Welcome to the world of SINoALICE (also known as SoA), the dying mobile game from famed Yoko Taro, with music by god Keichi Okabe, and art from JINO. The game was launched in 2017 by PokeLABO and produced by Square Enix. It did not reach Global until 2020, which really stumped its growth. But here I am trying to make a TTRPG based on it, so I guess that doesn't mean it was a total flop... Or I'm just so dumb-bored.
This system is a hodge-podge of other games I played like DnD4e, DnD5e, GURPS, etc.
Library System[edit]
Welcome to the Library, the heart setting of SINoALICE! This is a mysterious pocket dimension manifested of various desires across time and space and turned into a giant archive of stories, allegedly the worst ones. The system is highly experimental, but the core focus is... KILL PEOPLE! This system is heavily combat-oriented, with roleplaying being more for your table's preference. However, this combat is not meant to be super risky or high-octane with rolls of the dice that determine your fate. It's a lot more set on your resource allocation and uses set numbers more than dice rolls. If you want chance-y combat where you hold your breath every round seeing if you land a critical hit, this isn't the system for you. Exploration is largely done by cutscenes for the most part, though you can augment this if needed. The addition of things like skills will be provided as an optional supplement.
- First, make a character
Making a character in the Library, it is suggested that you use an alias relating to that of an existing character from fiction. For example, all the characters of SINoALICE are all from various fairy tales, like Alice in Wonderland, The Arabian Nights, Cendrillon, etc.
- Assign your Stats
- Pick your flaw
- Second, choose a Class
Classes are listed below. They are rough chasses just for you to be able to tell how you will want to build your deck.
- Third, build your Deck
A deck is essentially your skillset and combat pool. Think of it as your list of spells/attacks. Decks are composed of 20 Weapons which you can choose based on the restrictions from your class. You start the game with a beginner's set and collect more weapons as you adventure and kill stuff.
- Fourth, go play!
Because this is based off a videogame, it is a bit more videogame-y. For example, you can just call your statistics stats. It's simple and gamer-like.
In SINoALICE, you have 5 Primary stats which combine in different ways to create the secondary Attack and Defense stats.
When making a character, you start off with 200 Build Points (BP) which you can assign to your 5 Primary Stats. No stat can go over 100 at character creation
Primary Stats[edit]
- Strength (ST)
“ | How freaking strong are you? How hard do you hit with a sword or hammer? Can you hold your bow and arrow steady or shoot without your darn gun smacking you in your face, you damn pansy?! | ” |
—Cinderella, Depravity incarnate |
Strength is a pretty basic stat. It represents the raw strength in a character, as in their physical ability to lift stuff and do strenuous bursts of activity. You use this stat when dealing with things like swinging swords, bending bars, holding your footing against a force trying to move you, etc. This stat is derived partly from the Physical Attack stat of the SINoALICE game, which is a primary focus for breakers and crushers. This stat also signifies a bit of your physical fitness, which is why it is also important for determining your HP.
- Spirit (SPI)
“ | Spirit is how people move on their own and sort of think for themselves, I think? I don't know, my staff told me something like that... I don't have spirits or guts, he says, so what do I know... | ” |
—Pinocchio |
Spirit is a stat representing stuff like willpower, essentially. A low spirit stat could make you have a weaker magical defense and magical attack. It also makes it harder for you to resist certain effects like depression and other mental debilitations. This stat is derived partly from the Magical Defense stat of the SINoALICE game, which is a primary focus for many rearguard classes, as well as the Magical Attack stat. So, this is a stat focus for paladins, mages, and gunners. Another important thing is that the spirit stat aids in Guts checks and Flaw Resistance, as well as Death Evasion, because anime logic.
- Health (HT)
“ | You gotta be healthy to play! How else are you going to keep up with the slaughter if you get winded and tired after getting a lung crushed?! | ” |
—Red Riding Hood, Brutality incarnate |
Health represents fortitude, constitution, endurance... how long can you hold your breath, for example. It factors a lot into durability and resilience against things like disease and poison, unlike spirit, which is more focused on mental effects. Health is not Health Points (HP), but a base stat that you derive Health Points from. It's thus always a good stat to have to improve survivability. This is a need increased by the fact that healing in SINoALICE is very limited. More Health, more Health Points.
