User:ConcealedLight/Weapon Theory
Work In Progress |
There is a powerful weapon for each of the planes of existence, the strength of the plane governing the strength of the weapon. At its center, the most powerful, the weapon of life and death, Spiritus. From there, the primordial weapons of the inner plane consisting of Alizeh of Air, Gaia of Earth, Aodh of Fire, and Eira of Water. Finally the two many-faced weapons of the Upper and Lower planes, which battle in an eternal struggle for dominance. These are the seven major weapons of the weapon theory and while there are weapons of Feywilds, Shadowfell, Ethereal Plane, Elemental Chaos and even the Far Realms. They are not nearly as strong or and influential as the big seven.
The Big Seven[edit]
In order of strength.
All weapons that make up the big seven have a "sword in the stone" like effect to them, that being they simply can't be moved or wielded if the weapon isn't willing, attack rolls always miss and checks to move it automatically fail. Often by touch, a creature can telepathically talk and interact with the weapon, generally to convince it they are the one fated to wield them or to politely request that they move. Regardless of circumstances, they have the following property:
Dense Burden. This weapon cannot be unwillingly moved or used by a creature and can deal 20 physic damage to any creature that attempts to do so.
Heart Sight. The weapon magically knows any creature that willingly touches its current emotional state and alignment. Celestials, fiends, and undead automatically fail the saving throw.
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Spiritus by 湯たあも on pivix |
Weapon (quarterstaff/greatscythe), artifact (requires attunement by a creature of neutral alignment that has had a near-death experience in the past)
“ | May the balance be maintained. | ” |
—Spiritus |
Spiritus is said to have been created by a god of death from a righteous soul. Who in life sought none but to preserve the fundamental cycle of death for which the god saw over. Since they had begun their work the death god had watched over them observing their vigilance, their tenacity, their dedication to the cause despite the lure of evil, the praise of good and the cruel words of those around them. The righteous, honest man did not falter from the path he had set down. Seeing himself in the soul that refused to yield to the god of death led the soul to the afterlife himself, conversing with them as he did. However, it was at the end of the journey that the soul asked him if there was anything more he could do. Taken aback the god of death thought about the world he was left behind and thought about all those who still disrupted and defiled the balance that was. It was then the god of death called forward the souls of the greatest craftsmen who had ever lived and had them forge the ever-righteous soul into an ever-righteous blade and thus Spiritus came to be.
Random Properties. The Spiritus has the following random properties:
- 1 minor beneficial property
- 1 major beneficial property
- 1 minor detrimental property
- 1 major detrimental property
Magic Weapon.
Spiritus is a magic sentient scythe that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. As a bonus action, you can swap between the weapon's two forms. The first being a long metallic quarterstaff and the other being a great scythe. As a quarterstaff, it functions as a staff of withering if you are neutral evil or chaotic neutral and a staff of healing if you are neutral good or lawful neutral. A neutral creature can use both of these properties interchangeably. When you switch to its scythe form the quarterstaff lengthens and a large scythe blade extends from the top. This scythe also functions as a sword of wounding, a vorpal sword, and its strikes extend into the Ethereal Plane. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by Spiritus cannot be raised as undead and it deals an extra 2d10 slashing damage to undead. When in this form it can't use its additional quarterstaff properties and vice versa. Spiritus is a matte white if its user is neutral good, matte black if they are neutral or matte crimson if they are neutral evil and while in staff form it is indistinguishable from a normal quarterstaff.
Soulsight. While you hold Spiritus you can see the souls of creatures that are within 120 feet. You can see this glow to varying degrees even if they are obscured by thick walls or large objects as long as they are within 120 feet. This allows you to see invisible creatures, as well as see into the Ethereal Plane. Creatures like undead register on your sight despite not having a soul, as a silver mark in the likeness of the holy symbol of the god of death, this mark is in place of their soul. Spiritus will urge its user to slay any undead its user comes across.
Death's Blessing. While attuned to the scythe, you gain the following benefits:
- You have resistance to necrotic and radiant damage, the energies of life and death are seemingly absorbed into the blade.
- You have advantage on your death saving throws, the blade helps to maintain your body when you fall.
- You can't be charmed or frightened and you can't gain levels of exhaustion.
Conduit. When you are the target of a spell that targets a single creature and you are holding Spiritus, you can use your reaction to cleave the Weave in two, disrupting the delicate balance that allows spells to manifest and absorbing the magical energy used to create that spell. The absorbed spell's effect is canceled, and the spell's energy—not the spell itself—is stored in Spiritus. The energy has the same level as the spell when it was cast. You can use this property a number of times each day equal to your proficiency bonus, however, you can block cantrips without expanding a use. Spiritus can absorb and store up to 30 levels of magical energy over the course of a day before it is harmlessly discharged back into the Weave at dawn. If you are targeted by a spell that Spiritus can't store, Spiritus has no effect on that spell.
