Saving my original creation to my main user page. Please do not edit.
Living Weapon[edit]
What are you? What is your purpose?[edit]
You volunteered to become a weapon for your race. When you went in you were weak, but through advanced nano-tech and arcane surgical procedures, you have become something more. Before the final process it was explained it that it was your choice what you wanted to in-body. The weapon you wanted to become. From here on your life as a -insert race- here is over and now you move on to something new. You are a living weapon and you will not be stopped by normal means. The only question now is...what will you rule? Sky, Land or Sea?
Creating a Living Weapon[edit]
[Random image on google that i cropped] |
Consider what you want to rule over. Air, Land, or Water. Your weapons and abilities will depend on it.
- Quick Build
You can make a Living Weapon quickly by following these suggestions. First, for Air Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Intelligence. First, for Land Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength. First, for water Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity.
Class Features
As a Living Weapon you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Living Weapon level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Living Weapon level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Land: Light, Medium, Heavy Air: Light, Medium Water: Medium, Heavy
Weapons: Air: finesse, Versatile, ranged Land: Heavy, two handed, ranged Water: Light, Martial, Ranged
Tools: Tinkers Tools, Black Smith tools
Saving Throws: Air and Water Intelligence, Dexterity. Land Strength, Constitution.
Skills: Acrobatics, and choose 1 from stealth, athletics, intimidation, and 1 other of your choice.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) One Finesse weapon of your choice or (b) One Ranged Weapon of your choice along with 20 pieces of ammunition fit for your weapon (bolts for crossbows, arrows for bows, appropriate bullets for guns)
- (a) A shield or (b) One simple weapon of your choice
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 3d4x10 gold in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Panzer Shot Damage |
1st | +2 | Built in Defense, Custom Weapon, ArcheType, Archetype ability | 1d4 |
2nd | +2 | Ammo Manufacturing | 1d4 |
3rd | +2 | Unarmored movement | 1d4 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d4 |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack, Arche type ability | 2d6 |
6th | +3 | Arcane Engine | 2d6 |
7th | +3 | Over Drive, Extra attack improvement | 2d6 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 3d6 |
9th | +4 | Unknown System Activation | 2d8 |
10th | +4 | Minor Self Repair System, Arche Type Ability | 2d8 |
11th | +4 | NanoSurge | 3d8 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 3d8 |
13th | +5 | Panzer Evolution | 2d10 |
14th | +5 | Expertise | 2d10 |
15th | +5 | Arche type ability | 2d10 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d10 |
17th | +6 | My Specialty | 2d10 |
18th | +6 | Hyper Drive | 3d10 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 3d10 |
20th | +6 | Arche Type ability, Grand Finale | 3d12 |
Built in Defense[edit]
Air and Water: Your Armor Class is equal to 10 + your proficiency modifier + either your Intelligence or Dexterity modifier
Land: Your Armor Class is equal to 10 + Proficiency + Strength or Constitution
At level 1, you must choose your archetype from below. Which gives you special features at levels 1,5,10,15, and 20.
Custom Panzer Weapon[edit]
You are outfitted with a custom weapon set, known as the Panzers. You are proficient with these ranged weapons. Note: Your panzer is based on the archetype you choose. Panzers are customized equipment made by the scientists that remade your body. They are a part of you as much as your hair or bones. They can only be removed and reattached by you or someone you willingly let help you. They typically take the form of slightly circular cylindrical(?) plates on your hands, shoulders or bulkier frames may be used(EX: the picture used) though ultimately they customized to the users preferences and can take any(reasonable) form.
The one constant is that they are attached to the body in some way but can be removed for maintenance if ever needed, or can be jettisoned if they are caught on something. They can always be reattached later, but if lost it will take a lot of time to be remade(Your DM can determine the time to better suit each individual campaign) The materials needed for remaking it(While it may differ in campaigns and amounts) is generally Steel, or other highly durable metal and 25GP(Smaller versions) up 150GP(bulkier versions).
The panzers are unable to use common bullet types(EX: 45 caliber, machine gun, 50 caliber, arrows, bolts, etc) and are only capable of firing their own specific type of ammo and cannot swap ammo on the fly. For one panzer to use another panzer types ammo, they would need a source to make that specific ammo and take an additional time to recraft the ammo manually for use.