- Agility (AGI)
“ | Everyone knows that he who strikes first gains the upper hand! And whoever's fast enough to strike more wins! And you know who said that? It was me! I wrote the very book on warfare, you hear me?! Hey, listen to me...! | ” |
—Nutcracker, Senility incarnate |
Agility is the stat of speed, basically. It doesn't actually factor into your accuracy with ranged weapons (dummy). This is an extremely useful stat because it will really allow you to increase the number of attacks you can actually make within a round. Agility gives you additional attacks via Non-Auto if you have enough points in it.
- Intelligence (IQ)
“ | Obviously, the smartest ones know the most about everything and can therefore prepare for a~ny~thing~! Now, let's get that mouth cracked nice and open so I can learn more about your insides! | ” |
—Dorothy, Curiosity incarnate |
Intelligence is the brainpower stat. It adds to your MAGATK, making it a focus for gunners, paladins, and mages. Other than that, it is also, like spirit, a stat for MAGDEF. A good number of skills fall under intelligence, so they make for a more flavorful character, for sure. This stat is probably the black sheep of all the primary stats, since it also encourages play other than brainless slaughter.
Secondary Stats[edit]
Unlike Primary Stats, which are pretty static, Secondary Stats are derived of Primary and can be altered by game effects, like buffs and debuffs. These also directly interact with combat and weapons.
- Physical Attack (PHYSATK)
This is the culmination of bodily strength you use when hack n' slashing through the Library. Add this stat to the damage of any heavy or blade weapon.
- Magical Attack (MAGATK)
This stat represents the magical ability of your character using weapons that have more than physical power. Add this stat to the damage of any projectile, artifact, or lance weapon.
- Physical Defense (PHYSDEF)
Your physical tolerance for pain is represented by this stat. When you are take physical damage and are defending, you can reduce the damage by twice the amount of this stat.
- Magical Defense (MAGDEF)
Your ability to withstand various magical attacks is represented by this stat. When you are take magical damage and are defending, you can reduce the damage by twice the amount of this stat.
- Health Points (HP)
HT + 1/2 STR
Self-explanatorily, this stat represents the state of your body. When it reaches 0, you die. However, due to the nature of the Library, death just means you exit combat. While in this removed state, the Admin (game master) rolls 4d6 to determine how many hours it takes for your character to return to 1 HP. True death is only when the game ends!
- Only clerics, leech weapons, and certain nightmares can restore HP during combat.
- Lifeforce (LF)
HT + 1/2 SPI
Lifeforce is the basis of all powers in the Library. It is a very important stat that represents how much fuel you have in the tank to use your weapons. LF is needed to do most things in battle, be it attacking or nightmare evocation.
Critical Flaws and Desires[edit]
One of the main things in any Taro game is heavily flawed characters! SINoALICE features characters who are connected to a single keyword that tethers their personality and story to a critical flaw. This is perhaps the most roleplay aspect of this system, and is meant to bring some fun to characters who just otherwise spend all their time slaughtering stuff. Below is an example list of flaws to choose from, as well as example characters from the game. Each flaw encompasses a wide range of implications for how a character acts, so keep these in mind when roleplaying. You can also create your own flaw, with the Game Master's permission and approval. These flaws are meant to be help for generating a character arc and story, both past, present, and future. It is a theme that defines your character and what they will do in the game.
Every flaw is coupled with a Desire, a mechanic that narratively arrives from the sheer will of character reacting to the Library's hunger for said Desires. As a result, Desires can grant bonuses to encourage characters to keep fighting. The flaw is also defined with a goal tied to it. This is similar to an "ideal" like in DnD5e's system of background tables.
- Bondage
You are forever obsessed and tethered to a person. You are bonded to them, perhaps not physically, but mentally and spiritually. Their image, thoughts, wants, and everything take up every part of your mind. Everything you do is for them. They occupy your thoughts 24/7.
- Your character's motivation is bound only in obligation to this person. Who are they? A lover? A family member? Your character considers their opinions and needs first before their own or anyone else's, always.
- If the bound person is deceased, your character will relentlessly seek ways to bring them back, no matter what other matters may be pressing. They may even seek to kill themselves if they cannot bring them back to join their obsession in the afterlife...
- Desire: You are unrelenting in your bond to your significant other and will fight through even a failing body to be with them. At the end of your turn, you regain HP equal to ½ your SPI stat.
- Example Character: Alice from Alice in Wonderland is a girl bound by her obsession to revive her dead author, Lewis Carrol. He consumes her every thought and she will do anything to revive him. So long as that thought consumes her, she does not need anything else. She is not a person who desires to kill, but she has murdered millions in the game to revive her author.