When you hit a melee weapon attack while holding Spiritus in its scythe form, you can expand the spell slots stored to deal radiant damage if you are good aligned or necrotic damage if you are evil aligned. If you are neutral then you can choose between the two damage types when you make the attack roll. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st. Using Spiritus this way reduces the amount of stored magical energy. Alternatively, if you are a caster, you can use your own spell slots to create the same effect. The damage die for this extra damage cannot be greater than 10d8.
Curse. More of a side effect of its attunement rather than a curse. Spiritus, like the god of death it was born from, seeks balance and as such is at its strongest in the hands of a neutral wielder that can align itself with that balance. The weapon bears a curse that affects any non-neutral creature that becomes attuned to it. Even if the attunement ends, the curse remains. At the end of each long rest, Spiritus attempts to correct the imbalance between it and its wielder forcing you to succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw or your alignment shifts towards neutral. On a successful save you retain your alignment, however, this DC increases by 2 on each successful save. The changes wrought by the weapon aren't considered magical in nature (and therefore can't be dispelled), but they can be undone by any effect that removes a curse, such as a greater restoration or remove curse spell provided you are not attuned to Spiritus.
Sentience. Spiritus is a sentient neutral weapon with an Intelligence of 15, a Wisdom of 18, and a Charisma of 16. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. The weapon communicates telepathically with its wielder and can speak, read, and understand all languages.
Personality. The scythe's purpose is to bring balance to the world, this sense of balance comes from a deep respect for life and death, and the idea that death is a natural part of life and should not be feared as long as it is understood. As a result of this Spiritus holds those who would disrupt that balance, particularly undead and necromancers in the uttermost contempt. While killing undead creatures like zombies, vampires, and even liches is one thing, it is ultimately its aim to slay gods such as Vecna, Velsharoon, and even Talona, for the unnatural deaths caused by her diseases, as well as foiling any schemes that further their disruptive goals.
If the scythe discovers you to be incapable of performing its goals or oppose them, it can force you to make a DC 20 Charisma saving throw. On a successful save, you take 3d6 psychic damage. On a failed save, you are dominated by the scythe, as if by the dominate monster spell, and the scythe demands that it seeks another more capable user. The spell effect ends when the scythe's demand is met.
While Spiritus sense of balance is not of a traditional sense of justice and rather one that views a grander scale at work, this can lead to situations where what is commonly considered the "right" thing to is ignored for a course of action that better serves the balance.
Destroying the Spiritus. Spiritus may appear like it could be easily shattered by heavier weapons, but is impervious to damage, its blade forever sharp. However, a successful divine intervention from a follower of the god of death that created it that has high standing is able to banish the weapon to the afterlife for 1d100 years before it returns to the Material Plane in a place where it is needed. As long as the balance the blade seeks to correct is defiled in the multiverse the blade will continue to return.
Primordial Weapons[edit]
Always been around manifest weather effects marks of prestige for genies Prefer the material plane to the elemental planes can open a portal to their respective elemental plane one a day and vice versa
Not all weapon properties are made available on attunement for a number of reasons depending on the weapon. While a weapon like Eira is incapable of simply allowing her user to use the property, Herald puts specific restrains on his wielders ability to use properties due to his experience and wisdom on the corruption of power. A weapon property that is by default locked, and as such both weapons properties are unable to be used until certain requirements are met. These locked properties are indicated with "Locked:" before the properties name.
Air: Alizeh[edit]
Weapon, sentient artifact(attunement required)
Alizeh is a weightless weapon made from a transparent yet resilient material, a constant breeze can be felt around the weapon. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon as well as the follow additional properties:
Auran. While attuned to Alizeh you have the following benefits:
- Alizeh deals additional damage equal to its weapons damage die, each strike devoid of any air resistance and empowered.
- You are immune to falling damage and the effects of Strong Wind[1].
- You can speak, read and write Auran.
Current Sensing. You can feel even the most subtle changes in the air around you. You have blindsight in a 30-foot radius provided there is air.