Ammo Weights Air: 20 rounds = 2 lbs Land: 8 rounds = 2 lbs Water: 10 rounds = 2 lbs.
- Air Panzer
Fires rapidly, you make two attacks, doing damage(see table above)+dexterity. You must roll separately for each attack. Range of 10ft to 60ft max. The damage is piercing. Maximum ammo rounds that can be loaded at once - 20
- Land Panzer
Fires high power artillery slugs doing damage(see table above)+strength. Target makes a dexterity saving throw of 8+prof+strength or be knocked back 10 foot and prone. On a successful save, it will be knocked back 5 feet and not prone. The damage is piercing with an additional 2d4 fire. Range minimum 10ft, and maximum 120ft. Maximum ammo rounds that can be loaded at once - 8
- Water Panzer
Fire's concussive artillery rounds. It can fire up to two times doing damage(see the above table)+Intelligence doing thunder damage. The target must also make a constitution save of 8+profiency+Intelligence or be deafened and blinded until its next turn. Range minimum 10ft, and maximum 200ft. Maximum ammo rounds that can be loaded at once - 6
Ammo Manufacturing[edit]
At level 2 You have figured out the finer mechanics to how your ammo works and how to make it with ease. With the proper supplies and time you can now make your own ammo. You can carry as many as your weight limit(carrying capacity) allows, so long as you have a way to store them. At level 5 you can now make half the amount of what you normally would make while moving. At level 10 you can start making special bullets, for twice the amount of material.
The bullets are typically made from steel, but can be made from any type of metal, including Copper, silver and gold. You can even use your money as material as long as its a type of metal. When using money as material, the amount needed is the same regardless of monetary value. Each set of bullets made takes 2lbs of metal. Set of bullets amount. Air - 20 bullets land - 8 bullets Water - 10 bullets
- Specialty rounds
Can be used in any panzer but takes more time and twice as much metal.
- Explosive specialty rounds
These bullets are smaller then the other panzers. 20 of these bullets weight about 2lbs. For every one hour spent crafting, you can make 6 pieces of this type of ammo for your panzer. Special Bullets - Exploding Ammo - Adds an additional 2d4 fire damage.
- Freezing specialty rounds
These are bigger than the other panzer rounds. 4 rounds weigh 4lbs. For every one hour spent crafting you can make 4 pieces of this type of ammo for your panzer. Special Slugs - Frost Slugs - Adds an additional 2d4 cold damage.
- Electric specialty rounds
These rounds are not as big as the land panzers but not as small as the air. 10 of these rounds weighs 2lbs. It takes 2.5 lbs of material to make 10 rounds. For every one hour spent crafting you can make 20 bullets of this type of for your panzer. Special Artillery - Electro Shells - Adds an additional 2d4 Electric damage.
Unarmored Movement[edit]
At level 3, while wearing light or no armor, you gain an extra 10 feet of movement speed.
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
At level 5 You can attack once again in as a bonus action addition to first attack. This increases to twice at level 7.
Arcane Engine[edit]
At level 6 your attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance's and immunities.
Over Drive[edit]
Starting at 7th level, you can over clock your arcane engine and create a barrier as a reaction to an attack. This barrier raises your AC by 5 until the start of your next turn. You can also use 2 uses at once to move in front of an ally and defend them as a reaction. The ally can be no more than 20 feet away. You can do this an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus. The ally can be no more than 20 feet away. You regain half the uses after a short rest or all of them after a long rest.
Unknown System Activation[edit]
At level 9 your combat systems have improved and you've gained a special ability that even your creators didn't expect. These abilities can be used twice per short or long rest.
- Air
Sonic Boom - Your engine ports open fully as you move for triple your base movement speed in a straight line in an instant without invoking opportunity attacks. Arcane blades form from your wings and cut anyone in the path(creatures you move by) causing slashing damage of 4d6. This doesn't use up your movement action for the turn, but when using the ability you must move the full distance. If there is a wall in your way you can turn only once to avoid it but you can only go left or right, not backwards. Smaller objects such as vases, pots, small trees(EX: less then 4 inches thick, use common sense) Etc are simply destroyed. If you crash into an object, you(and the object if it has HP) take 1d4 bludgeoning for every 10 feet traveled and stop movement.