- Depravity
You are a person without morals. What everyone else seems to think is right is laughable to you. It's all a pointless facade for a shallow world of dog-eat-dog. In this world, only things like money, beauty, and power truly matter. Virtues and benedictions are just begging to be dragged through the mud.
- You are scornful of everyone but yourself and you always treat them as subhuman, degrading them and manipulating them. In simple terms, you are an absolute sadist and take pleasure in seeing others suffer in an absurd world.
- If there is ever a "correct" way of doing something, you will never do it. Even if it is pointless or contrarian of you, you will oppose it.
- Desire: Your depraved will is unrelenting and powers even your attacks. When you use a MAGATK weapon, you can subtract double its LF cost from your pool to double your SPI stat in damage calculation.
- Example Character: Cinderella from Cendrillon is a girl who lived as a slave to her cruel stepmother and stepsisters. What saved her ultimately was a pretty dress and some magical makeup. She learned her prince charming was no more than a pig that saw her as some pretty prize, so she uses him to gain control of his kingdom and thus utilize the power to step on everyone else as her ashen heart desires. Her beauty is weaponized and one of the many tools in her arsenal that she will relentlessly use to crush all who stand in her way to the top.
- Justice
You adhere to a strong and traditional set of ideas called your justice, which is the justice you think everyone must follow. Those who stray must be dealt with harshly, because justice does not tolerate the errant. You believe your intentions and heart to be white as snow itself and pure of any evil. You are the sole slayer of the forces that seek to pervert the world.
- Your character's motivation to uphold this justice does not waver in the face of grey morality. If a thief stole, his hands will be cut, starving family be damned. This extends even to the weak. For example, if a community did not stand up to a tyrant, they also all deserve to burn with said tyrant.
- If your character's justice is ever broken, you immediately lose all will to fight and gain the Spirit Possession condition. At that point, make a new character lol.
- Desire:
- Example Character: Snow White is a princess who became queen after marrying her beloved prince. After his untimely death at the hands of the evil queen, Snow White vowed to wipe out all injustice in the world as she saw fit. She laid waste to her former stepmother's kingdom, burning woman and children alike, for they were subjects of an unjust reign of evil. Her white wedding dress is stained red with the blood of many as her crusade to cleanse the world continues its Sisyphean path...
- Curiosity
Your primary concern in life is to answer any and all burning questions about everything. You are highly inquisitive and irreverent. Nothing is sacred from your questions and burning desire to know answers. You lack morals because, well, what are morals? Why do they matter? In the face of attaining knowledge, there is no limit nor should there ever be. This drive can be nigh insane and obsessive as a result.
- Your character is fascinated constantly by even mundane differences between things and finds everything amazing and curious to behold. If you find a family of squirrels, for example, you would want to look for differences down to their very DNA within the entire bunch rather than see them all as simply squirrels.
- In the event your character encounters a problem that needs... thorough inspections, you will not hesitate. Be it prostate exams, live dissection, live experimentation... You don't shy away from committing gross crimes so long as you get the samples and answers you want!
- Desire:
- Example Character: Dorothy from Wizard of Oz was dropped from Kansas into a strange new world where everything was so new and interesting! She met a tin man and he told her about his lacking of a heart. She met a lion who told her he lacked bravery. She met a scarecrow who didn't have a brain. Well, what were all these things? She and her newfound friends set out to find these answers. At the end of their adventure, when they had achieved what they wished, Dorothy now had her opportunity and took it... butchering her friends and storing them as samples that she now carries with her forever in her neverending search for answers to the many questions in the universe.
- Gluttony
All you desire is more. You don't know the meaning of moderation nor what "enough" is. Gluttony usually refers to food in this case. You'll eat anything, even your own body if it were delicious. There is nothing you care for except satiating an unending hunger. Your Sisyphean quest is as endless that that of curiosity, with no end in sight.
- Your character is food driven. You are always looking for things to eat, whether they are actually edible or not. Nightmares and even other Players are potential food sources in your vision, and they are often tastier than normal things.
- You think on nothing but food. Eating is your solution through life. In the event you come to a problem you cannot eat... well, you're screwed.
- Desire: When you kill another creature, you can spend your next turn devouring it to regain HP equal to your SPI stat.