Primordial Form. As a primordial weapon, this weapon can take the form of any melee weapon with the light or finesse properties or a longbow. Once the bond between the weapon and its user is made this choice cannot be changed. If Alizeh takes the form of a weapon with the light property and the wielder holds him in their main hand and wields another weapon of the same type in their other hand. That weapon gains all the benefits that Alizeh has. If Alizeh takes the form of a weapon with the thrown property, it's range doubles, and attack rolls to throw the weapon cannot be made with disadvantage as a result of hitting a target at long range. If Alizeh takes the form of a longbow it doesn't require arrows to be fired, manifesting arrows of solidified air, and its range becomes 1000/5280.
Gale. When you take the attack action, you can as a bonus action, manifest a powerful gale in a 60-foot cone. This blast of air moves forward either pulling affected targets towards you or away from you and may deal damage. Any creature in the affected area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be moved up to 30 feet, taking 4d6 force damage, or take half damage and not be moved, on a successful save. If Alizeh form is that of a longbow the area is instead a 5-foot wide line that extends until the target, you must have successfully hit with your attack action to use this property.
Of the Wind You can surround yourself with the wind, your body almost fusing with it as you become an extension of it. You have a flying speed of 120 feet. While flying, ranged weapon attacks made against you have disadvantage and you can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there as well as move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Traveling Breeze.
Claustrophobia. Alizeh is, to put it lightly, not a fan of confined spaces such as underground dungeons and any place he can't see the sky, and over the years this has become an extreme fear of spaces like this, and as a result, his weapon properties are unusable while this fear is active and conflict may arise if he believes his wielder purposes subjugates him to such discomforts.
Sentience. Alizeh is a sentient neutral weapon with an Intelligence of 16(+3), a Wisdom of 16(+3), and a Charisma of 13(+1). It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 80 feet. The weapon can speak, read, and understand Common, and Auran, and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. While you are attuned to it, Alizeh also understands every language you know.
Personality. comfort and ease and willing to accept the card fate deals him Alizeh is a , no value in material things
Earth: Gaia[edit]
Weapon, sentient artifact(attunement required)
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Gaia by Joel Pigou |
Gaia is a considerable weapon made from raw earth, dust, and other small particles may sometimes swirl around this weapon as if it had its own gravity. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. As well as the following additional properties:
Primordial Form. As a primordial weapon, this weapon can take the form of any melee weapon with the heavy property, however, Gaia has a slight preference for weapons that deal bludgeoning damage. Once the bond between the weapon and the user is made this choice cannot be changed. The chosen weapon is considered a Large sized version of that weapon as per the Oversized (5e Variant Rule), however, for the purpose of wielding it, Gaia is considered a Medium sized weapon.
Terran. While attuned to Gaia you have the following benefits:
- Gaia deals additional force damage equal to its weapons damage die, the gravity behind each swing being crushing.
- You cannot be unwillingly moved and are immune to being petrified.
- Your skin becomes as resilient as the earth and you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.
- As a bonus action, you can cast the mold earth[2], earth tremor[3] or earthbind[4] spells.
Fissure. When you take the attack action, you can as a bonus action, strike the ground sending a shockwave through the outwards that causes a fissure to open up in a 5 foot wide by 60-foot line. The fissure is 100 foot deep and closes at the start of your next turn pushing any creatures in it to the top. Any creature in the affected area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or fall into the fissure, taking 4d6 force damage from the shockwave as well as any falling damage.
World Mover. As an action, you can control any freestanding earth inside an area you choose that is a cube up to 100 feet on a side as if you were concentrating on a spell. Any saving throw you force with this property has a DC of 18. In addition, you gain the following benefits:
- You can hold your breath indefinitely.
- You a tremor sense range of 30 feet.
- You can move through the earth.
All creatures within 5 feet take force damage equal to your proficiency bonus the gravity being considerably stronger around you.
The area in a 15-foot radius around you shake violently all creatures in the area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or fall prone.
The area in a 120-foot radius becomes difficult terrain as the ground becomes an ever-shifting earth.
Crushing Force. When you hit a creature of that is
It has the thrown property with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. .\'hen you hit with a ranged attack using this weapon, . deals an extra ld8 damage or, if the target is a giant, 2d8 damage. Immediately after the attack, the weapon ies back to your hand.
When you hit a giant with it, the giant takes an extra 2d6 damage of the weapon's type and must succeed oa DC 15 Strength saving throw or fall prone. For the purpose of this weapon, "giant" refers to any creature with the giant type, including ettins and trolls.
Iron Core. If damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you can make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + half the damage taken, unless the damage is from a critical hit. On a success, you drop to 1 hit point instead.
Acrophobia. Gaia hates being away from the earth, and over the years this has become an extreme fear of heights, and as a result, her weapon ability are unusable while this fear is active and conflict may arise if she believes her wielder purposes subjugates her to such a discomfort.
