User:Guy/Splat/Tools/Forgery Tools

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Forgery Tools. Common tool (specialist), 25 gp. This tin box contains a variety of papers and parchments, pens and inks, seals and wax, and other goods used to create official-looking documents—or forgeries of them.
 If you're proficient with these tools, you can use them to create a fake document—a forgery. The DC of any forgery you create equals 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus. When a creature presents a forgery you've created that supports its bluff or lie, that creature's Charisma (Deception) check becomes equal to your forgery DC if it would otherwise be lower. Any creature who directly Searches a forgery you've created can only discern it as a forgery if its check result exceeds your forgery DC.
 Creating a simple forgery like a signed and stamped paragraph-long note from a generic unknown official takes you only 10 minutes. Creating a document from a specific and known governmental body or important person, or creating a document with multiple pages, will take you 10 hours.
 Creating a complex or specialized document like an official-looking fake map, a lengthy arcane scroll, or in a language foreign to you could take multiple days. Such a complex forgery might require proficiency in another tool or skill, or the aid from someone with such a proficiency.
Investigation Advantage. If you're proficient in these tools, you have advantage on any Intelligence (Investigation) check made to determine whether or not a document is a forgery.