Force Powers (5e Other)
The Force[edit]
The Force, a mystical power coming from the weave, that gives many abilities, sometimes, people consider them... unnatural... These are a list of some of the most prominent. (For the spell variants, click here)
- Battle Meditation
Casting Time: 10 Minutes
Range: 30 Feet
Duration: 8 Hours
Force Point Cost: 5 FP
Side of the Force: Universal
You use the Force to manipulate the outcome of coming events. For the duration, you, and up to 3 creatures of your choosing have a +2 bonus to their AC, and their attack rolls. They are also given 1d6 + your Wisdom Modifier temporary hit points for the duration. For every extra 4 FP used, you can target another creature, And for every 2 FP used, you can to impruve the bonus in +1.
- Battle Precognition
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self
Duration: 10 Minute
Force Point Cost: 3 FP
Side of the Force: Universal
You use the Force to look into the short term future, predicting what will happen. Upon activation, you gain a +2 bonus to all Saving Throws made. For every extra 2 FP used, you can increase to bonus by 1.
- Choke
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 15 Feet
Duration: Conc. Up to 3 rounds
Force Point Cost: 3 FP
Side of the Force: Dark Side
You use the Force to concentrate the air around a creature's throat. The enemy rolls a Constitution Saving Throw against your Force Save DC, on a failure, they become incapacitated, cannot move and take 1d10 + your Wisdom Modifier Force damage at the end of each of your turns, on a success, nothing happens. At the end of their turn, they can reroll the Saving Throw. For every extra 2 FP used, you can increase the damage by 1d10. You can use this attack as long as your hands can move into the shape of a choking grip. At level 16, you can use this power without the hand movement.
- Drain Life
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 15 Feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Force Point Cost: 3 FP
Side of the Force: Dark Side
You shoot a bolt of dark Force energy at a creature from your palm as a spell attack. On a hit, they take 2d8 + Wisdom Modifier necrotic damage, and you heal the damage dealt. The target rolls a Constitution saving throw, and on a failure they gain a level of exhaustion. Every extra 3 FP used, you can target another creature.
- Fear
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 Feet
Duration: 3 Round
Force Point Cost: 2 FP
Side of the Force: Dark Side
You use pure dark Force energy around a creature, attempting to frightened them. The target must roll a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Force Save DC, on a failure, they are Frightened until the power ends. For every extra 1 FP used, you can target another creature. Having this power also allows you to spend 1 FP to add +2 to an Intimidation check.
- Force Cloak
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Duration: Conc. Up to 1 Hour
Force Point Cost: 3 FP
Side of the Force: Universal
Yourself or a creature you touch and everything worn or carried becomes invisible. If the target drops an item or removes it, the item is no longer invisible, and if the target tries to attack or cast a spell, the spell ends early. This cloak conceals a target's scent, however it does not cover up noises made by the target. For stealth checks, this ability also adds a +3 to your roll.
- Force Pull
Casting Time: 1 Action/Reaction
Range: 120 Feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Force Point Cost: 2/6 FP
Side of the Force: Universal
You concentrate the Force into a vacuum pulling an enemy in a chosen direction. They must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Force Save DC, on a failure, they take 1d8 + Wisdom Modifier force damage, and are pulled 10 feet, on a success, they take no damage, and stay in place. Every extra 1 FP used, the target takes another d8 of damage, and are pulled another 10 feet. If pulled into an object/structure, they take an additional 1d10 bludgeoning damage for every 5 feet it was pushed. Using this on a creature within Melee Range causes them to be Grappled. As a Reaction for 6 FP, you may pull a target within 10 feet of you to take half of an incoming attack's Damage and count as 2/4ths Cover.
- Force Push
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 Feet cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Force Point Cost: 2 FP
Side of the Force: Universal
You concentrate the Force into a blast in front of you, all enemies in a 30 feet cone must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Force Save DC, on failure take 1d8 + Wisdom Modifier force damage and are pushed back 10 feet, taking half damage and not being pushed back on success. Every extra 1 FP used, the target takes another d8 of damage, and are pushed backward another 10 feet. If they are slammed into an object/structure, you deal an additional 1d10 bludgeoning damage for every 5 feet it was pushed. If the target is grappling you, and you can put your hand on them, the target has a disadvantage in the saving throw, and do an additional 1d8 damage.
. Additionally for every 2 extra FP, the cone increases by 10 feet
- Force Shield
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action/Reaction
Range: 5 Feet
Duration: 1 Round
Force Point Cost: 1 FP
Side of the Force: Universal
You concentrate the force around you, or an allied creature creating a weak barrier against attacks. The target gets a +3 bonus AC until the end of their next turn. Every extra FP used, you gain an extra +1 bonus to AC. If used as a Reaction, you roll 2d10 + Wisdom Modifier to negate the damage of an attack or area effect, for the same cost as the bonus action. You roll an additional d10 per 1 FP spent.