- Land
Giga Drill - You manifest arcane drill's on your arms and slam them into the ground creating an arcane earthquake in a 100ft radius, with yourself at the center causing 4d6 bludgeoning damage to anything in the area other than yourself and making the terrain upturned and rocky, making it a difficult terrain for normal people.
- Water
Homing Shot - Your eyes glow the color of the sea as a single arcane shell forms in your barrel. A targeting system locks on and you fire the shot. It doesn't matter the distance it homes in and follows the target even going around corners until it finally finds it target and pierces them through dealing 4d6 piercing damage.
Minor Self Repair System[edit]
At level 10 You need less time to be ready for combat again, and you no longer require sleep or food. You gain the benefits of a long rest from a short rest now. During the time you are resting, you are not asleep but simply in a stasis mode though you are still fully aware of every thing around you. The downside is that you will never dream again. Though you no longer require food, you can still eat it safely. Additionally during this time you make half the ammo you normally would if you were awake through automatic manufacturing.
At level 11 you discover that you have nanobots in your body. Strangely enough they reacted different to each of your brothers and sisters giving them different abilities.
- Air
The nanobots seem to be concerned with your ammo reserves. Once per combat they can fully restore either your missiles OR your panzer shot ammo.
- Land
The nanobots seem to be just as rough and rumble as you. Once every five rounds you can overcharge your panzer shot and fire a powerful arcane beam. This attack deals an additional 3 damage dice. EX: 1d4 > 4d4
- Water
The nanobots seem to be mostly concerned with the health of yourself and allies. Once per short rest you can use your nanobots to heal yourself or an ally within 5ft of you for 2d20 health.
Panzer Evolution[edit]
At level 13 the magic from your arcane engine and the nanobots concern for your safety has caused an evolution in your custom weapon and improved it. You can use these abilities twice per combat.
- Air
Increased auto fire rate, for the cost of double the normal ammo you can attack 4 times with your panzer instead of just twice.
- Land
Your artillery can now manifest the arcane drills for close combat. You may make two unarmed strikes for the damage of your artillery shot, and the damage type is changed to piercing. Roll separately for each attack using Dexterity. Additionally, the target makes a Dexterity saving throw if wearing armor, DC using Strength, or some of their armor is stripped away. On a failure, the target loses 1d4 AC until they get spend some time with Smith's Tools to fix it, DC 15.
- Water
Your artillery cannons can now fire chaff shots with special effects. You fire two shots at a time, using Dexterity for the attack rolls. Target makes a Constitution saving throw, DC uses your Intelligence modifier. On a success they only take the normal artillery cannon damage. On a failure, roll a 1d6. 1. Target is asleep until your next turn, or until attacked. 2. Target is paralyzed until the end of your next turn. 3. Target is poisoned and takes 1d4 poison damage at the start of their turn until they make the save. 4. Target is blinded until the end of your next turn. 5. Target is deafened until the end of your next turn. 6. Target takes all negative effects of 2-5.
At level 14 You gain expertise in 2 skills of your choice. If you already have expertise then add in triple proficiency. If you are not proficient in the skill, then you instead become proficient.
My Specialty[edit]
At level 17 you have evolved further than either you or your doctors had ever imagined and gained yet another unexpected ability. Please choose only 1 the choices under your archetypes specialty.
- Air
Cargo Carrier - You can carry one person or object regardless of size, so long as its mass(weight) Is not more than three times your own. At this time, you can only attack with a single shot from your panzers, which have conveniently become wing mounted and can rotate 360*.
Fighter Plane - Your now have two wing mounted panzers each capable of it's own separate attacks. You can make one additional attack action with your panzers on each turn if you are flying.
- Land
Driller - You can use your arcane drills to drill under ground and move around freely. You now have 40 feet of burrowing movement.
Heavy Artillery - You now have heavy artillery cannon on your back. You must use an action to load it with your special mechanics. During the loading process you have to bear down and brace giving you an additional 2 AC until the cannon is fired. On the following turn you can your action to fire the cannon, or continue to hold fire. The heavy artillery shell damage is 4d8 fire Damage from its explosion and 4d8 force damage damage from the concussion of the explosion. If it destroys an object than the shrapnel deals 3d6 damage to everything with-in 30 feet.
- Water
Cargo ship - You can make an arcane platform behind you that up to 8 people can stand on regardless of their weight and you can move with them behind you at 3/4 your movement speed. During this time you can share your radar guidance with anyone who has either other living weapons, cyborgs or androids.
