Technical Item, Uncommon (Any alignment) This convenient little gadget functions as a communicator with the like, as well as a visor that prevents all blindness and makes it so anything gazed through is under the effect of Identify.
Chaining Electroblade[edit]Martial Melee Weapons, One of a Kind[edit]
A sword with an internal energy motor that generates energy to self-sustain its electrified plasma-laced blade. This weapon, with an item interaction, dislocates the blade edge to reveal a ribbed whip blade mechanism, which can be wielded as a whip. It has range of 10 feet, and deals 1D12 lightning damage. On a critical, synthetics and constructs are stunned. While it has its blade edge off, the blade part deals 2D6 bludgeoning or slashing (you choose). Erschosser[edit]Martial ranged Weapons, Two of a Kind[edit]
Thus named "Shoot to Death-er." It's a pistol that's not distributed widely. It's range reaches up to 120 feet. It does not require external charge, but does need to charge for 1 hour every 100 shots. Anti-ET Beings not human, synths or constructs (Aliens basically) take an extra lightning damage die (1D8) upon crit. EMP mode The gun's alternate mode can be activated with a bonus action, changing the function to that of a stunner. It loses its Anti-ET ability. The gun reaches up to 120 feet. It creates a small field (5 ft radius) upon impact. All creatures within range must attempt a Dexterity saving throw DC (8+your Strength and Dexterity mod). Upon failure, the creatures take 2D6 lightning damage and are paralyzed for one round. Upon success, the creatures take 1D8 force damage and are not paralyzed. Beast Light[edit]Heavy Archaic Martial Melee Weapons, One of a Kind[edit]
This heavy, flat blade is actually blunt, meant to smash through defenses. It has no special futuristic functions, and maybe doesn't need any. Guard When targeted by a ranged weapon attack and holding this weapon, you may expend your reaction to halve the damage dealt. This weapon does not have to be held in both hands to use this effect. Raw Force When you make an attack with this sword, you create an additional wave of Force that shoots in a straight line for 60 feet. This forces all targets in range to make a Strength saving throw against DC 10+your Strength mod +your proficiency bonus. Upon failure, the target is pushed back 5 feet and takes 2D8 force damage. Upon success, the target takes 1D8 force damage but is not pushed back. Hisagomaru Replik[edit]Martial Melee Weapons, Legendary[edit]
A crazy scientist witnessed a miraculous blade which heals, and so made a rough knife version of it for wider spread use. It remains relatively prototypical and used only in special circles. The heal factor comes from how the blade material vibrates at an electron level, emitting waves that accelerate natural healing. Heal Gauge This knife is used to heal rather than harm. The user must expend their action to attack themselves with this knife. Upon hit, the user gains up to 2D8 temporary hit points or restores 3D4 hit points. For every 3 uses where hit points are restored, this weapon gains one charge, with a maximum of 12, after which it no longer charges but continues healing. You can make a melee weapon attack with this knife then to release all charges, dealing 1D6 slashing or force damage for every charge, 12D6 max. Betrayed Shaft[edit]Archaic Martial Melee Weapons, One of a Kind[edit]
This light spear has a particularly long and keen blade edge, allowing it to also be wielded as a sword to slash with. It has a slight sentience somewhere. Companion If you would be attacked and this weapon is not in your hand, you may attack as a reaction with this weapon without handling it. If you can already counter, you may add this reaction on top of the existing counter. Ho229 Flight Unit[edit]
This suit is special issue and created so as to perfectly fit the pilot. It can only be handled by the expert fliers of the troop. When worn, the user gains 30 ft flight speed. The suit is also equipped with two blasters so when worn, the user cannot access any of their arms. The blasters are controlled during flight and deal 2d8 each and can both be fired on the same turn.