User:Guy/Too Many Weapons

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i wouldn't recommend this.
this is in part what happens when you say:

  • "more weapons is better, right?"
  • "more weapon properties is better, right?"
  • "different damage type? that's enough reason to make another clone of the same weapon."
  • "one monster in the MM uses it as a weapon so it counts"
  • "add guns"
  • "add goofy weapons like yo-yos and giant boomerangs"

Weapon Damage Cost Weight      Properties d100
Simple Melee Weapons
Bat 1d6 bludgeoning 5 gp 3 lb      braceversatile (1d8)
Boar spear 1d4 piercing 10 gp 5 lb      braceheavyversatile (1d6)
Bug net —  0.1 gp 2 lb      net (Tiny)
Cane 1d4 bludgeoning 5 gp 4 lb      lightversatile (1d6)
Cat-o-nine 1d6 slashing 15 gp 3 lb      lash
Claw glove 1 slashing 10 gp 0.5 lb      finesseglove
Club 1d4 bludgeoning 0.1 gp 2 lb      focus (arcane, druidic, primal); light
Dagger 1d4 piercing 2 gp 1 lb      finesselightthrown (range 20/60); 
Felling axe 1d8 slashing 10 gp 5 lb      destructivereapingtwo-handed
Fishing hook 1d4 piercing 1 gp 0 lb      finessegrievouspetite
Gavel 1d4 bludgeoning 0.1 gp 0.5 lb      finesselightpetite
Giant shears 2d4 slashing 10 gp 8 lb      diregrievoustwo-handed
Greatclub 1d8 bludgeoning 0.2 gp 10 lb      cleaveheavytwo-handed
Handaxe 1d6 slashing 5 gp 2 lb      focus (jotun); lightthrown (range 20/60); 
Javelin 1d6 piercing 0.5 gp 2 lb      thrown (range 30/120); 
Knuckle duster 1d4 bludgeoning 10 gp 0.5 lb      glove
Knife 1d4 slashing 2 gp 1 lb      finesselightthrown (range 20/60); 
Hammer 1d4 bludgeoning 1 gp 2 lb      destructivelightthrown (range 20/60); 
Longspear 1d6 piercing 5 gp 5 lb      braceversatile (reach)
Mace 1d6 bludgeoning 5 gp 4 lb      bashingfocus (divine, spiritual); 
Mattock 1d6 slashing 5 gp 3 lb      destructiveversatile (1d8)
Pitchfork 1d6 piercing 2 gp 4 lb      grievoustwo-handed
Pocket knife 1d4 piercing 5 gp 0.5 lb      finesselightpetite
Sap 1d6 bludgeoning 15 gp 3 lb      lash
Scepter 1d6 bludgeoning 25 gp 5 lb      focus (abyssal, arcane, draconic); 
Scythe 2d4 slashing 10 gp 8 lb      cleavedireheavyreapingtwo-handed
Shovel 1d6 slashing 2 gp 5 lb      versatile (1d8)
Sickle 1d4 slashing 4 gp 1 lb      finesselightreaping
Sledgehammer 1d8 bludgeoning 2 gp 10 lb      bashingdestructivetwo-handed
Spear 1d6 piercing 1 gp 3 lb      bracethrown (range 20/60); versatile (1d8)
Staff 1d6 bludgeoning 0.2 gp 4 lb      focus (druidic, primal, psionic); tripversatile (1d8)
Torch 1 bludgeoning 0.01 gp 1 lb      lightspecial
Simple Ranged Weapons
