Vest of Fiery Healing, Pyromancers (3.5e Equipment)

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Pyromancers Vest of Fiery Healing: The Vest of Fiery Healing comes in three different useful varieties and one cursed variety. The others are minor vest of fiery healing, major vest of fiery healing, and vest of fiery pain.

All wounds healed by any of the Vests of Fiery Healing leave an angry red scar that seems to gleam with an inner light. Enough healings may eventually start to accrue a bonus/hindrance to some social situations at the DM's discretion. This healing does not regenerate lost limbs; it merely cauterizes the stump.

Embroidered with gold, platinum and adamantine thread and trimmed with rubies, this vest projects wealth and power. The wearer is granted immunity to fire. Additionally, the vest accrues a charge for every 5 points of fire damage resisted to a maximum of 3 charges; the wearer may then use a charge as a move-equivalent action to gain the benefits of a cure moderate wounds spell.

Strong abjuration and conjurationCL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, protection from energy (Fire), cure moderate wounds; Cost 45,000 gp + 1800 xp; Market Price: 90,000 gp

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