User talk:Watermeloon5

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Welcome to my Talk page[edit]


Please refrain from messing with my stuff, I am sorry. Correction, please help me fix my stuff by talking to me. Thank You!

????Things that I own????[edit]

The Scientist class 5e. Aether Crystal Equipment

Literally anything that says I own it.

Ownership of pages[edit]

Hi, regarding your comments above, please note that it is long-standing policy that users cannot claim ownership of pages; please see Help:Attribution Policy and Help:Legal. The original contributor's vision and intent will be taken into consideration, of course, but understand that being the creator of a page doesn't give you ultimate authority over it. — Geodude Chatmod.png (talk | contribs | email)‎‎ . . 14:01, 30 September 2018 (MDT)

Again, Thank You[edit]

Yes, I read something like that a while ago, so thank you for helping me expand and again, all I mean is please help me correct mistakes that I will make.

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