Atlatl 1d6 piercing 25 gp 5 lb      ammo (range 80/320); heftyslow
Compact crossbow 1d6 piercing 25 gp 5 lb      ammo (range 80/320); slowtwo-handed
Dart 1d4 piercing 0.05 gp 0.25 lb      finessegrievouslightpetitethrown (range 20/60); 
Discus 1d6 bludgeoning 0.5 gp 2 lb      heftyslowthrown (range 60/180); 
Slingshot 1d4 bludgeoning 10 gp 1 lb      ammo (range 40/160); finessepetitetwo-handed
Shotput 1d8 bludgeoning 0.5 gp 18 lb      heftyslowthrown (range 15/45); 
Shortbow 1d6 piercing 25 gp 2 lb      ammo (range 80/320); two-handed
Shuriken 1d4 slashing 0.05 gp 0.25 lb      finesselashlightpetitethrown (range 20/60); 
Martial Melee Weapons
Ball and chain 1d8 bludgeoning 25 gp 18 lb      bashingcleavedireheavythrown (range 20/60); versatile (1d10)
Ram 2d8 bludgeoning 5 gp 20 lb      destructivedireheavymountedtwo-handed
Battleaxe 1d8 slashing 10 gp 4 lb      cleaveversatile (1d10)
Boomerang 1d6 bludgeoning  gp 1 lb      finessethrown (range 40/120);  1
Broadsword 1d8 slashing 15 gp 3 lb      alt (piercing); 
Bullwhip 1d4 slashing 20 gp 3 lb      finesselashreachtrip
Carpal claw 1d6 slashing 50 gp 3 lb      glovelash
Catchpole 1d6 piercing 1 gp 3 lb      reachtriptwo-handedspecial
Epee 1d6 piercing 10 gp 2 lb      finessegrievous
Estoc 1d8 piercing 15 gp 3 lb      parryversatile (1d10)
Falchion 1d8 slashing 50 gp 4 lb      parryversatile (cleave)
Flail 1d6 bludgeoning 10 gp 2 lb      bashingcleavediregrievousversatile (1d8)
Giant boomerang 1d10 bludgeoning 20 gp 6 lb      heavythrown (range 60/180); two-handed
Glaive 1d10 slashing 20 gp 6 lb      cleavereachtwo-handed
Greataxe 1d12 2 30 gp 7 lb      cleavedestructiveheavytwo-handed
Greatspear 1d12 piercing 10 gp 24 lb      bracedireheavyreachtwo-handed
Greatsword 2d6 2 50 gp 6 lb      alt (piercing); cleaveheavytwo-handed
Halberd 1d10 slashing 20 gp 6 lb      alt (piercing); cleavedireheavyreachtwo-handed
Harpoon 1d6 piercing 1 gp 3 lb      braceheavythrown (range 20/60); versatile (1d8)special
Hook sword 1d6 slashing 30 gp 8 lb      disarmgrievousversatile (1d8)
Katana 1d8 slashing 75 gp 3 lb      finesseversatile (1d10)
Katar 1d6 piercing 25 gp 2 lb      diregrievouslight
Khopesh 1d6 slashing 10 gp 1 lb      alt (piercing); disarmlightreapingtrip
Kunai 1d4 piercing 2 gp 1 lb      advanced (dagger); finessefocus (rogue); lightpetitethrown (range 30/90); 
Chain-sickle 1d4 piercing 20 gp 3 lb      disarmfinessereach
Lance 1d12 piercing 10 gp 6 lb      heavymountedreach
Longstaff 1d8 bludgeoning 1 gp 3 lb      parryreachtwo-handed
Longsword 1d8 slashing 15 gp 3 lb      alt (piercing); parryversatile (1d10)