Battle Ship - Your ac is increased by 2 and at the beginning of combat if you are at full health you gain Temporary health equal to half of your maximum health.
Hyper Drive[edit]
Starting at 18th level, you can use an action to pull out the true power of your arcane engines core and enter Hyper Drive for 1d4+1 rounds. During this time there are various effects. You can do so again after finishing a long rest.
Your body and artillery cannons glow a bright yellow, green, or blue (your choice) shedding bright light for 30 feet and dim light for an additional 10 feet. This light shines even within magical darkness. Your artillery cannons deal double damage during this time, and you gain one of the following effects based on your color:
Yellow: You roll 2 additional damage dice when determining the damage of your class features.
Green: You have advantage on all attack rolls.
Blue: You heal 2d10 hit points at the start of your turn for the duration.
Grand Finale[edit]
At level 20. Once per long rest you may use your ultimate ability. You will appear as if you are in hyper drive at this time.
- Air
Arial Ace is your ultimate attack. Your wings become more slim line and glow while golden arcane blades extend from their tips. In an instant you rip through the air in a straight line and appear in an empty space up three times your flight speed away. Everything in the line makes a dexterity save of 8+proficency+Dexterity. On a failure it takes 7d10 slashing damage or half as much on a success.
- Land
The tank cannon on your back extends and expands into a massive cannon with a large barrel gathering energy. Firing a blast of fire laced with arcane, so concentrated it appears as a beam. The heat so intense it turns the ground under it to magma as it travels, and the ground around self becomes a semi-liquid rock. Target makes a Constitution save, DC using your strength ability score modifier. On a failure, the target takes 10d10 fire, 5d10 force, and 2d8 bludgeoning damage, is knocked back 100 ft, and knocked prone. On a success, they take half damage, are moved back 50 feet, and are not knocked prone.
- Water
Your ultimate is not like the others. Rather than outright destruction, your power flows out from you in a light that appears as a tidal wave moving out from you in all directions for 200ft. It restores land and heals allies caught in it by 75% of their maximum health going no higher than their max. Foes caught in this wave make a Intelligence saving throw of 8+proficency+Intelligence. On a success, they are only pushed back 50ft and take half the radiant damage. On a failure they 5d10 radiant damage and you heal by that amount. Health beyond max is turned into temporary health for you. They are also pushed back the 100ft and knocked prone.
Air: B-52 Stratofortress[edit]
You have become the embodiment of a fighter plane to rule the skys.
- Flight
At level 1 you gain the ability to fly freely in the air and even hover. Your base flight speed and height is calculated the way you would normally have your base land speed. On land you move for only 3/4 of your flight speed. While in the air your not effected by difficult terrain(Ex: Up turned earth or icy roads), but strong winds or storms now count as difficult terrain while you fly and affect you accordingly.
- Jet Burners
At level 5 you have learned how to use your flight boosters in different ways. You gain expertise in acrobatics while in the air, and gain plus 2 to AC while in the air. Additionally, once per long rest you can move for double your flight speed just once as a bonus action in any direction with out invoking opportunity attacks.
- Heat Seekers
At Level 10 you have gained access to small but effective heat seeking missiles. The amount of missiles you have is equal to half your Living Weapon Level. You may use this feature up to your dexterity modifier times so long as you have the missiles to do so. Each missile deals 1d6 force damage and 1d4 fire damage. Extremely hot objects, such as fire or lava pits will draw the missiles in over living beings. You sacrifice 2 uses to make them "smart" missiles that will only seek the targeted heat signature. You can regain used missiles by spending 2 hours per day making a new missile. You can not make more than what you can equip to your wings unless you have an appropriate place to store them and can not equip them during battle. missiles in storage weigh exactly 10 pounds.
- I've got you in my cross hairs
At level 15 a new system comes online that you didn't know you had. A targeting system has activated. You now have advantage on attacks made from more than 10 feet(minimum) away from the target. You may use this targeting system up your Intelligence modifier times. Additionally if you roll a natural one while using this, it is counted at a 20, but only once per combat. If you roll a crit while using then than just once per combat will it do it double damage. All uses reset after a long rest.
