Narasimha bucks the stereotypes of Barbarians. He is actually from a school of Zen thought. He enjoys the intellectual pursuits such as poetry, and plays the violin and the flute. His rage is not the frothing rage of the berserker, but instead a cold fury. His religion is similar to the Tao Te Ching or Loazi.
Narasimha is a luddite. He opposes the change to the new ways of technology, and believes it has ushered in nothing but evil to the world at large. He has seen the pollution and the elimination of the old forests and the old ways, and seeks to revert back to the way things once were.
Narasimha is not his true name; he has long since given up his original name. Instead, it is a combination of an assumed name and a title. He calls himself "The Narasimha".
Narasimha is big. Like, the kind of big where if you walked into the guy on the street, you'd go "man he's big".
Male Human
[[Barbarian (3.5e Class)|Barbarian]] 3
HP: 3d12+6 (42 HP)
Stat Totals: Str 18, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
Initiative: +3
BAB: +3
AC: 16 (10 + 1 dex + 7 armor - 1 vulnerable flaw - 1 aggressive trait)
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +2
Languages: Common, Ancient Zen Tongue
- The Ways of Old +10 (damage: 1d8+7, 18-20/x2) and great scimitar +9 (1d8+6, 18-20/x2)
- The Ways of Old +10 (damage: 1d8+9, 18-20/x2)
- Note: The rage dice are only added up to a number of times equal to the attacks granted by my BAB. So if I hit with The Ways of Old, the second hit wouldn't get the rage dice.
- The Ways of Old +12 (damage: 1d8+9, 18-20/x2, +1d6) and great scimitar +11 (1d8+6, 18-20/x2, +1d6)
- The Ways of Old +12 (damage: 1d8+11, 18-20/x2, +1d6)
Other Details[edit]
- Can enter a rage as an immediate action when doing melee damage to a foe or being struck by a foe.
- Cannot not cast spells, activate magic items, use spell-like abilities, or drop his weapons or shield.
- Rage lasts until he has neither struck an enemy for three consecutive rounds nor suffered damage from an enemy for three consecutive rounds. He may voluntarily end a Rage as a full-round action.
- Rage Dice +1d6
- DR 3/-
- +2 to saves
- -2 to AC
- +2 morale bonus to hit and damage
- +5' to speed.
Resistances, Immunities, Etc.[edit]
- DR 3/adamantine (Adamantine Breastplate)
- While not raging, Fast Healing 1
- While raging, DR 3/-
- While raging, can use fort saves instead of will saves.
- While raging, if he is under the effects of a compulsion or fear effect, he may act normally as if he was inside a protection from evil effect.
- Human Bonus: Two-Weapon Fighting
- Level 1: Blitz
- Level 3: Combat School (Twin Sword Style)
- Flaw: Horde Breaker
- [[UA:Aggressive|Aggressive]]
- [[UA:Hardy|Hardy]]
- [[UA:Stout|Stout]]
Weapon Groups[edit]
- Basic Weapons
- Bows
- Heavy Blades
- Exotic Weapons
- Balance 1
- Intimidate 6
- Listen 6
- Perform (flute)
- Perform (violin)
- Sense Motive 6
- Spot 6
- Swim 1
Class Features[edit]
- Rage
- Fast Healing 1 (when outside of a rage)
- Rage Dice +1d6
- Combat Movement +5'
- Battle Hardened
Magic Items[edit]
- The Ways of Old (minor magic weapon -- it's a Great Scimitar (Sandstorm)
- Great Scimitar (Sandstorm)