- Example Character: The Three Little Pigs are triplets that no one can tell apart save that one is always thin, one is always fat, and one is just right. The three of them built their houses and two were eaten by a big bad wolf. The third piggy killed and ate the bad wolf, also eating her two siblings in the big bad wolf's belly. She realized how delicious the wolf and her sisters tasted and sought for more things to eat. Because, after all, as she eats, so do her sisters in her belly. And they would eat together forever.
- Nouveau Riche
- Aesthetic
- Dependence
- Delusion
- Masochism
- Misery
- Senility
- Hellfire
- Brutality
Unlike in DnD, classes are a very generalized thing in SINoALICE in terms of what they can do. There is a lot of overlap between classes within vanguard and rearguard categories. The main difference are slight abilities they have that augment certain interactions with weapons and bonuses. So, think of it like 4e more than 5e, with a few base core features and then modular powers the rest of the way. You can also see this as a form of template building (kind of like GURPS "classes"), where you just have suggested builds but can swap out anything of your toolset as you like.
After you unlock support classes, you will be able to take a second class but as a support. Supports vary also between classes and basically can expand your arsenal. However, since the gacha does encourage specialization, support classes that do not combine well with your main class are generally going to just disperse your build a bit.
Vanguards, per their name, are attackers and frontline. They focus on dealing damage. All vanguards can use blades, heavy, projectiles, and polearms. Breakers and crushers are called physical attackers, and gunners and paladins are called magical. Physical and magical attacks are important for the purposes of overcoming certain resistances, stacking certain bonuses, and triggering certain effects.
Breakers are also called swordsmen. They specialize in blade weapons and have the following base features:
- Blade Preference
When you attack with a blade weapon, you have a 10% chance of dealing additional damage equal to 50% of your weapon's base damage statistic.
Crushers are users of heavy weapons, like hammers and shovels. They specialize often in spreading damage more often than focus. Crushers have the following base features:
- Heavy Preference
When you attack with a heavy weapon, you have a 10% chance of targeting an additional target with your weapon that is within range.
Gunners are gunmen and users of weapons like bows and guns that use projectiles. Like breakers, they specialize in dealing damage to singular targets and have the following base features:
- Projectile Preference
When you attack with a projectile weapon, you have a 10% chance of dealing additional damage equal to 50% of your weapon's base damage statistic.
Paladins are users of polearms, like lances and spears. They are also known to target multiple enemies rather than focus, like crushers. They have the following base features:
- Heavy Preference
When you attack with a polearm weapon, you have a 10% chance of targeting an additional target with your weapon that is within range.
The rearguards are not people you want in the front line (save for mages). They specialize in helping the vanguard take down really tough enemies with a variety of buffs, debuffs, and healing abilities. All rearguards can equip tomes, staves, artifacts, and instruments.
Sorcerers are masters of the books, tomes, manuscripts, scrolls, and whatever inscription weapons there are. Their strength comes from amplifying the powers of their books' debilitating abilities, making them primarily debuffers. Choose either the Curse or Malady feature:
- Curse Preference
When you use a tome weapon, you have a 10% chance of increasing the debuff of your tome's power by 20%.
- Malady Preference
When you use a tome weapon, you have a 5% chance of targeting an additional target with your weapon that is within range.
Mages are the strongest damage-potential candidates in rearguard. They are highly unpopular as a primary class since they compete at a much lower level than vanguard damage classes. However, they do offer decent support and back up when all else fails. Choose either the Gale or Tempest feature:
- Gale Preference
When you use an artifact weapon, you have a 10% chance of increasing the damage of your artifact damage.
- Tempest Preference
When you use an artifact weapon, you have a 10% chance of targeting an additional target with your weapon that is within range.
Clerics are the healers of SINoALICE and a highly valued class because sometimes leech weapons can only do so much. They are staff uses and can increase the power of their healing or even target additional allies. Choose either the Breath or Gospel feature:
- Breath Preference
When you use a staff weapon, you have a 10% chance of increasing the healing power of your staff.
- Gospel Preference
When you use a staff weapon, you have a 5% chance of targeting an additional ally with your weapon that is within range.
The minstrels are the buffers of SINoALICE and are also known as bards. They are highly specialized in the use of instruments to increase the stats of allies. Choose either the Rhapsody or Capriccio feature:
- Rhapsody Preference
When you use an instrument weapon, you have a 10% chance of increasing the buff of your instrument's power by 20%.
- Capriccio Preference
When you use an instrument weapon, you have a 5% chance of targeting an additional ally with your weapon that is within range.