Lucerne hammer 1d10 bludgeoning 10 gp 12 lb      alt (piercing); bashingdireheavyreachtwo-handed
Pesh 1d4 piercing 10 gp 1 lb      bashingfinesselight
Machete 1d6 slashing 20 gp 3 lb      lightreapingversatile (1d8)
Main-gauche 1d4 piercing 10 gp 1 lb      finesselightparry
Mambele 1d6 slashing 40 gp 2 lb      grievouslightthrown (range 20/60); 
Maul 2d6 bludgeoning 10 gp 10 lb      bashingheavytwo-handed
Morningstar 1d8 piercing 15 gp 4 lb      bashingversatile (1d10)
Nunchaku 1d6 bludgeoning 1 gp 3 lb      cleavefinesseparryversatile (1d8)
Pike 1d10 piercing 5 gp 18 lb      bracereachtwo-handed
Rapier 1d8 piercing 25 gp 2 lb      finesse
Saber 1d8 slashing 25 gp 2 lb      finesse
Sai 1d4 piercing 5 gp 1 lb      disarmfinesselightparry
Sawsword 1d8 slashing 20 gp 3 lb      lash
Scimitar 1d6 slashing 25 gp 2 lb      finesselight
Shortsword 1d6 piercing 25 gp 2 lb      finesselight
Sidesword 1d6 slashing 20 gp 2 lb      alt (piercing); lightparry
Stiletto 1d6 piercing 25 gp 1 lb      finessegrievouspetite
Spiked gauntlet 1d6 piercing 5 gp 1 lb      alt (bludgeoning); glove
Swordbreaker 1d6 slashing 50 gp 1 lb      disarmlightparry
Sword cane 1d6 slashing 20 gp 2 lb      alt (bludgeoning); lightpetite
Throwhammer 1d8 bludgeoning 1 gp 3 lb      bashingthrown (range 30/90); two-handed
Tonfa 1d4 bludgeoning 1 gp 1 lb      finesselightparry
Tri-dagger 1d4 piercing 5 gp 30 lb      grievouslightparry
Trident 1d6 piercing 5 gp 4 lb      bracedisarmparrythrown (range 20/60); versatile (2d4)
Two-pronged sword 2d6 slashing 50 gp 6 lb      alt (piercing); disarmheavytwo-handed
Wakizashi 1d6 slashing 50 gp 3 lb      finesselightversatile (1d8)
Warhammer 1d8 bludgeoning 15 gp 3 lb      bashingdestructiveversatile (1d10)
Warpick 1d10 piercing 10 gp 3 lb      destructivedireversatile (1d12)
War scythe 1d12 slashing 20 gp 8 lb      cleavedireheavytwo-handed
Wrist blade 1d4 piercing 50 gp 3 lb      finesseglove
Martial Ranged Weapons
Blowgun 1d4 piercing 10 gp 1 lb      ammo (range 30/90); special
Bola 1d6 bludgeoning 0.1 gp 2 lb      finessethrown (range 20/60); special
Cast net —  1 gp 3 lb      net (Large)thrown (range 5/15); 
Chakri 1d4 10 0.5 gp s lb      finesselightrisky (1d4); thrown (range 30/90); 
Chakram 1d8 slashing 20 gp 2 lb      finesserisky (1d4); thrown (range 60/180); 
Compact ballista 2d6 piercing 100 gp 35 lb      ammo (range 150/600); heavymountedslowtwo-handed
Greatbow 1d12 piercing 100 gp 6 lb      ability (Str 15); ammo (range 150/450); heavytwo-handed
Hand crossbow 1d6 piercing 75 gp 3 lb      ammo (range 30/120); lightslow
