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A technique is a martial maneuver a character can learn, then use by expending vigor dice. Using any technique always requires you to expend one vigor die. If you have no vigor dice, or have no vigor dice that haven't been expended, you can't use a technique you've learned. Champions are the eminent wielders of techniques.

DC. Some techniques call for an ability DC. Your DC for any ability score is (8 + your proficiency bonus + the ability score's modifier). If a creature has to make a "Dexterity saving throw against your Strength DC," for example, the DC for that saving throw equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier.



 When you deal bludgeoning damage with a melee attack or unarmed strike, you can expend your vigor to move the target 5 feet in a direction of your choice to an occupied space, if the target's size category isn't more than one size above your own. This movement doesn't provoke attacks made as reactions.


 If on your turn you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack or unarmed strike and reduce it to 0 hit points, you can expend a vigor die to immediately make an attack with the same weapon or strike against a different target within 5 feet of the first creature.


bonus action
 As a bonus action, make a feint against a creature within 5 feet of you. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Charisma DC. On a failure, the creature can't make a reaction before the start of your next turn, and the first attack roll made against it before then adds your vigor die to the result.

Igniting Arrow[edit]

 An igniting substance is applied to the tip of an arrow or other piece of ammunition you use for a ranged weapon attack as part of this action. If this attack hits a creature, that creature takes extra fire damage equal to your vigor die, then becomes ignited.


 As an action, make a melee weapon attack with a reach 5 feet further than normal. On a hit, add your vigor's rolled result to the damage dealt.


 When you would be hit with an attack roll but before the result is narrated, you can use your reaction to expend a vigor die and add its rolled result to your AC. If this increases your AC to be higher than attack roll, you turn the hit into a miss.

Power Brace[edit]

bonus action
 As a bonus action, you focus the power of your muscles to complete a task. After using this technique, add your vigor die to the first Strength check you make within the next minute. This only affects ability checks, not attack rolls or saving throws.


 As an action, make an unarmed strike against a Tiny creature, or any creature at least two size categories smaller than you. You can use your vigor die for the damage die instead of the normal damage die. On a hit, the target not only takes maximized damage but goes flying 10 feet directly away from you and lands prone.

Reckless Attack[edit]

free action
 At any point during your turn, you can choose to fight recklessly by expending a vigor die. If you do, all attack rolls you make with melee weapons or unarmed strikes before the start of your next turn gain advantage, but all attack rolls made against you before then also gain advantage. While attacking recklessly, you can't add your Dexterity modifier to any damage roll.


 If on your turn you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack or unarmed strike, you can move up to 10 feet immediately without provoking a reaction from the hit creature. Any other creatures friendly to you within 10 feet of the hit target can also immediately move 10 feet without provoking a reaction, but on their next turn their speed is decreased by 10 feet.

Shield Bash[edit]

 If you're wielding a shield, after you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack or unarmed strike you can immediately follow it up with a bonus attack using your shield by expending a vigor die. You can only make one "bonus attack" per turn, and you don't add an ability modifier to the damage roll of a bonus attack.
 Make a melee weapon attack against the creature using your shield, adding your Strength modifier and proficiency bonus to the attack roll. On a hit you deal bludgeoning damage equal to your vigor die.

Smack Down[edit]

 A creature you hit with a melee weapon attack or unarmed strike must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your Strength DC or fall prone. If the creature is airborne or at least one size category smaller than you, subtract your vigor die from the creature's save result.


bonus action
 Use your bonus action to Dash. Once during this turn if you move at least 10 feet directly towards a creature and then hit it with a melee weapon attack or unarmed strike, add your vigor die to the damage roll.


 When you deal slashing damage to an armored creature using a melee attack or unarmed strike, you can expend a vigor die to force the creature to make a Dexterity saving throw against your Dexterity DC. On a failure, the target's AC is permanently decreased by 2. If this lowers the target's AC to 10 + its Dexterity modifier (before adding the benefit of a shield or cover), the creature's armor is destroyed.

Swift Aid[edit]

 As an action, you tend to the wounds of a creature you can reach. As part of this action you can move a distance up to your speed if this movement takes you directly to that creature's side.
 Expend any number of your vigor dice by rolling them. The creature regains hit points equal to the rolled total, plus your Wisdom modifier if it is positive.

Trip Up[edit]

 After you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack or an unarmed strike, you can roll a vigor die. Until the start of your next turn, the target's speed is reduced by a number of meters equal to the rolled result (or a number of feet equal to the result times 5).


 You swiftly retaliate for those under your protection. When a creature adjacent to you uses an action to deal damage to someone other than you, you can use your reaction to make one melee weapon attack or unarmed strike against that creature.
 If you you damage the creature, the first time that creature makes an attack roll targeting anyone but you within 1 minute, roll the vigor die you expended on this technique. Subtract the result from the creature's attack roll.


 While wielding a ranged weapon with the ammunition property, you can use your action to let loose a rapid, reckless flurry projectiles in a 30 feet cone originating from you. Any creature in this cone must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Dexterity DC.
 Roll your expended vigor die twice, then add your Dexterity modifier to the result. A creature takes this amount as damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful save. The damage type is the same your weapon would normally deal.


 As an action, you can expend a vigor die to make one melee weapon attack or unarmed strike against each creature within 5 feet of you. You don't add an ability modifier to the damage rolls of these attacks, but you instead add your vigor die to every damage roll.