Support Classes[edit]
Support classes are additional benefits you get by using Mastery Points to buy from other classes or even increase your own class capabilities. There are three sorts of support classes: Normal, Spirit, and Divinity. Only the Normal Support can be purchased with Mastery Points. Spirit and Divinity support classes offer much higher benefits, but they have certain requirements that can only be granted by the GM and by completing certain tasks or meeting certain people. Below are the tables showing the types of classes within the three categories, as well as their additional effects and any requisites.
Normal Support Classes[edit]
Normal Support Type | Benefit |
Breaker | xyz |
Crusher | |
Paladin | |
Gunner | |
Cleric | |
Sorcerer | |
Minstrel | |
Mage |
Spirit Support Classes[edit]
Spirit Support Type | Benefit |
Proud Lion Breaker | xyz |
Wrathful Wolf Crusher | |
Greedy Crow Paladin | |
Envious Serpent Gunner | |
Lustful Scorpion Cleric | |
Gluttonous Tiger Sorcerer | |
Slothful Bear Minstrel |
Divinity Support Classes[edit]
Divine Support Type | Benefit |
Fortitude Breaker | xyz |
Temperance Crusher | |
Humility Paladin | |
Prudence Gunner | |
Kindness Cleric | |
Diligence Sorcerer | |
Chastity Minstrel |
The centerpiece of anything Yoko Taro, aside from quirky characters and story, is the weapons! Every single weapon, even a low-tier A rank, will have some story tacked to it that took some time to think up (or not). Weapons in SINoALICE are the main, defining power source. Think of weapons as the game engine and the class as merely a key to unlock it, because certain classes can only use or specialize in certain weapons. Weapons are the "cards" that make up a player's deck.
For each class, there is a weapon type they specialize in:
- Swords for Breakers
- Heavy for Crushers
- Projectiles for Gunners
- Polearms for Paladins
- Tome for Sorcerers
- Artifacts for Mages
- Staves for Clerics
- Instruments for Minstrels
Rank and Evolution[edit]
Weapons are all graded by rank, from A (lowest) to LL (highest). Weapons from A to SR rank can be upgraded from your deck using your mastery points. Weapons of L and LL rank are very strong and require special materials in addition to mastery points to achieve. This is called Evolution. The progression of a weapon is listed on its block, showing how to get to its next rank.
There are three affinities in SINoALICE. These are also called elements. Wind, water, and fire. Wind beats water, water beats fire, fire beats wind. Some enemies and weapons have special effects when interacting with their affinity. All Nightmares in SINoALICE are given a single affinity. Players are naturally affinity-neutral. However, certain effects can change that and thus make you vulnerable to certain affinities.
- Vulnerabilities and Resistances
If you strike an enemy with an affinity they are weak to (hitting fire with water, eg.), you take no penalties to your attack. However, let's say you hit a fire creature with a wind weapon. When an affinity resists another, they halve the damage dealt from the base weapon's damage. This means that the additional damage added on from your stats will be applied as normal and not reduced.
Example Weapons[edit]
Below are some sample cards taken from the game. Every weapon card is written in the following format: ;Weapon Name
- Rank: (The starting/base rank of the weapon when received)
- Progression: (How to upgrade the weapon. This will be written with the next rank, and the number of mastery points/materials needed to attain the next rank in brackets next to it)
- Affinity: (Fire, water, or wind)
- Damage: (The base damage the weapon deals)
- Effect: (Any other special goodies. Not all weapons have this)
- Weapon Name
- Rank:
- Progression:
- Affinity:
- Damage:
- <insert story>
- Weapon Name
- Rank:
- Progression:
- Affinity:
- Damage:
- <insert story>
- Weapon Name
- Rank:
- Progression:
- Affinity:
- Damage:
- <insert story>
- Weapon Name
- Rank:
- Progression:
- Affinity:
- Damage:
- <insert story>
- Weapon Name
- Rank:
- Progression:
- Affinity:
- Damage:
- <insert story>
- Weapon Name
- Rank:
- Progression:
- Affinity:
- Damage:
- <insert story>
- Weapon Name
- Rank:
- Progression:
- Affinity:
- Damage:
- <insert story>
- Weapon Name
- Rank:
- Progression:
- Affinity:
- Damage:
- <insert story>
This is sort of meant to be a centerpiece sort of thing, since SINoALICE is a very combat-oriented game... SIKE. SINoALICE has its appeal rooted in brainless AFK style gameplay! It echoes the issues from Taro's earlier games with Cavia, like the gameplay of Drakengard being way too grindy and same-same. Thus, what actually ends up happening is we have a very simple combat system that is meant to mirror how freaking ridiculous the world is and how easy it is for all these crazy people to kill other without much thought! So, here we go!