Heavy crossbow 1d10 piercing 50 gp 18 lb      ammo (range 100/400); heavyslowtwo-handed
Repeating crossbow 2d4 piercing 75 gp 7 lb      ammo (range 80/320); misfire (1); reload (3); two-handed
Longbow 1d8 piercing 50 gp 2 lb      ammo (range 100/300); two-handed
Pixie bow 1d6 piercing 10 gp 1 lb      ammo (range 60/180); petitetwo-handed
Sling 1d8 bludgeoning 0.1 gp 0.6 lb      ammo (range 60/180); heftyrisky (1d4); 
Warbow 1d10 piercing 75 gp 3 lb      ability (Str 13); ammo (range 120/360); two-handed
Weighted dart 1d6 piercing 0.1 gp 0.25 lb      ability (Str 11); finessegrievouslightthrown (range 20/60); special
Exotic Melee Weapons
Anchor 2d6 piercing 20 gp 20 lb      ability (Str 17); demandingdireheavyversatile (2d8)wallop
Arrow or bolt 1d4 piercing 0.1 gp — lb      petite
Bastard sword 1d10 slashing 50 gp 7 lb      ability (Str 13); parryversatile (1d12)
Bayonet 1d8 piercing 5 gp 2 lb      two-handedspecial
Boulder 2d10 bludgeoning 5 gp 50 lb      ability (Str 21); demandingheavyslowthrown (range 20/60); two-handed
Can opener 1d8 piercing 30 gp 3 lb      destructivedisarmversatile (bash, sunder)
Double sword 1d8 slashing 75 gp 6 lb      advanced (falchion); alt (piercing); doubleparry
Horsechopper 2d8 slashing ? gp ? lb      cleavedestructiveheavytwo-handedwallop
Meteor hammer 1d8 bludgeoning 10 gp 10 lb      ability (Dex 13); bashingcleavedoubleparryrisky (1d8); 
Partisan 1d12 piercing 15 gp 12 lb      advanced (pike); braceheavyparryreachtwo-handedwallop
Scorpion tail 1d4 piercing plus
1d4 poison
50 gp 2 lb      grievousrisky (1d4 poison); 
Skullcrusher 2d8 slashing 75 gp 20 lb      advanced (maul); bashingdestructiveheavytwo-handedwallop
Shield bash 1d4 bludgeoning ? gp ? lb      
Star whip 1d6 piercing 5 gp 4 lb      finessegrievouslashreach
Tailaxe 1d6 piercing 2 gp 3 lb      lashtail
Tailmace 1d6 piercing 2 gp 3 lb      bashingtail
Thagomizer 1d6 piercing 2 gp 3 lb      grievoustail
Yo-yo 1d4 bludgeoning 1 gp 0.5 lb      disarmfinesselightpetitereachtrip
Exotic Ranged Weapons
Acid flask 1d6 acid 20 gp 1 lb      splashthrown (range 20/60); 
Bomb 1d10 thunder 20 gp 1 lb      destructivesplashthrown (range 20/60); 
Holy water 2d6 radiant 20 gp 1 lb      focus (divine, spiritual); splashthrown (range 20/60); special
Net launcher — — 75 gp 6 lb      firearm (range 20/40); net (Medium)reload (1); 
Rust powder — — 20 gp 1 lb      splashsunderthrown (range 20/60); 
Water bomb — — 5 gp 1 lb      splashthrown (range 20/60); special
  • oil flask
  • water balloon
  • cactus
  • caltrops
  • hunting trap(s)
  • snare(s)
  • tanglefoot bag
  • catchpole / man-catcher

