Viral Bullosa (5e Disease)

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Viral Bullosa, Paper-Skins, Running Red[edit]

Contracting Viral Bullosa[edit]

The disease is caught by contact with an infected person's skin, blood, or contaminated clothes. Anyone exposed must make a Constitution save (DC 12) or be affected. Any successful save against this disease renders you immune to infection for 1d6+1 days.


Stage 1: Incubation No notable symptoms, though victims may find the point of contact itchy and, if scratched excessively, easily torn. This stage lasts for 5 days, during which time anyone who comes into contact with the victim must make a Constitution save (DC 5) or be infected.

Stage 2: Prodromal The victim's skin loses color, shifting toward a translucent white. Rigorous activity may tear the skin, and it provides less protection to the underlying flesh than that of a healthy person. Armor Class is reduced by 1, and any time the victim makes a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, they must make a constitution save against the DC of the check, or take 1d6 necrotic damage. This stage lasts for 3 days.

Stage 3: Acute The victim's skin becomes nearly transparent, and ludicrously fragile. In addition to the conditions of stage 2, the victim now takes 1d4 necrotic damage any time they are attacked, 'even if it misses,' unless they choose to forego their Dexterity bonus to AC. As well, it takes five times as long to don or doff clothing and armor. To don or doff at normal speed, the victim inevitably tears their skin, taking 1d6 necrotic damage. Finally, the victim may move at only half of their speed, or suffer 1d6 necrotic damage per turn moving faster than that. This stage lasts for 7 days, or 3 days of uninterrupted rest, during which time the victim may do nothing other than lie, sit, and tend to their biological needs. Even if the victim does not suffer damage, they will almost always have small tears in the skin of their joints, neck, eyelids, and other places which move and twist in day-to-day life, giving disadvantage on charisma checks when the target can see the victim.

Stage 4: Decline The victim's skin regains color, slowly. Effects are as stage 2. This stage lasts for 3 days.

Stage 5: Carrier The victim is more or less healthy... But must make a Constitution save (DC 12), or be an undetectable carrier of the disease for one month, during which time anyone in direct contact with them must make a Constitution save, DC 5, or be infected.


The symptoms and transmissibility of Viral Bullosa can be suppressed for one day by lesser restoration.

Viral Bullosa can be cured with a DC 16 Wisdom (Medicine) or Healer's Kit check, one day of dedicated work, and at least one gallon of strong alcohol.

Viral Bullosa can also be cured with lesser restoration cast with a spell slot of 3rd level or higher.

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