Variant Rules (Sylfaen Supplement)

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Here will be compiled some variant rules present in the world of Sylfaen. These rules are optional, of course, but help to create the level of tension this setting is meant to evoke.


Partial Disengage

When a character that is engaged with more than one hostile creature takes the Disengage action, they must choose a single creature to affect with that action. Any other creature can attack as normal.

Stabilizing a Character

There are two manners of stabilizing a character on Sylfan: with or without the healer's kit. With the healer's kit, the character stabilizing it must use an Action to make a Wisdom (Medicine) check against a DC of 15.

A character without the kit can also attempt this save. A success give the target 1 success on the Death Saving Throw, and a failure has no effect. A critical failure give the target 1 additional failure on the Death Saving Throw, and a critical success give the target two successes.

Exploration and Environment[edit]

Toughened Long Rests[edit]

Characters don't regain all hit points lost when they finish a long rest. The hit dice regained depends on the conditions of rest:

Poor Rest

Poor rest happens when a character sleep in an uncomfortable place. Sleeping without shelter, or in an improvised bed will often characterize poor rest. You also have a poor rest if you complete a long rest while infected by a disease, poison or if you have one or more exhaustion level.

When a creature completes a Long Rest in poor rest, they only regain half their hit dice back.

Pure martial classes are never affected by poor rest.

Good Rest

Good rest happens whenever a character sleeps in a sheltered place.

When a creature completes a Long Rest in poor rest, they regain all their hit dice back.


Crafting Consumables

When creating consumable mundane and magical items (items that are lost after being used once), such as healing potions and alchemist fire for example, the work day needed to create them is replaced by work hours.

Work Hours are the number of hours needed to craft a consumable. A consumable requires a number of work hours to create equal to 1 for each 25 gp it costs. For example, a healing potion would take two hours to complete, that can be done consecutively or in multiple intervals of 1 hour. All other crafting rules apply normally.

A character can complete a work hour during a short rest, but doing so prevents that character from rolling hit dice to regain hit points.



Most spells that bring a creature back from the dead don't work on Sylfaen. The only spell that are able to really restore someone's life is revivify, and any spell or feature that mimics the effects of this spell.

Also, a creature who is revivified slowly starts to losing their minds, gain an Indefinite form of madness.

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