lacking proficiency[edit]

  • Of course, you can make an attack roll with a weapon even if you aren't proficient with it. Doing so just means you don't add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll.
  • Some weapons prevent you from adding your proficiency bonus to attack rolls with them under some circumstances. For example, this replaces the disadvantage a Small character has on attack rolls with a heavy weapon.
  • If you couldn't add your proficiency bonus anyway (e.g. you lack proficiency with the weapon), any attack made when you can't add your proficiency bonus automatically misses the target without making a roll.

Note: no weapon property herein gives you disadvantage on attack rolls.

weapon properties[edit]

Many weapons have properties which affect their use, as shown in the Weapons table. Most weapon properties derived from official material are slightly different here.
     Ability. This property specifies an ability score requirement for the weapon. If your specified ability score isn't as least as high as the requirement, you can't add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls with the weapon.
     Alt. When you attack with this weapon, you can deal an alternative damage type (as noted in parenthesis). Unless you declare you're doing the alt damage, assume you're using the weapon's normal damage.
     Ammo. (stub) [You need two hands to load an ammo weapon, but you only need two hands to attack with the weapon if it also has the two-handed property.] [Each piece of ammo costs 0.1 gp for most weapons, but 1 gp for firearms, and 10 gp for exotic weapons. Ammo for non-exotic weapons is always petty; up to 10 petty items only count as 1 item for fitting into your bag.]
     Aquatic. If you make a melee weapon attack while underwater, your attack roll has disadvantage unless your weapon has the aquatic property. If a creature has a swim speed, any attacks it makes with unarmed strikes or natural weapons are aquatic. A ranged weapon attack automatically misses a target beyond the weapon’s normal range while underwater; even against a target within normal range, the attack roll has disadvantage unless the weapon has the aquatic property.
     Bash. If you use a bash weapon to attack a creature with an AC of 16 or higher, you have a +1 bonus on the attack roll.
     Brace. If you Ready an action to make a two-handed melee attack with a brace weapon, if that attack hits your damage roll is maximized. For example a 1d8 damage die is simply treated as 8 without rolling.
     Cleave. This weapon has momentum capable of mowing through foes. If you proficiently attack with a cleave weapon as part of the Attack action and reduce a creature to 0 hit points, as part of that action you can make a bonus attack with with the same weapon against a different creature. You don't add any ability modifier to the damage roll of this bonus attack, unless that modifier is negative. You can't make more than one bonus attack per turn.
     Destructive. This weapon's damage dice are maximized when hitting an object or structure, including objects worn or wielded by a creature as opposed to the creature itself. (Maximizing a 2d6 roll for example is simply treated as 12 without rolling.)
     Disarm. When attempting to Disarm (DMG page 271) while proficiently wielding this weapon, you have advantage on the attack roll or ability check to do so.
     Dire. If you make an attack roll with a dire weapon with which you are proficient, you do not add your proficiency bonus to your attack roll. You instead add your proficiency bonus to your damage roll if you hit. Any effect which denies your proficiency bonus to your attack roll instead denies it to your damage roll.
     Finesse. When making an attack with a finesse weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.
     Focus. A focus weapon can be used a spell focus for spellcasting of the listed type(s).
     Grievous. When your attack roll with a grievous weapon exceeds the target's AC by at least 10, the damage dice are maximized. (Hitting with a maximized 1d10 for example treats the result as 10 without rolling.)
     Halt. This weapon's end has fringes designed to stop forward movement. If you use a Readied action or a opportunity attack to hit a creature moving straight towards you with a melee attack using a halt weapon, the creature's speed becomes 0 until the start of its next turn.
     Heavy. A Small creature can't add its proficiency bonus to any attack roll with any heavy weapon. A Tiny creature can't wield any heavy weapon at all. A heavy weapon can't fit in a backpack.
     Hefty. A few ranged weapons rely on physical power more than fine motor movement. Add your Strength modifier to attack and damage rolls with hefty weapons, not your Dexterity modifier.
     Lash. If you hit a creature without natural armor and not wearing armor, your damage roll with a lash weapon is maximized on a hit. A damage die of 1d4 for example is simply treated as 4 without rolling. Spells or feature which grant AC (such as mage armor or Unarmored Defense) do not count as armor.