Combat in this system is based on rounds, which are composed of turns. Each participant in battle is called a character. The game is divided between player characters and Nightmare characters, which compose enemies as well as summons.
- Initiative
The player character with the highest LF stat goes first in a round, which is broken into turns. This means that initiative will actually change every turn, since player characters will be spending LF as they fight. At the end of each turn, player characters calculate how much LF they start with after replenishing their LF, and the one with the highest goes. Nightmares do not have LF and always go after player characters.
- Movement
You can move a number of spaces equal to a quarter of the sum of your ST and AGI stats using your entire turn and doing nothing else. If you want to move and attack, then you can only move ⅛ that distance.
- Actions
Each actor in combat can only make one action. They can either attack, recharge, defend, or evoke.
- Attack
- Players choose one weapon from their decks to make a single attack. Each weapon has a listed LF cost to use, a static damage number, and so on. Keep in mind that all attacks AUTOMATICALLY hit in this system! Subtract the LF from your pool and apply damage (don't forget about affinity modifiers!). Once you use a weapon from your deck, it becomes inactive. When you use all weapons in your deck, they need to recharge.
- Recharge
- When your deck is rendered inactive, you need to spend 10 LF to recharge your deck. This is specifically an action for player characters.
- Defending
- Defending always only costs 10 LF. You can defend instead of attacking on your turn, in addition to your usual movement. When you defend, all damage you take is reduced by either your PHYSDEF or your MAGDEF secondary stat. Which one applies depends on the attacking weapon. Use MAGDEF against breath attacks (npc-only), magic specials (npc-only), lances, projectiles, and artifacts, and PHYSDEF against natural weapons (npc-only), heavy, and blade. This is a commonly used tactic to stall and recoup LF since the cost is so low.
- Additional class effects and weapon abilities activate usually simultaneous to an attack, so be sure to factor those in. For percentage activation rates, roll a d100.
- Evoke
- Evoking is a special move that you can use only if you have a Nightmare equipped. You basically summon and activate the Nightmare's active ability. You can only do this once per combat. Some Nightmares have an LF cost and so will take up a lot of your resources if you aren't careful. For Nightmare characters, evoking is using any of their special abilities.
- Non-Auto
At this point is pretty much the end of the turn... unless you have a great AGI stat! Similar to Shadowrun's initiative passes, it is possible to make multiple attacks here. If your AGI stat is high enough, you can pay 20 LF to make an additional attack with a weapon (and pay for that weapon cost, too). You declare how many attacks you want to make in non-auto, and you cannot attack more than your AGI allows. You pay the additional 20 LF cost for each. You cannot Non-Auto if your deck is empty. Only player actors can non-auto.
- You can make one additional attack for every 30 AGI you have. So, if you have 100 AGI, you can make 3 Non-Auto attacks!
- Turn End
After all Non-Autos and attacks are done, every player regains a number of LF at the end of the turn equal to their SPI stat. You cannot regain LF over your maximum. And then the next round begins. Every round is narratively simultaneous movement, so all turns are happening at the same in-story. This includes Non-Auto, which can be written as extremespeed, in essence. Collectively, a round is only 1 second!
Example Turn[edit]
Let's say that Breaker Alice starts with 100 LF as her maximum. She moves to towards the Hateful Orc and uses her Sword of Bondage to attack, expending 20 LF per the cost on its card. Her sword has a base damage number of 50 and is a water affinity. Alice has a ST of 40 and a HT of 40, so she can add a total of 80 to the damage, making her total damage 130. Because she is a Breaker, Alice can roll a d100 to see if she triggers her class' additional damage. She rolls a 58, which does not trigger it so she does not add any additional damage to 130. The Hateful Orc has an affinity of fire, which is weak to water, so Alice takes no penalties to her attack. The Hateful Orc has HP of 200, so Alice reduces its HP to 70 in one go. Since Alice has an AGI stat of 40, she can also make 1 Non-Auto attack. She opts for her Shortsword of Grief, spending 40 LF in addition to the 20 LF needed to use Non-Auto. She has therefore used 80 LF up in her turn. The Shortsword of Grief has a base damage of 70, making it more than enough to kill the Hateful Orc. Alice's turn concludes, and she has a SPI of 50, so she regains 50 LF and ends her turn with 70 LF for the next round. Alice's flaw is Bondage, meaning she recovers HP equal to half her SPI score, meaning she gets 25 HP at the end of her turn.
