User:Guy/Splat/Trade Goods/Copper

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Copper. Common trade good (metal), 1 gp per kilogram. Copper is a widely-mined metal with a distinctly pinkish-orange color. Almost universally copper's market value as a trade good is fixed to be worth 1% as much as gold.
 For most folk the primary use of copper is in copper coins, 100 of which are worth the value of a single gold coin. This smaller denomination is used by many commoners for small routine purchases, such as daily meals.
 For more practical use, copper is usually combined with other metals like tin (to make bronze) or zinc (to make brass). Pure copper is infrequently used outside of tinkering.
 Although copper is rarely traded in the form of ingots, a copper ingot or ("copper bar") is worth 1 gp and weighs 1 kilogram.
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