- Aerial Supreme
At level 20 you are no longer effected by storms or strong winds. Additionally you can choose to expend all your ammo and charge your opponent in a kamikaze attack. Damage = 2d8 per missile + half of your current HP to target. You lose half of your current hp, and all ability to fly until you've taken time to repair all damage to your self(A long rest). Since you now have no ammo, you may still attack with unarmed strikes using your arm mounted weapons as bludgeoning tools. Dealing 3d4 Bludgeoning damage + Dexterity modifier.
Land: Panzer Tank[edit]
You are tougher than anyone else and your fire power is supreme!
- Tank Treads
at level 1 you are not hindered by bumpy or rocky terrain and much like your water based counterpart you seem to skim along the ground at times rather than just walk. You're tougher than your brothers and sisters and gain an additional 2 hp every time you level up.
- Unstoppable Force
At level 5 Your carrying capacity is doubled, and you have advantage on checks having to do with physical strength or fitness. So long as you remain in contact with the ground, you may add half of your proficiency to your AC.
- Double Tap
At level 10 You're more efficient and deadly now than ever before. With practice you have figured out how to fire your customized weapon safely at close and long range with no disadvantage. Additionally you can attack once more per round with your custom weapon as a bonus action(This increases to three times at level 20). This attack is with advantage so long as you've had one successful hit before firing it, otherwise you do not get advantage. You may do this a number of times per long rest equal to your Strength Modifier.
at level 15 when an attack would drop you to zero hp, you may choose to drop to 1 hp instead. Any attacks after this that would drop you, you must roll a constitution save 10 or you will drop to 0. The constitution save increases by 5 with each consecutive use of this ability.
- All Out
At level 20. You open fire with all your weapon ports and unleash a barrage of fire power down on to a single target. The target makes a DC Constitution save of 10 + double your proficiency. If successful they take half damage. If failed they take full 10d20 damage and are stunned until their next turn. You may use this ability once per long rest. Additionally your strength and constitution stat increases by 4, the maximum for these stats is now 24.
Water: SS Missouri[edit]
The land can not reach you, and the sky fears you. You are the apex predator of the water.
- Water Skimmer
At level 1 you have discovered you are at home most while on the water. You only sink if you want to sink or lose consciousness. You do not just "walk" on water, you skim over it with ease and can stand on it as if it were a solid surface. Your movement speed over water and land are the same. When ever one increases so does the other.
- Defensive Fire
At level 5, so long as you are on the water, ranged attacks against you are made at disadvantage so long as you can see where they are coming from. Once per long rest, you can fire explosive rounds into the water causing a water wall to form horizontally on that side of you giving you plus 5 to your AC until you next turn. This increases to two uses at level 13 and three uses at level 20.
- Anti-Air/Land Artillery
at level 10 you will no longer any disadvantage due to range, and all your range capable weapons gain an additional 50 feet of distance. Additionally once per long rest, you can load special ammo into your custom weapon that seems to be naturally made some how, but only three at a time. You fire all three shots at a target rolling separately for each one. The ammo deals 3d4 force, and 1d4 Electric, Cold, or Fire damage in which ever order you choose, but all three shots must be different. The uses increase to two per long rest at level 20.
- Radar Guidance
at level 15, you have gained a radar like vision in a 360* dome around yourself that stretches out 70 feet in every direction. This does NOT extend underground, or into other planes of existence, nor can it detect things like ghosts or specters. The range for this increases too 140 feet at level 20. Additionally at level 20, your radar vision can now distinguish between friend and foe.
- Wide Range Assault
At level 20, Twice per long rest you let loose an assault on every enemy withing your radar visions line of sight. This barrage assault does not target allies, but the damage depends on the amount of targets. One target 10d10 damage, 2-5 targets 6d10 each, 6-8 targets 3d10 each, 9 or more targets 1d10 each. If used a second time, you have less ammo to spend, and will burn out the remainder. The damage for the second attack is slightly lower at: One target 5d10 damage, 2-5 targets 3d10 each, 6-8 targets 2d10 each, 9 or more targets 1d10 each.
After the second use, you can not attack with ranged attacks any more as you have no ammo for them until your body makes them naturally over the course of a long rest. You may use your custom weapons to deal bludgeoning damage of 3d4+strength mod. All uses for this ability are restored after a long rest.