Mastery Points[edit]
If you ever played Final Fantasy 2, you know how whacky that leveling system was, with the usage of a skill determining your leveling up in it. Well, SINoALICE has a similar idea in the game. Here, to encourage more cohesive growth, that's not the case. Like in Shadowrun and World of Darkness, the storyteller (or Admin, like Parra and Noya), assigns the points to players as they see fit at the end of a session. These are Mastery Points, and you can use them to purchase new weapons, support classes, and other stuff.
Benefit | Mastery Cost |
Normal Support Class | 100 Mastery |
Swap Weapon (A) | 10 Mastery |
Upgrade Weapon (S) | 20 Mastery |
Upgrade Weapon (SR) | 50 Mastery |
Weapon Support | 25 Mastery |
- Special Enhancements
Some things need more than just mastery points to unlock. These need materials that are harvested from monsters which periodically will appear every session (L+LL weapons)
Out of Combat/Noncombat Actions[edit]
Outside of combat is largely where plot unfolds in this game. Character interactions take place when you aren't trying to slaughter each other. The Game Master can consider the use of __Scenes__ here. Scenes are periods of time separated by scene shifts, where you can change the scenery to avoid calculating time of travel. It's like flipping a page to the next chapter after some big fight. Scenes usually have about one session of combat each, though Game Masters can augment this however they wish. Just try not to let characters get too rusty. During the noncombat portion of Scenes, the usual rounds of combat, as well as weapons and nightmares are considered non-functional. Note that this is a highly disruptive and definitely breaks seamless integration. This is for simplicity's sake as well as emulating the downtime.
Outside of combat you can also use items and skills.
Welcome to the Library[edit]
The main denizens of the Library are called Nightmares. They are all more or less former humans or creatures that have gained sapience within the purgatory that is the Library. The ones listed here have coherent memories and pasts. All Nightmares confer special benefits when equipped. Ranks tell how powerful a nightmare usually is. All nightmares are grouped under generic Types.
- Human:
- Golem:
- Plant:
- Beast:
- Bird:
- Wisp:
- Snake:
- Spider:
- Orc:
- Ghost:
S Rank[edit]
- Nomia, Greed's Emissary
Nomia was a human girl whose parents abusive. She is the sister of Gluttonous Eris. Eris murdered their parents while Nomia watched. Nomia fell into the Library and lost her memories of the event, but eventually remembered her sister. Unfortunately, Eris' consciousness devolved and Nomia had to kill her.
- Cake Spider
This spider nightmare is a former NGO worker who was disillusioned with the apathy of the world towards starving children. He started his own organization to try and gather orphans and keep them fed within a war-torn country. Unfortunately, his good intentions were squandered with a lack of funds and alienation by other companies and organizations. As a result, he and his wife were driven to extremes to provide food for the children. He resorts to digging up the corpses of other Nightmares and feeding that to the children. The guilt of feeding the children their own parents eventually destroys his psyche and he commits suicide, beseeching his wife that he be baked into a cake for the children to devour him as his final wish.
- Chronos
The son of a wealthy lord, Chronos is the neglected child. He is a gentle boy who just liked gardening, eventually raising Blue Poppy. The flower is his only friend, and the first flower he ever grew. Within his family, the expectations for fame and wealth made him unhappy and blinded him from what he truly desired. People chastised him for his diligence in watering the flower and keeping it nourished with smelly manure. He eventually kills his family and burns the manor down, wishing to just look upon the world with his friend as he had hoped for before. The two of them meet again within the garden world of the Library.
- Esse, Investigator
- Solitary Black Rabbit
- Drizella, Envious Serpent
- Conman Fox
- Swole
- Chameleons
- Mechanical Dragon
- Python
SR Rank+[edit]
- Sheila, Error of Judgment
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Sheila is the name of a human-type nightmare that appears in the Library. She is also known as the "Error in Judgment" as well as the "Space-Time Inquisitor." She gained these titles after having translocated into the Library (though it is perfectly sound to say she died in the process and thus ended up here). Her "error in judgment" was the decision she made to leave her war-torn home world ahead of her friends and colleagues, thus ending up in the Library alone. Having traveled space-time in search of a world they could live in, she is the "inquisitor." However, she merely ended up stranded and alone in a warped mansion in the outskirts of the Library.
