked eye, gains the silenced property and when you hit an enemy you don't alert them.
Quantum State Rounds Plasma Rifle 420 on a miss the round returns to the chamber as if it were never spent
Accelerated Coils Plasma Rifle 260 When you make an attack action you can make a second attack as a free action
Jacobs Ladder Telsa Rifle 500 Attacks chains to additional targets within 15ft of original target or affected targets
System Shock Tesla Rifle 1000 On hit targets must make a DC 16 Con save or become stunned until their next turn
Disintegration Ray Alien Blaster/Atomizer 2000 Ignores cover and as a bonus action can destroy up to 10ft of material

Explosive Ranged
Thumper Rounds Grenade Launcher 3000 On a hit, the target is knocked prone
Extra Chamber All 1000 Increase magazine by 1

Armor Mods[edit]

Armor similarly can also be modded. this table will tell in the same way what parts, cost, and effect the mod has. Someone with the proper tools and know how (minimum Intelligence score of 14) can craft mods for half the cap cost and 10 minutes time.

Name Part Cost Effect
Armor Mods
Lead Lining All 500 -1d12 to radiation you gain
Light Weight Stuffing All 100 Halves the weight of armor
Faction Emblem All 50 +2 bonus to Charisma checks with a specific faction
Nanotube Weave All 1000 +1 bonus to AC
Terrifying Paint Job All 225 +3 bonus to Intimidation
Elder Sign All 5000 +1 bonus to AC, aberrations and monstrosities gain -1 to all rolls against you while you get +1 to all rolls dealing with aberrations and mostrsities
Custom Fitted All 75 +1 to initiative .
Internal Compass Helmet 75 +2 bonus to Survival checks involving navigation, and you know which direction is north
Internal Radio Helmet 130 Able to receive and communicate with radios within 10 miles of you
Rebreather Helmet 325 gain water breathing
Flashlight Helmet 50 Provides bright light for first 20ft than low light for the next 20ft.
Motion Sensor Helmet 300 +2 on Perception checks involving creature detection within 30ft.
Tin Plating Helmet 200 Gives advantage on checks against certain non-physical psychic or mind-altering influences (i.e. mind control and Mirelurk King's Shout).
Spiked Shoulders Arms 400 When a creature makes a melee attack against you, they take 1d4 melee damage when attacking you
Silk Gloves Arms 60 +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand and Performance checks
Holdout Holster Arms 75 +3 bonus to hiding one pistol or SMG within the holster
Quickdraw Holster Arms 75 One pistol or SMG within the holster can be pulled out as a free action
Rubber Padding Arms 125 Reduce all energy damage taken by 1
Stabilizers Arms 100 +1 to hit
Asbestos Lining Chest 2000 You count as a construct for the sake of the burning property
Auto Injector Chest 5000 You automatically use 1 stimpack when you fall below half your maximum hit points without using any form of action
Emergency Injector Chest 5000 You automatically use 1 stimpack when you fall to 0 hit points without using any form of action
Extra Pockets Chest 135 The armor can store 1 cubic foot/30 pounds of gear
High Traction Soles Legs 150 +10 ft. bonus to movement speed
Noise Canceling Aglets Legs 1650 You make no noise while moving and +4 to stealth
Denim Lining Legs 175 Ignore difficult terrain
Knife Sheath Legs 50 +3 to hiding one throwing knife or similar small blade in your boot.
Name Series Cost Effect
Power Armor Mods
Jetpack All 3000 You gain a 60 ft. fly speed as a bonus action until the end of your turn
Paint Job All 1000 +3 to Intimidation
Speed Demon Treads All 2000 +20 ft. bonus to your movement speed
Stomp Forces 1's All 5500 When you fall at least 10 ft., you count as dropping a fragmentation grenade in the place you landed. This does not require you to have a fragmentation grenade, and you are not targeted, you don't take fall damage.
Oxygen Tank All 2400 Suit is fully sealed and holds 12 hours of oxygen
Mynomar Muscle Fibers All 8000 Removes the heavy property from the armor
Extra Plating All 5000 Gain +1 AC
Shoulder Mounted Weapons All 5000 You can mount a big gun onto the shoulder of a suit of power armor
Runic Connections All 2000 Alien weapons deal half damage against you
Psychic Dampeners All 1500 While inside the armor you are immune to psychic or mind-altering influences (i.e. antiviolence field, mind control, hallucinations)
TES Overhaul T-51 1000 When wielding melee weapons gain a +3 to attack and damage rolls
Overboss's Touches T-51 6000 gain +3 to AC and as a reaction you can negate any attack targeting you
Lion's Roar T-60 4000 As an action you can blast a loud roar that all within 160ft can hear, enemies who hear it must pass a Wis save DC 8+str+prof bonus or become frightened
Thomas The Blood Tank T-60 1800 As an action choose a direction, you triple your move speed and move in a straight line up to that distance ignoring difficult terrain and moving through enemies. Large or smaller enemies caught in the line take Melee damage equal to prof mod + level d8 + str mod.
B.O.S. Cog of Steel T-60 10000 +4 bonus to your Strength score while being worn (this can push you above the maximum cap)
Space Retrofit X Series 20000 +1 bonus to AC and immunity to the effects of a vacuum, you ignore difficult terrain and gain a swimming speed equal to your move speed in zero-g environments or underwater
Quantum Coating X Series 12000 you can use half your ac + prof mod + save instead of rolling for saving throws
Tesla Upgrade X Series 10000 Reduce all damage taken by half your AC

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