User talk:Quincy/Sith Lord (5e Class)

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The problem with this class as I see it is, it doesn't really mesh with the 5e system. This class is extremely powerful beyond any core 5e class, and even its most powerful features are either vaguely described ("The damage can vary a lot but for the most part it should do 3d8. It you think this is too low or too high ask your dungeon master what they think it should be.") or use awkward, poorly-explained mechanics that would require user-interpretation, assuming they weren't thrown out ("It does need to be recharged every use by rolling a 6 on a d8."). Overall, it looks like a rough outline of a class that was written based on a half-remembered idea of what 5e classes and mechanics look like. I think at this point, the entire class needs to be rewritten from scratch.--GamerAim Chatmod.png (talk) 11:18, 22 October 2017 (MDT)