     Light. When you attack with a light weapon as part of the Attack action during your turn, as part of that action you can make a bonus attack with a different light weapon you're wielding in the other hand. You don't add any ability modifier to the damage roll of this bonus attack, unless that modifier is negative. You can't make more than one bonus attack per turn. (If you are of Tiny size, you don't gain this benefit, but you can't proficiently wield any weapon unless it is light or petite.)
     Mounted. This weapon is designed to be used from the back of a mount or vehicle, or supported on the ground such as on a tripod. You can support the weapon on the ground or against your body with a Use an Object action, and it remains supported until you are disarmed, move more than 5 feet in one turn, or fall prone. If you make an attack with this weapon without supporting it while you aren't mounted, and you are of Medium or smaller size, don't add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll.
     Net. If you hit a creature of the noted size or smaller, the target is restrained until it is freed, and you can't use the net to attack another target. A creature trapped by a net or a creature adjacent to it can use an action to attempt a a DC 8 Strength save, and on a success will break the net to free itself; the DC adds your proficiency bonus if you're proficient with the net. Dealing 5 slashing damage (AC 8 + proficiency bonus) to the net also destroys it and frees the creature.
     Parry. Add +1 to your AC against melee weapons while wielding at least one parry weapon but not wielding a shield. You don't gain this benefit unless you are proficient with shields and proficient with the parry weapon itself.
     Petite. If you are Tiny-sized and you attack with a petite weapon as part of the Attack action, as part of that action you can make a bonus attack with any petite weapon you're wielding. You don't add any ability modifier to the damage roll of this bonus attack, unless that modifier is negative. You can never make more than one bonus attack per turn. Any Small or Medium creature doesn't gain the noted benefit, but instead has advantage on any ability check made to hide or conceal a petite weapon, and for them it's a petty item. A Large or larger creature can't wield a petite weapon at all.
     Range. A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack has a range in parentheses after the ammunition or thrown property. The range lists two numbers. The first is the weapon’s normal range in feet, and the second indicates the weapon’s long range. When attacking a target beyond normal range, you can't add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll, and if you aren't proficient the attack automatically misses. You can’t attack a target beyond the weapon’s long range.
     Reach. This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack with it, as well as when determining your reach for opportunity attacks with it.
     Reap. This weapon's damage dice are maximized on attacks against plants or plant creatures. (Maximizing a 1d6 roll for example is simply treated as 6 without rolling.)
     Risky. If you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll with this weapon, you take the damage listed in parenthesis. This is the same damage type as the weapon.
     Slow. Once you make an attack roll with this weapon, you can't make another with this weapon until the start of your next turn.
     Special. A weapon with the special property has unusual rules governing its use, explained in the weapon’s description. See either the page for the weapon, or the Special Weapons section below.
     Thrown. If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ranged attack if you are proficient with it. If the weapon is a melee weapon, you use the same ability modifier for that attack roll and damage roll that you would use for a melee attack with the weapon. For example, if you throw a handaxe, you use your Strength, but if you throw a dagger, you can use either your Strength or your Dexterity since the dagger has the finesse property.
     Trip. If while proficiently wielding this weapon you attempt to knock a creature prone by using a shove, you have advantage on the ability check to do so.
     Two-Handed. This weapon requires two hands to attack with it. Attempting to attack with it using only one hand is no different than attempting to attack with an improvised weapon.
     Versatile. If you use two hands to make a melee attack with this weapon, use the damage dice in parenthesis instead of the weapon's normal damage. If the parenthesis list a property, the weapon instead gains that property while wielding it ino two hands. If you make a melee attack with a versatile weapon while mounted, you also use the damage dice in parenthesis even if you use only one hand. If you make a ranged attack with a versatile weapon, you never use the damage dice in parenthesis.

