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This is supposed to be a personal little amusing project to bring forth the crunch and tactical prowess of 4e, as well as its cleaner feel in some ways, and merge it with the uber popular 5e, which is a simplified love letter to the old 3.5e. And then I'm just sprinkling in whatever else I feel like as well. GURPS, for example, has great wording examples for roleplay mechanics that would benefit pretty much any system. This is also technically present in systems like World of Darkness and Shadowrun.

Powers vs. Traits/Features[edit]

Powers are like spells, but for every class. Each one has the capability of gaining a lot of traction in battle as you leveled up. This was why 4e didn't have the martial-caster divide that 3.Xe and 5e did, because even martials essentially got spells. The issue with that is differentiation and a glut of powers that ended up sounding like they mechanically did the same thing.

Martial Maneuvers[edit]

To help bridge

New Keywords/Mechanics[edit]

Splitting Sustain

Sustain is a duration for powers that can last multiple turns using a certain action. In the case of 5e, this was changed only to concentration for spells. Well, that sucks for martials, who do get sustain powers in 4e. So why not mesh them to give both caster and martial utility? Sustain in 4e is for all power sources, but let's make it even more tactically complex.

  • Concentration (x action) is for arcane, divine, and psionic powers.
  • Sustain (x action) is for primal and martial powers.

Design Note: Because of its edginess and non-utility, the shadow power source is omitted from this project

  • There are thus new feats that can increase how many powers you can sustain by reducing it by one action level (standard->minor, minor->free, etc.). These feats are paragon level feats, though they can be used by heroic characters if they fulfill the requirement:
    • Heroic casters need at least 22 Intelligence.
    • Heroic martials need at least 22 Constitution.

Expanding the Exploration and Roleplay Pillar[edit]


Adding More Skills

To look over and integrate

Skill Proficiency Tiers
Skill Proficiency Levels
Proficiency Level Bonus Flavor
Horrible -4 You're all thumbs.
Inadequate -2 You know what this skill is, but no idea how to do anything about it.
Neutral 0 This is the default base for any skill you are not proficient in, unless you have a flaw.
Adequate +2 You have some good know-how on this skill.
Tradesman +3 You've got a good amount of experience in this skill.
Expert +4 You are the one who everyone looks to for this skill.
  1. Tier names tentative
  2. Master proficiency grants a +5 bonus, but you cannot attain this proficiency until you reach level 21.

Roleplaying Augments[edit]

Using stuff from shadowrun...

Backgrounds and Themes[edit]



This should help

Power Sources[edit]




Class Progression[edit]

Classes in general

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