- Force Sight
Casting Time: 1 Turn
Range: Touch
Duration: 5 Hours
Force Point Cost: 4 FP
Side of the Force: Universal
You touch yourself or a willing creature to grant it the ability to see in the dark. For the duration, that creature has can see through both magical and non-magical darkness up to 60 feet, as well as see through invisibility. For an extra 4 FP, you may grant a creature True Sight up to 30 feet.
- Force Speed
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 Feet
Duration: 1 minute
Force Point Cost: 4 FP
Side of the Force: Universal
You can choose yourself or a willing creature you can see. Its speed is doubled, it has advantage on Dexterity saves, and it gains an additional action on each of its turns. The action can be used to attack (one weapon attack only), dash, disengage, hide, or use an object. For every extra 3 FP used, you can choose another creature to activate the effect on. Spending an extra 2 points allows you to grant the target an additional Reaction.
- Force Weapon
Casting Time:1 Bonus Action
Range: Self
Duration: 1 Minute
Force Point Cost: 3 FP
Side of the Force: Universal
You concentrate pure Force energy around a weapon that you are holding. The weapon this was cast on now deals an extra 1d8+ your Wis Modifier Magical Force Damage for the duration. For every extra 2 FP used, you increase the extra damage by 1d8. If used on another person's weapon, the extra damage bonus is 1d6, with no modifier bonus. You can empower Unarmed Strikes with the Force, Additionally, your unarmed attacks empowered in this way can use your dex or wis modifier in place of strength, for attack and damage. The number of maximum dice is equal to your proficiency.
- Heal
Casting Time: 1 Action/Bonus
Range:10 Feet
Force Point Cost: 3 FP
Side of the Force: Light Side
You concentrate the Force around you or another person, attempting to heal their wounds by speeding up the healing process. A target of your choice within 10 Feet of you recovers 3d8 + Wisdom Modifier hit points. This can also be used to mend and heal constructs. Every extra 2 FP used, the number of people affected increases by one. Every extra 3 FP will add a d8 to the roll. Having this ability allows you to Stabilize dying creatures as a Bonus Action for 0 FP.
- Lightning
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 20 Feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Force Point Cost: 3 FP
Side of the Force: Dark Side
You concentrate the Force into your fingertips, and shoot it out as jolts of lightning. Make an attack roll against a creature using your Force Attack Modifier, on a hit, you deal 1d12 + Wisdom Modifier Lightning damage. For every extra 1 FP used, you can shoot out another bolt to target another creature, or the same one again. If you spend an additional 3 FP as a total, the target is forced to make a Constitution Saving throw, and on a fail, is paralyzed for 1d4 + Wisdom Modifier rounds.
- Lightsaber Throw
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 150/600 Feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Force Point Cost: 2 FP
Side of the Force: Universal
You throw your lightsaber at a ranged enemy. You make an attack roll using your Attack Modifier with the lightsaber, on a hit you deal your Lightsaber damage + 1d6 Force Damage (Note that you do not use your normal damage modifier for this attack , but your Wisdom modifier, fighting styles/lightsaber forms still apply). At the end of your turn, the lightsaber returns to your hand if it is free, or to your belt if your hand is not free. For every 2 extra FP used, you can choose another creature before your lightsaber returns to you. At level 16 you can attempt to throw your lightsaber at someone with enough force to lodge the saber in their body for several rounds. Make the normal attack roll and spend 2 extra strength points, if successful, you deal your Lightsaber damage + 2d6 magical burn damage, and the target takes the damage again at the start of each creature's turn. The target must make a Constitution save at the end of each turn to remove it. The saber returns to you normally.
- Mind Trick
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 Feet
Duration: Conc. Up to 8 hours
Force Point Cost: 4 FP
Side of the Force: Universal
You suggest an activity to a creature of your choice that you can see and that can hear and understand you. You're limited to two sentences. Creatures that can't be charmed are immune. The suggestion must be worded to make the action sound reasonable. Asking the creature to do something obviously self-harmful ends the spell. The target makes a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Force Save DC. On failure, it performs the action. The action can continue for the entire duration. If the activity can be completed in a shorter time, the spell ends when the subject finishes what it was asked to do. You can also specify conditions that will trigger a special activity during the duration. If the condition isn't met before the spell expires, the activity isn't performed. For every extra 2 FP used, you can increase the DC by 1. Having this ability allows you to spend 3 FP to add Advantage to any Charisma Checks, which can be stacked with the Force Persuade feature.