Water Variant: USS Laffey[edit]
Benson-class destroyer, Laffey. This Variant of water courtesy of "Laffeybest."
- Water Skimmer
At level 1 you have discovered you are at home most while on the water. You only sink if you want to sink or lose consciousness. You do not just "walk" on water, you skim over it with ease and can stand on it as if it were a solid surface. Your movement speed over water and land are the same. When ever one increases so does the other. Additionally, you may use your action to fire a torpedo in a straight line up to 50 feet long, detonating on the first thing it hits. On detonation, the torpedo explodes in a 5-foot radius. Targets caught in the blast must make a dexterity saving throw or take 4d4 (increases by 1d4 for each level after 1) fire damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. You may use this up to 4 times every long rest.
- Anti-air Guns
At level 2 you may use your anti-air guns as a bonus action. The damage is the same as your main gun, and uses the same amount of ammunition. You may target any airborne target in sight within a 50-foot radius.
- Wargod of Solomon
At level 5, every time you land a critical hit on an attack roll, attack rolls targeting you will have disadvantage and your attack damage for your main gun increases by 1d4 force damage for the next 2 turns. This increases by another 1d4 at levels 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.
- All Out Assault
At level 7, after every 10 attacks you make, you may use your bonus action to fire a barrage of armor-piercing shells in a 25-foot long straight line. Targets in this line must make a dexterity saving throw or take 8d8 (increaess by 4d8 at level 13) of piercing damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. The count for attacks made resets to 0 after every short or long rest.
- Annihilation Mode
At level 17, you may roll a 1d10 at the start of your turn. If you do, you may only do so again after 4 turns. If the number from the roll is higher than 6 (requires only higher than 4 at level 20), you may use your action to fire a stream of armor-piercing shells in a 35-foot long straight line. Anyone caught in the line must make a dexterity saving throw or take 12d10 piercing damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. Additionally, for the next 3 turns you may attack 3 more times with your main guns each turn. If you activate this feature, you may only do so again after a long rest.
Main stat for Archetype is 13 and be Level 15 To qualify for multiclassing into the Wizard(Air), Barbarian(Water), or Sorcerer(land) class, you must meet these prerequisites:
Class Features As a Bone Breaker you gain the following class features.
Hit Points Hit Dice: 1d10 per Bone Breaker level Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d10 + Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Bone Breaker level after 1st
Proficiencies Armor: Light armor Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons Tools: One type of artisan's tool Saving Throws: Strength and Constitution Skills: Choose three from the list: Acrobatics, Athletics, Medicine, Investigation, Intimidation, Sleight of Hand and Stealth
Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
(a) Leather armor or (b) One martial weapon (a) 2 Handaxes or (b) 4 Javelins (a) Dungeoneer´s pack or (b) Explorer´s pack A set of robes If you are using starting wealth, you have 3d4 x 10 gp in funds.
Bone Shatter When making an unarmed attack, once per encounter on a natural 20 and at the DM's discretion, you break the bones of an enemy. Roll a d20 to see what bone you break. On a 1-8, you break 1d4 ribs. On 9-12, you break a leg. On 13-16, you break an arm. On 17-19, you break 1d4 vertebrae. On a 20, you shatter the skull.
The damage and effects for Bone Shatter are as follows:
Ribs 1d4 piercing damage for each rib. Leg The creature should they have the appropriate appendage, has their movement speed halved until it is set or healed. Arm The creature, should they have the appropriate appendage, loses function of the limb until it is set or healed. Vertebrae 1d8 piercing damage for each Vertebrae. Skull The target must roll a Constitution saving throw or become Stunned until the end of your next turn. The DC for this saving throw is equal to 8 + your Strength modifier + your Proficiency bonus. Unarmed Master Your unarmed attacks are far superior, thanks to training. You deal increased damage and can add either your Strength or Dexterity modifier to the damage. You can make an unarmed attack as a bonus action on each round, unless you are using a weapon.
Unarmored Defense While not wearing any armor, your AC is equal to 10 + Dexterity/Strength Modifier + Constitution Modifier.
Unarmored Movement Starting at second level, you find that armor only serves to slow you down, while not wearing armor you may increase your base land speed by 5 feet. You can move much faster without it. At 7th level, you gain the ability to climb along vertical surfaces with a successful D20 skill check. Your movement continues to increase as shown in the table above.