firearm properties[edit]

The following properties are exclusive to firearms.
     Firearm. You don't add any ability modifier to the damage roll of a firearm, unless that modifier is negative. All firearms use ammo which costs 1 gp per shot, and is destroyed upon use. This otherwise acts like the ammo property.
     Dry. If you are soaked while wielding this weapon, or the weapon itself becomes soaked, the weapon jams. A jammed weapon can't be used to make an attack until a proficient wielder uses an action to clear the jam.
     Foregrip. If you use two hands to attack with this ranged weapon, the range increases to the values shown in parenthesis.
     Reload. This weapon has the ammo property, but after making the noted number of attacks, you must use a bonus action or action to reload the weapon's ammo. If you aren't proficient with the weapon, you can't use a bonus action to reload.
     Misfire. If you make an attack roll with this weapon and the d20 lands on a number equal to or lower than the number in parenthesis, the weapon jams. A jammed weapon can't be used to make an attack until a wielder proficient in the weapon uses an action to clear the jam.
     Scatter. If you make a ranged weapon attack with this weapon against a target within 15 feet, you use the damage dice in parenthesis instead of the weapon's normal damage dice.

exotic properties[edit]

The following properties are exclusive to exotic weapons.
     Advanced. If you aren't proficient with an advanced weapon, you treat it as the weapon listed in parenthesis instead.
     Demanding. If you can't add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls with this weapon, you can't attack with it at all.
     Double. A double weapon is designed for successive hits. If you use both hands to attack with a double weapon as part of the Attack action, as part of that action you can make a bonus attack with with the same weapon. If this property has parenthesis, the bonus attack uses the listed damage instead of the weapon's normal damage. You don't add any ability modifier to the damage roll of this bonus attack, unless that modifier is negative. You can't make more than one bonus attack per turn. Tiny creatures can't use the double property.
     Tail. This weapon attaches to a tail, so to wield it proficiently you must have a tail of at least arm-length. When during your turn you attack with a light weapon or unarmed strike as part of the Attack action, as part of that action you can make a bonus attack with a tail weapon. You don't add your ability modifier to the damage roll of this bonus attack, and you can never make more than one bonus attack per turn. Donning or doffing a tail weapon takes an action."
     Splash. You don't add an ability modifier to any damage roll of a splash weapon. On a hit, each creature other than the target within 5 feet of the target must succeed on a DC 8 Dexterity save or take the damage in parenthesis. If you're proficient, add your proficiency bonus to the DC. A splash weapon is always destroyed after you attack with it.
     Sunder. If a creature would take damage from your attack using a sunder weapon, you can instead permanently reduce the target's AC by 1. If the target's AC is reduced to 10, their armor is completely destroyed and they become unarmored. If you would attempt to do this to an unarmored creature or a creature wearing magic armor, you instead deal damage as normal.
     Wallop. If you hit a creature with this weapon, as part of that same action you can attempt to shove the creature as a bonus attack. If the target is mounted, you can only choose to knock the creature prone, but you have advantage on the check to do so and the target isn't afforded the normal Dexterity save to stay mounted. You can make no more than one bonus attack per turn.

special weapons[edit]

The following weapons each have a special property.
     Alchemist's Fire. On a hit, the target is ignited.
     Bayonet. You are proficient with this weapon if you're also proficient with both martial weapons and firearms. As an action or bonus action, you can attach the bayonet to a two-handed firearm, allowing the firearm to use the bayonet for effective melee attacks. While the bayonet is attached you can't add your proficiency bonus to attacks with the firearm itself, but the bayonet gains reach property and its damage increases to 1d10.
     Blowgun. You can add your Constitution modifier to attack and damage rolls with a blowgun instead of your Dexterity modifier.
     Bola. If you're proficient with this weapon and hit a Large or smaller creature that has two to four legs, instead of dealing damage you can knock the creature prone.
     Harpoon. A harpoon has a 50-foot rope attached to its tail; if the rope is removed, this property is removed as well and the weapon effectively becomes a spear. If you hit a creature with a harpoon, the harpoon lodges in the target and you can hold fast to the rope. While holding the rope, if the creature moves away from you, you can use your reaction to stop the creature's movement with an opposed Strength (Athletics) check, and on a success reduce the creature's speed to 0 until the start of its next turn or until you let go of the rope. While holding the rope, you can also use an action to make an opposed Strength (Athletics) check, pulling the creature 10 feet closer to you on a success. A creature with a free hand can remove the harpoon with the use an object action.
     Holy Water. This weapon only deals damage to fiends and undead. Any creature directly hit by the attack becomes soaked.
     Oil. (stub) Any creature directly hit by the attack becomes soaked in oil. (honestly oil-soaked could be its own condition like jeez.)
     Water Bomb. Any creature which would take damage from a water bomb becomes soaked.
     Torch. A lit torch deals 1 fire damage on a hit, or 1 bludgeoning damage if it isn't lit. As normal add your Strength modifier to the damage dealt in either case.
     Weighted Dart. This weapon is meant to be thrown in a high arc. An attack roll with it ignores the target's cover except for cover directly overhead.
     Yo-yo. Proficiency with the Sleight of Hand skill lets you treat this as a martial weapon instead of exotic.

tiny creatures[edit]

  • Aren't proficient with any weapon unless the weapon is light or petite.
  • Do not otherwise benefit from the double or light properties.
  • Can never wield a heavy weapon.

Tiny creatures generally prefer petite weapons.

large creatures[edit]

  • Gain the benefits of a versatile property of a weapon even if wielding it in only one hand.
  • Can ignore the mounted property.
  • Can never wield a petite weapon.

