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Necromancy (animation) trick
Casting time:  action
Range:  touch
Components:  S, M (any writing implement)
Duration:  permanent

You press the material component of this spell to parchment, a book, chalkboard, or other writing surface that can fit within a 5-foot cube. For the duration, the implement will write all words that are spoken at an audible volume within 30 feet of it.  If the spoken language is unknown to you, the spoken will be written phonetically in a script you know (such as spelling "phoenix" as "fee-nicks"), but the spell will not translate.  Dictate won't write the verbal components of a spell. If there is more than one speaker, the implement will only write for the most clearly understood speaker (usually the loudest).
 When you cast this spell, you can also instruct the implement to write out non-verbal sounds emitted within 30 feet of it. For example the sound of a river may be written as 'sound of rushing water.' If the sound is unclear the implement will write out a more vague description, such as 'a continuous rumble.'
 This spell ends if the writing implement becomes unable to write, if the implement runs out of room to write, if you cast this spell again, if you die, or if you choose to end it (no action required).