- Climbing scale
At level 7 climb vertical if successful
5ft = 20% chance of failing
10ft 50% chance of failing
15ft = 75% chance of failing
Continue higher at 75% chance of failing
At level 12
5ft = 20% chance of fail
10ft = 25% chance of fail
15ft = 50% chance of fail
Continue higher at 50% chance of fail
Battle Stance Starting at your second level, you have learned that certain stances will help you in combat. You can enter and exit a stance as a bonus action. As per Concentration rules for spellcasters, if you lose Concentration, you exit the stance automatically and can not enter the same stance again until after a short rest. You learn more stances as you level up this class.
Wall Stance You stand tall, sturdy, and unmoving, with your hands up to parry incoming attacks. Your AC increases by 2 when you take this stance and Large or smaller creatures have disadvantage on Strength Checks to shove you, however, your movement speed decreases by 5ft. while in this stance.
Stance of the Kodiak With this position, you can more easily weave combos of attacks. While in this stance, you attack Twice per Attack Action. (This excludes bonus action attacks or reaction attacks.)
Martial Arts At 3rd level, you chose a Martial Art. Choose between Systema and Mixed Martial Artist. Both choices will be detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels.
Ability Score Increase When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Wall Attack At 5th level, on your turn, if you´ve moved ten feet or more, you can jump at a wall within five feet, and kick yourself off. This pushes you 5 + Strength Modifier feet into the air. You can make a kick attack to any target that is below, or is at the height of your jump, dealing 3d6 Bludgeoning damage and with advantage.
Extra Attack Beginning at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once. at 13th level, you can attack trice, instead of twice, when you take the Attack action on your turn.
Strength of Will At 6th level, your discipline alone is enough to break through magical barriers. Once per turn charge up your fists and make one magical un-armed attack. This magic dissolves immediately after the attack.
Battle Stance Increase At 9th level, you've learned three more stances to help battle go easier.
Stance of the Raging Kodiak An improved version of the Stance of the Kodiak. While in this stance, you attack six times total per Attack Action.
Rabbit Stance When you take the dodge action while performing this stance, enemies always have disadvantage on attack rolls against you, even if you can't see them. If you take the disengage action while in this stance, you can move up to twice your movement speed on your turn.
Reducing Stance You position yourself so that most attacks will have a reduced amount of power by the time they finally hit. You gain Resistance to piercing, bludgeoning and slashing damage, but your movement speed drops to 10ft.
Bone Shatter Improvement At 10th level, your ability to break your enemy's bones has become so powerful that you can now do it to any size category exept Gargantuan and Colossal. In addition, your damage goes up one die type. Finally, when you successfully break a bone you also get to roll another unarmed strike at disadvantage, and if this hits then you break another bone and roll another d20 to find out which one.
Running Fling At 11th level, you have become so agile that you can now throw with strong velocity. On your turn, if you have moved 10 feet or more and see an enemy within 10 feet, you can take an action to pounce at them, when you do that roll an athletics or acrobatics check of your choice at advantage and have your enemy do a single athletics check. If their roll is higher you fail to grab them and flee back 10 feet. If your roll is higher, you get to throw them 25 feet forward in any special fashion you want causing them to go prone and take 2d6 bludgeoning damage and if there is anyone in the way of the flying target they must succeed a 15 DC Dexterity saving throw to not take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and also go prone. You can only perform this maneuver on creatures one size larger than you or smaller.
Redirecting Hits At 15th level, you have trained to gain the ability in redirecting attacks. As a reaction, when a melee attack hits you, you can use the momentum of it and reduce the damage you take by 1d12 + your Dexterity modifier or Strength modifier. If you reduce the damage to 0 or below, you may then counterattack and roll for an unarmed strike. You can perform this technique a number of times equal to 1 + your Dexterity modifier or Strength modifier (minimum of 1) and regain the uses when you finish a Short or Long Rest.
Battle Stance Increase 2 At 17th level, you have learned the most powerful stances for combat.
Stance of Mithral While in this stance, you gain Immunity to non-magical Slashing, Piercing and Bludgeoning damage and resistance to fire damage. When you enter this stance, you gain one level of exhaustion. You must finish a long rest before using this Stance again.