Large creatures generally prefer mounted weapons.

siege weapons[edit]


  • Harpoon cannon
  • Any siege weapon is a Large object that occupies a 10-foot square. Creatures can occupy the same space as a siege weapon.
  • Generally, siege weapons are too large and cumbersome to move in the heat of combat. A Medium or larger creature use an action to lock or unlock its wheels, and use an action to push it up to 5 feet if its wheels are unlocked.
  • Any ranged siege weapon requires one action to load it, one action to aim it, and one action to fire it. When the weapon is fired, the creature who aimed the weapon makes the attack roll, which adds their Intelligence modifier plus their proficiency bonus if they're proficient with siege weapons (or half their proficiency bonus rounded down if they're only proficient with martial weapons or firearms). The creature who fires the weapon makes the damage roll, which doesn't add an ability modifier.

mystic weapons[edit]

  • every property should be used at least three times by non-exotic weapons
  • slap {{April Fools}} on this despite it being more sad than funny.
  • add template that uses a variable to auto-count for d100 or d200 (and ideally can dynamically make "2-3" out of 2).
  • Biggest SwordTM
  • One or two more simple melee weapons with the dire property
to-do features
  • Acrobat or something. "Any bo staff, cane, or quartersaff gains the finesse property while you wield it."
  • Puncture. "Any estoc, rapier, or (whatever) gains the bash property while you wield it."
  • Steady Shot. "Any heavy crossbow, compact crossbow, or handcrossbow gains the brace property while you wield it."
  • "Any glove weapon gains the light property while you wield it."
  • "If you throw a boomerang, giant boomerang, or chakram as part of an attack, the weapon returns to your space at the end of the turn, and you can catch it if you have an unoccupied hand."
  • "If you hit a creature using a weapon that has the lash property, your damage roll is maximized if the target has natural armor (and no other type of armor)."
  • "(1) If you are wielding a bullwhip, when you interact with an object during your turn, you can interact with an object even if it is 10 feet away from you. (2) If during the Attack action during your turn you hit a creature, as part of that same action you can attempt to shove, trip, or grapple that creature as a bonus attack even if you don't have a free hand. You can never make more than one bonus attack per turn. If you grapple a creature with your bullwhip, you can't use the whip to attack while maintaining the grapple."
  • "When a creature enters your reach you can use a reaction to make one opportunity attack against that creature with a brace weapon."
  • "You can ignore all weapon properties and damage dice of a weapon you wield in two hands, including any improvised weapon. If you do, use Strength for the attack and damage roll, and any hit with the weapon deals 1d12 bludgeoning damage. (Only add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll if you're otherwise proficient with it.)
  • Dual Wielder. Every melee weapon you wield in one hand gains the light and parry properties.
  • Fighter Innate. "(If your size is Small), you can wield weapons as if you were Medium size."
  • Weeb / Samurai. When you wield a katana or wakizashi, it gains the parry property. When you wield a glaive, you can add your Dexterity modifier to attack rolls with it (but not damage rolls).
  • Alchemist Innate. "Add your Intelligence modifier to the save DC of by splash weapons (if you don't otherwise add an ability modifier). You can also use your Intelligence for attack rolls with splash weapons instead of your Dexterity."
  • Cleric Innate. "Add your Wisdom modifier to the save DC of holy water, if you don't otherwise add an ability modifier."
  • Subclass feature. "When you attack with a firearm, you can add your Intelligence (arcane gunner) or Wisdom (divine gunner) modifier to the attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier."
  • "You are proficient with shield bashes, meaning you add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls with them. (A hit deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage.) If you hit a creature with a melee weapon using the Attack action on your turn, as part of that same action you can make a bonus attack with your shield bash against the target if you are wielding a shield. You can never make more than one bonus attack per turn."
  • "You are proficient with arrow and bolts, meaning you add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll when you use one to make a melee weapon attack. (A hit deals 1d4 piercing damage.) If you use the Attack action to hit a creature with melee attack using an arrow or bolt, as part of that same action you can move up to 5 feet and make a bonus attack against that creature with a ranged weapon that uses arrows or bolts as ammo. This movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks. You can never make more than one bonus attack per turn."

tl;dr. i looked at 5e Traditional Nonmagical Weapons and then asked you to hold my beer.