- Repulse
Casting Time: 1 Action/Reaction
Range: 15 Feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Force Point Cost: 5/7 FP
Side of the Force: Universal
You use the force around you, to push every creature in a 15-foot radius away from you. All creatures in a 15-foot radius must roll a Strength Saving Throw against your Force Save DC, on a failure, they take 1d12 + your Wisdom Modifier Force damage and are pushed back 10 feet. On a successful saving throw, the damage is halved, and they are not pushed back. For every 4 extra FP used, the damage is increased by 1d12, and the creatures are pushed an additional 10 feet. If a creature is grappling you, you only do half damage, but you break the grapple and force them to be prone for Wisdom Modifier rounds. When used as a Reaction, you negate oncoming Melee Attacks, while deflecting Ranged attacks for half damage back at their users. For an extra 3 FP, you may make this Reaction Deflect Magical Ranged Attacks.
- Stasis
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 15 Feet
Duration: Conc. Up to 3 rounds
Force Point Cost: 4 FP
Side of the Force: Universal
You use the force to manipulate a creature's body, paralyzing them for a short time. Your target must roll a Constitution Saving Throw against your Force Save DC, on a failure, they are Paralyzed for the next three rounds, being able to move at the end of your turn in the third round. If they succeed, their speed is halved until the end of your next turn. For every extra 3 FP used, you can target another creature. You must be 17th level or higher to use this power.
- Telekinesis
Casting Time: 1 action each movement
Range: 90 Feet
Duration: Conc. Up to 1 minute
Force Point Cost: 1 FP
Side of the Force: Universal
You concentrate the Force in your hands to manipulate the movement of an object or creature. You can lift an object of at most 110 pounds, and move it 20 feet using your action. (You can use these objects as weapons, if it isn't a weapon, it deals 5 + Wisdom modifier, or, if it is a weapon, it deals the normal damage of the weapon, except, it adds your Wisdom modifier to damage). For every extra 1 FP used, you can pick up multiple objects, however the objects total weight must be less than the max limit. Every extra 2 FP used, the weight limit becomes another 110 pounds, and you can move it another 20 feet. Alternatively you can lift a creature of large or smaller size, the target must make a Strength Save in Throw or be grappled and moved as an object, if it collides with a
creature or structure, the target and the obstacle takes 1d6 bashing damage for every 5 feet moved. For the extra 3 FP the category of the affected target goes up by 1. A creature can repeat the check at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. If you are using this to retrieve your Lightsaber, it comes back to you immediately. At 14th level, you are able to use this ability without hand movements as long as you are conscious and aware of your surroundings.
- Blind
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Force Point Cost: 1 FP
Side of the Force: Light Side
You mold the force into a bright light, blinding your enemies. everyone within a 120 foot radius must make a Dexterity saving throw or go blind for 1d4+Wisdom modifier rounds. This effect can be nullified by Force Sight.
- Electric Judgment
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 20 Feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Force Point Cost: 3 FP
Side of the Force: Light Side
You concentrate the Force into your fingertips, and shoot it out as a brilliant beam of electricity. Make an attack roll against a creature using your Force Attack Modifier, on a hit, you deal 1d12 + Wisdom Modifier Lightning damage. For every extra 1 FP used, You deal an extra 1d12+Wisdom of damage, and may add any on hit bonuses as if each extra die was a separate hit. If you spend an additional 3 FP as a total, the target is forced to make a Constitution Saving throw, and on a fail, is paralyzed for 1d4 + Wisdom Modifier rounds.
- Force Valor
Casting Time: 1 Action/Bonus Action
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
Force Point Cost: 3 FP
Side of the Force: Light Side
You focus the force into your body, boosting your physical capabilities. You gain a bonus to damage equal to 1d4+Wisdom modifier/2(rounded up) on all attacks, and can dash as a bonus action, as well as jump 2 times higher, and gain move speed equal to half your level rounded up. You also gain a bonus to hit equal to your proficiency bonus on all attacks, which stacks with Other sources of this effect. Your crit range becomes one higher, and you cannot roll a natural one on attack rolls, counting them instead as nat 2s. You may extend the duration of this power by spending more force points, increasing the duration by one minute per FP spent. You may use dexterity, insted of strength, when determining jump height regaurdless of if this power is active or not. You must be Jedi level 20 to use this power.
Note: What I mean by "additive" is it stacks when multiple sources are applied.
- Force Rage
Casting Time: 1 Action/Bonus Action
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
Force Point Cost: 3 FP
Side of the Force: Dark Side
You use the force to gather your negative emotions, and channel them for power. You gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to 1d6+ your proficiency bonus, and may attack an addtional time per attack action. You also gain bonus speed equal to your character level, and a damage reduction of 3. you gain a bonus to hit equal to your proficiency bonus, You gain proficiency in Constitution and Strength saves, your crit range becomes one higher (20>19-20>18-20 etc), and you cannot roll a natural one on any attack, instead treating them instead as nat 2s. You may extend the duration of this power by spending more force points, increasing the duration by one minute per FP spent. at the end of this period, make a dc 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion. You may use dexterity, instead of strength, when determining jump height regaurdless of if this power is active or not. You must be Sith level 20 to use this power.
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