Having arrived alone, Sheila waited patiently for X amount of years (likely several millennia, as time does not pass uniformly in the Library). She maintained the space-time travel device that allowed her transportation and hoped her companions would come swiftly after her. During her long wait, she remodeled the mansion in preparation to greet them. However, as the years wore on, she grew more and more lonely and impatient. These changes in her demeanor came to reflect on the manor, warping its space into that of an ever-changing maze. Even worse, her emotions drew slews of vagabond nightmares to the manor, making it a rife hangout.
In order to forget her loneliness even a little bit, Sheila wiped out her memories and placed them in a backup copy, which came to be scattered around the manor. She erected murder wisps as the guardians to these "keys." Wiping her memory prevented her from remembering her purpose, home, and even the space-time machine, which eventually fell into disrepair. She wanders the manor, appearing merely like another nightmare, nothing thinking, or feeling lonely, anymore...
Appearance and Personality
Sheila appears as a young girl, likely prepubescent. She is around four feet to four and a half feet tall. She wears a black dress, has dark magenta hair, pale skin, and red eyes. A pair of black horn-like extrusions peek out from her head. Her dress is short, adorned with metallic embossing, and ragged after millennia of wear. Under her dress, she has black leggings from above her knees. Like all the bound nightmares of the Library, she wears a dragon chain collar. Like all the human nightmares, a part of her face is covered until she removes her limiter after drinking several chalices of plant mucus, beast oil, serpent blood, and dragon blood. Her affinity is flames, and so the nightmare expulsions from her are red and fiery. These tinge her dress and also cover her forearms and make up a long, scorpion-like tail that extrudes from her back. Her hands are black, metallic claws, shaped like a scorpion's, which she uses to shoot and disarm opponents from a distance.
Personality-wise, Sheila is very terse. Even without her memories, her taciturn demeanor shines through. However, this is merely the result of years of mental anguish that whittled her emotions down to nothing. After having waited for so long, she feels betrayed, yet bound to remain frozen in waiting. Even if her endeavor is pointless and a waste of time, even to her, she continues to wait, showcasing a helplessly bound devotion to failed hope. While she lacks her memories, Sheila is vaguely aware of how to access the manor's innards, and she retains a sharp tongue and wit, noteworthy of her dabbling in sciences. A person like Dorothy is thus worthy of her acknowledgement, whereas Red Riding Hood can go off herself. At the heart of it all, though, Sheila is slowly reaching the end of her rope and is absolutely fine being destroyed alongside the machine that bought her here in the first place.
Sheila's intense sorrow, despite losing her memories, is a lightning rod for other nightmares. However, while she lives among them and the murder wisps, she does not fight alongside them, being rather solitary. In fact, having lost her memories, she is even likely to attack them or be attacked herself. It is not incorrect to say Sheila lacks allies. However, she pines for her colleagues that she left behind. After losing her memories, her heart shut out all emotion almost. But, one day, a certain visitor came and touched her heart for the first time in a long while. This meeting spurred time to diverge into two paths. In one of them, Sheila finds a true friend and goes adventuring with her into the vast multiverse.
While Sheila remains ignorant of her original memories, she wanders about the broken manor like a warding spirit. After being befriended, she is often willing to help travelers fight nightmares within the domain. Sheila retains a high level of curiosity and intelligence. She is perceptive and inquisitive, though a bit recalcitrant to show it openly. If she sees something that piques her interest, she will want to subdue and dissect it. This includes the murder wisps that she created to house her lost memory. Most of Sheila's focus is simply to satisfy her curiosity at this point, as she does not remember her companions or anyone she wants to meet. However, once she can leave the manor, supposedly she develops desires of her own that mirror her original self more.
- Daize, Hyena of Fault
- Barbarian
- Hana, Wilted and Rotten
- Leattie, Offering to the Abyss
- Noin, Desert Winds
- Gluttonous Eris
- Ulysses, Enchanting Wings
- Blue Poppy
- Red Poppy
- Rikone, Nine-tailed Rejection
- Lelai, Iron Chain Petals
- Seere
- Prometheus
- Belladonna
- Gorgon
- Thanatos
- Surtr
- Aello
- Ladon
- Rafflesia
- Ziz
- Fenrir