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CR 1
Unsized unknown

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 1
Speed 5 ft.

10 (+0)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)

Senses passive Perception 10




Work In Progress

  • ac
  • saves
  • "skills" & tools
  • "marks"
  • spellcasting
  • more categories
  • default hp and stuff from {rank}
  • auto-populating actions/traits/etc (as {trait}); e.g., unarmed strike
  • {trait}
  • treasure
  • proficiency bonus has to be put in manually if higher than 2, currently
  • no alignments
  • otherwise you can slap {{5e Creature}} stats into this, add a rank, and it should mostly work

|title=Optional.  Use if different than the page title.
|size= Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan, or Titanic
|type=aberration, beast, construct, dragon, elemental, fey, fiend, giant, monstrosity, ooze, plant, undead, or object
|subtype=elf, demon, goblin, shapechanger, devil, or one of many other possibilities
|cr=The creature's proficiency bonus and "challenge rating"; any from 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 ... hypothetically
|pb=The creature's challenge rating, e.g. "3". Defaults to 2.
|role=Usually one from Artillery, Brute, Skirmisher, Guard, Ambusher, Manipulator (aka debuffer), Leader (aka buffer/healer), or Minion
|descriptor=2 to 5 Words, Capitalized

|image=Image url
|imagelink=Image source
|imagepx=Image width in pixels.  Leave blank to auto-scale.

|str= Strength score.  The modifier is added automatically.

|strsave= Optional.
|dexsave= Optional.
|consave= Optional.
|intsave= Optional.
|wissave= Optional.
|chasave= Optional.
|save="{{5g|Advantage}} against spells" or "{{5g|Advantage}} against being {{5c|Charmed}}"

|hd= Number of hit dice.  E.g., a creature with 4d6 HD would have this be "4".  Average HP is calculated in part on this.  If left blank defaults to 2 HD per rank, hypothetically.
|hp= Optional.  Overrides hd and auto-hp with whatever plain text you use.  Useful for multiclassing creatures.

|ac=Overwrites armor and shield with a two-digit value, such as "13". Hypothetically.
|armortype=Overwrites armor and shield with a narrative description, such as "leather armor, shield". Hypothetically.

|speed= Only enter the number in feet, e.g. "20" or "5".
|swim= Optional. Swimming speed.
|burrow= Optional. Burrowing speed.
|climb= Optional. Climbing speed.
|fly= Optional. Flying speed.

|dv= Optional.  Damage vulnerabilities.  Damage types include acid, bludgeoning (or blunt), cold, fire (or heat), force, lightning (or electric), necrotic, piercing, poison, psychic, radiant, slashing, and thunder (or sonic).  {{User:Guy/CV|Fire}}
|dr= Optional. For resistance to one or more damage types.  {{User:Guy/CR|Fire}}
|dt= Optional. For damage thresholds.  Hypothetically.
|di=Optional.  For immunity to one or more damage types. {{User:Guy/CI|Fire}}
|ci= Optional. For immunity to one or more conditions.  Conditions include blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, grappled, ignited, incapacitated, invisible, paralyzed, petrified poisoned, restrained, soaked, stunned, and unconscious. {{User:Guy/CI|Grappled}}

|senses= Optional.  "darkvision 60 ft.", "tremorsense 60 ft.," etc.  Common senses include blindsight, darkvision, tremorsense, and truesight, usually in increments of 30 ft.



|languages=Optional.  {{User:Guy/CL|Common}}, {{User:Guy/CL|Orc}}, {{User:Guy/CL|Jotun}}, etc.  Particularly powerful and intelligent creatures may simply know "all" languages.  A special language is telepathy, which must have a specified range, usually being 60 ft. or 120 ft., as in {{User:Guy/CL|Telepathy|60}}.

|traits=Optional, but almost universal.
|actions=Optional, but almost universal.
|legendaryactions=Optional.  Any text here turns on the "legendary" toggle, hypothetically.

|ruins=yes. omit any line for an unused environment.




Probably not going to use these but... for an "ecology" block, maybe:

|desire=read TCoE
|cycle=day, night, twilight, morning, dusk, irregular
|diet=Omnivorous, but prefers fish.
|gear={spear}, {hide}, 1d6 {ration}s of meat
|wage=percentage and minimum, maybe
|cost=for mules and stuff
|treasure=Idk I can't make unique d100 lists for every monster.  Maybe for every creature type.
|tools={thieves' tools}