User:Guy/Splat/Tools/Tin Tops

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Tin Tops. Common tool (game set), 1 gp. This game set includes three different handheld tops traditionally shaped from tin. In a typical game each player spins their tops on a table or other flat surface at the same time. In some games the goal is to keep your top spinning the longest, and in others your goal is to "attack" other tops through contact. It is customary for the owner of the game to pick their top last, to reduce the chance of picking a top with an unfair advantage. A minority of enthusiasts craft their own tops or buy specially-made ones, and compete with who can make the best tin top.
 A normal game involves 2 or 3 players, lasts 1 minute, and the winner is decided with a Dexterity contest. If you are proficient with this tool, add your proficiency bonus to this check.