‘Hold yer goddamned line, Drizz't!’ Bruenor's voice crashed against the exquisite smooth-walled catacomb, ‘If th' Shadowsewn escapes all of Sigil's going up crap's creek for good!’ The elf was busy, tumbling between ancient lords of undeath given form. Bronzebeard's old eyes shone to life and his grey-streaked hair shimmered with the power of Mystra's providence. The others were already engaged with the overlord's top bodyguards.
Just then from the ceiling a square hole opened, and down fell a cube... creature? The heroes, lords of undeath and even the Shadowsewn itself stopped. ‘This catacomb be surrounded by igneous rock for miles! How in the Forgefather's flames did ya ge' here!?’ the old dwarf sought. The minecrafter looked around, ate a slice of bread in three seconds, crouched a few times, then mined down through lich's floor, leaving a block of dirt in the hole.
Multi-tiered pagodas of stained glass and shanty huts built on quicksand. Museums of glowing splendor and beacons of kaleidoscopic light, forgotten crafting tables and nonsensical mines. Fortresses of red-white smoke hissing, and run-down shacks with roofs missing. All that and more are what unites minecrafters, creatures with abilities of creation almost unmatched, the wonders they create are unmatched.
If not for their forgetfulness and capriciousness, they'd already be ruling the nine realms, but they'd rather go and build a farm, organize all their belongings again, then make a picture of their friends' crying face big enough to be seen from space. Then go mine some more.
Epic guys, nae nae whip fortnite
Physical Description[edit]
A stack of minecrafters, moments before hurting themselves. By Mojang |
It's said that if you've seen one minecrafter, you've seen them all. (And just as well, since a single minecrafter's harder to come by than every single goblin on this earth.) All minecrafters have the same proportions, they are 6 feet tall on the dot, they have a head that's a perfect cube, square torso, square arms and square legs. Their skin, or the equivalent of skin, is usually grainy to the touch, it's hard to determine how it feels, other than how straight every surface on them is.
But while their shape doesn't differ, their look certainly does. There are no set in stone rules for how a minecrafter looks, most look like normal creatures, with two eyes, a mouth and two hands. But their skin can go from tawny to white to red, green and neon all at once. Their head may look like a flowing bucket of magma or their entire body might resemble the face of an orangutan. It is said that all minecrafter choose their skin (as it is called in their culture) before birth, and they wear it for life. The way a minecrafter looks is often a reflection of their personality, whether it be serious and reasonable, or a chaotic force of nature that thinks even their body is a vessel of expression.
One day, a cyan-shirted Minecrafter popped up.
<Race Name> Names[edit]
Generally Minecrafters choose their own name at birth, most are mono-syllabic and banal, for most choose their builds to express themselves.
Male: Steve, Sephiroth, Minecraft, Notch, Grian, Hero-Brian,
Female: Alex, Merriadoc, Ashley, Minecraftina, Stephanie
Minecrafter Traits[edit]
Angular folk with extreme work etiquette. Usually busy punching trees and building dirt shacks.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution, Dexterity, or Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Minecrafters, as a rule, die far before their physical age takes them. You live for 64 years, and die on the same day you were born.
Alignment. Generally, minecrafters don't care much for others stopping their will to express themselves onto the world, the majority of them are Chaotic. In terms of Good and Evil, most minecrafters stay neutral on such matters.
Size. Minecrafters do not vary in height or size. You are always exactly 6 feet. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Polyhedral Build. You count as two sizes larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Alternatively, if you are playing as the minecrafter class, you gain 3 inventory slots.
Miner's Eyes. Whenever you make an Wisdom (Perception) check related to determining the location or existence of unrefined ores or jewels, you are considered proficient in the Perception skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Crafter's Hands. You add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check made with artisan's tools that didn't include your proficiency bonus already. Additionally, crafting time for items you make is halved.
Enchanter. You can spend 8 hours and 10 gp, (or 3 sugar canes and one leather at a crafting station) to create an Enchanted Book. This book can contain one effect from the minecrafter enchanting effects or 2nd level artificer infusions lists, which you choose when starting the game. You can change your chosen effect whenever you gain a level.
Whenever you finish a long rest, you can bind the book to any nonmagical object and bestow it the effect, destroying the book in the process. You can only have one such effect active at a time, if you create a second book, the effect vanishes before you finish creating your second book.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Crafter's Cant. Crafter's Cant is a language spoken through crouching, head movements, and flailing of the right arm.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
6′ 0'' | + | 170 lb. | × 1 lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating a minecrafter character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | I personally name every tool I craft, and I mourn their loss deeply. |
2 | I always carry a full stack of dirt around. Someday I'll need it. |
3 | If I can't mine it and I can't craft it then it's not my problem. |
4 | I'll start building a house, but I'm not finishing it. |
5 | I narrate to an invisible rapt audience whenever I'm mining or crafting. |
6 | All the crafting tables and furnaces I leave everywhere? Just my signature. |
7 | Non-square shapes of buildings annoy me. The rounder they are the worse I get. |
8 | I always jump and sprint everywhere, like I'm on a sugar high. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Irreverence. Castles, legacies and governments are all equally temporary. (Chaotic) |
2 | Expression. If my mind reflects the world I see, then the world shall reflect my mind. (Neutral) |
3 | Cohesion. Wood may be weak, but it is still instrumental in even the strongest tools. (Good) |
4 | Structure. Buildings are to be made even, blocks equilateral, and the world sensical. (Lawful) |
5 | Insatiability. I need and need more until I don't never need no more. Then I want more. (Evil) |
6 | ……………… … … … … … … …? (…Neutral) |
d6 | Bond |
1 | My first crafting table is sacred, I refuse to use any other one, and I'd rather craft by hand if I'm parted. |
2 | The village I found when I first woke up is my home, and I will protect it at all costs. |
3 | I may or may not be expelled from multiple communities for breaking building decrees. |
4 | I left my only saddle on a pig, and that pig is still out there somewhere. |
5 | I may slaughter chicken for their meat, but not this one with the nametag. |
6 | It's just a dream now, but one day I will make this one build so extravagant that the world will tremble. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | Whenever I smell minerals I have to dig straight to them, even when I know it's a bad idea. |
2 | I hoard valuables instead of using them for fear of losing them later. |
3 | I do not care how temporary the structure is, it simply must look good for me to build it. |
4 | If I have less than I can carry I'm under-prepared, I must prepare more. However long it takes. |
5 | Doors? Why, to trigger every trap known to block-kind? I'm digging in, whether it's a cave or inn. |
6 | I don't like to waste time, if things go wrong I can just wall us in and make a base, so let's go!! |