Stance of the Dragon When you take this stance, you deal Fire damage with your unarmed attacks instead of Bludgeoning damage for 1d4 rounds and you roll two additional dice for damage rolls. You must finish a Long Rest before using this Stance again. This stance can not be broken.
Geist Charge At 20th level, you become so adept with your martial arts that you can temporarily boost your power. When you activate this ability, the skin from your hands to your elbows and feet to your knees become pitch black. While in this form, your AC increases by an amount equal to half your Strength score rounded down. You gain advantage on attack rolls. While in this form, when Bone Shatter is activated, you gain a new ability for a natural 20(Moving Skull Shatter down to 19 and Vertebrae to 17-18.) When initative ends you gain 3 points of exhaustion. If you continue to fight without a longrest you will gain 1 point of exhaustion at the end of initative. This can kill you if you cant long rest
Spine Snap
The target must make a Constitution saving throw or be rendered Prone for 1d6 turns. On a failed save they take 3d10 piercing damage and on a success, take half that amount. If the target has less than 65 health when this attack is made, they die.
The DC for this throw is equal to 8 + your Strength Modifier + your Proficiency bonus.
Systema Systema is a freeform Martial Art, training its performers to expertly use short blades, and disarm opponents.
Disarm On your turn, you can use your action to disarm a target within 5 ft of you. They must make a Dexterity Saving throw to keep their weapon. The DC for this saving throw is equal to 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Dexterity Modifier. This feature cannot be used on targets that are more than one size category larger than you. Additionally, you gain expertise in Daggers and Shortswords.
Rapid Strike Starting at 7th level, on your turn, you may use your action to rapidly attack one opponent in pressure points on their body, you make five unarmed attacks, you must roll for each attack, each hit dealing 1d6 Bludgeoning damage. You cannot use this feature again until you finish a Short or Long Rest.
Evasive At 10th level, when you are attacked by a creature, you may use your reaction to dodge away. You must succeed a Dexterity Saving throw, the DC for this saving throw is set by your Dungeon Master. Additionally, you add 1d6 Slashing damage to attacks made with Daggers and Shortswords.
Focused Slash At 14th level, when using a Dagger or a Shortsword, you score a critical hit on a 19-20, and if you Dual Wield these weapons, you can add your attack bonus to the second attack.
Surrounded When you have 3 or more hostile creatures within 10 feet of you, and no allies within the same distance, in a desperate attempt to not be massacred, you can make one unarmed attack on each enemy in a 10-foot radius. you have advantage on the attack rolls, and each one deals 2d12 Bludgeoning damage. You gain one level of exhaustion if the amount of creatures that you attacked is over 7. You cannot use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest
Mixed Martial Artist Perhaps you just wanted to know a lot of them, perhaps you were just indecisive. Whatever the reason, you have found yourself with the knowledge of several Martial Arts.
Boxer 3rd Level: You start hitting harder, and start finding it easier to hit your opponents. You can now break bones on a 18-20, and you add an extra bonus to your unarmed attack rolls equal to half your proficiency bonus.
Judo At 7th level, whenever you make a grapple attack on an enemy, you have advantage on the roll, and the target that you grapple is incapable of making attacks. After grappling an opponent, you are able to throw them 5ft in the direction of your choice, after which they are knocked prone. Targets that you grapple that are a size larger than you can still make attacks.
Karate Starting at 10th level, you are able to make a Heavy Kick as an action on your turn. This attack deals 2d10 Bludgeoning damage, and targets must make a Dexterity Saving throw. On a successful save, the target suffers no other effects, on a failed save, the target is knocked prone. The DC for this saving throw is equal to 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength Modifier.
Taekwondo At 14th level, you have learned some of Taekwondo, and you now know how to perform more specialized forms of kicks. You can make a spinning jump kick on an opponent as an action, this attack deals 1d10 + one-half of the number of feet you've moved on that turn.
Palm Strikes 18th Level: On your turn, you can make an attack action to perform a palm strike, dealing 2d8 additional bludgeoning damage on top of your normal Unarmed Strike Damage and knocking the target back 5 feet. This movement does not provoke Attacks of Opportunities. You can use this feature twice before needing to finish a Short or Long Rest before being able to use it again. Can be done as part of Extra Attack.
Multiclassing Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Bone Breaker class, you must meet these prerequisites: Str 13
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Bone Breaker class, you gain the following proficiencies: Acrobatics