Sentience. Gaia is a sentient neutral weapon with an Intelligence of 16(+3), a Wisdom of 16(+3), and a Charisma of 13(+1). It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 80 feet. The weapon can speak, read, and understand Common, and Auran, and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. While you are attuned to it, Gaia also understands every language you know.
Personality. wise, strong, everything under the earth is mine, love of material wealth
Fire: Aodh[edit]
Weapon, sentient artifact(attunement required)
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Aodh by cobaltplasma |
Aodh is an extravagant weapon crafted from a pure amber, an aura of heat surround this weapon and it constantly feels warm to the touch. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. As well as the following additional properties:
Primordial Form. As a primordial weapon, this weapon can take the form of any melee weapon that does not have the heavy property. However, Aodh, prefers longswords, viewing them as the weapons that best compliment his magnificent form. Once the bond between the weapon and the user is made this choice cannot be changed.
Ignan. While attuned to Aodh you have the following benefits:
- You can speak this magic swords command word, causing flames to erupt from the blade. These flames shed bright light in a 60-foot radius and dim light for an additional 60 feet. While the sword is ablaze, it deals an extra 2d6 fire damage to any target it hits. The flames last until you use a bonus action to speak the command word again or until you drop or sheathe the sword.
- You are immune to fire damage.
- You can speak, read and write Ignan.
Athazagoraphobia. Although he will never admit it, Aodh has a fear of being forgotten and seeks renown as the greatest magic item in the world, by establishing as many as its wielders as famous or notorious figures, but not by their own merit, but his own power and might.
Seering Barrage. When you take the attack action with this weapon, you can, as a bonus action, let out a flaming slash that damages all creatures in a 10 foot wide by 60-foot line. Any creature in the affected area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or be immolated by searing flame, taking 4d6 fire damage. If this damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it is disintegrated as per the disintegrate spell.
Summer's Recall. The wielder of this weapon may recall their weapon to their hand as a bonus action.
Firestorm. The weapon contains a reservoir of fire magic that can a disintegrate most things. As a bonus action, you can release the fire magic within causing the following negative effects:
- All creatures within a 5-foot radius takes fire damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
- The area in a 15-foot radius around you becomes insufferably hot and ignites flammable objects not being worn or carried.
- The area in a 120-foot radius becomes Extreme Heat[5].
All effects fade after 1 minute and you can't use this property again until the next dawn.
All Consuming. Aodh yerns for battle and in the heat of battle, no heat is as great as his. When you use one of Aodh weapon properties roll a d20, if the result is great than 5 nothing happens, however, if the result is 5 or lower, you take 3d6 irreducible fire damage as your flesh is seared by Aodh's bloodlust. The first attack you make on your next attack turns deals bonus fire damage equal to the amount of damage you took. If you are reduced 0 hit points by this property your body is overcome by flame as you transform into a fire elemental controlled by Aodh's desire for battle. The fire elemental will continue to fight and attack friend or foe almost indiscriminately until it is killed, Aodh is satisfied or there are no viable targets within range. An attuned creature that becomes consumed by Aodh's flame by this property is destroyed and can be restored to life only by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell. When they die this way they are no longer attuned to Aodh.
Sentience. Aodh is a sentient chaotic neutral weapon with an Intelligence of 16(+3), a Wisdom of 13(+2), and a Charisma of 18(+4). It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 80 feet. The weapon can speak, read, and understand Common, and Ignan, and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. While you are attuned to it, Aodh also understands every language you know.
Personality. Wield me into battle and I shall grant you the power of the gods.
Brash, loud, confident/arrogant, bloodlust, brutally honest, not picky about its user, take on foes out of the users(not his) league, doesn't appreciate clever tactics or boring plans, doesn't admit his failures, . Seeks renown as the greatest magical weapon, has a one-sided rivalry with all other weapons of the big seven with the exception of his sister weapon, Eira who he views as stuck up and too high and mighty to be a threat to his greatness.
"If Aodh had his way, the wielder would be rushing in alone to take on a Tarrasque solo, and wouldn't take the time to think of a plan to like, put it in a primordial trap or something."
Water: Eira[edit]
Weapon, sentient artifact(attunement required by a lawful creature)
Eira is an exotic weapon crafted from pure crystal, swirls of frost surround this weapon and it constantly feels cold to the touch. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. As well as the following additional properties:
Primordial Form. As a primordial weapon, this weapon can take the form of any melee weapon that does not have the heavy property. However, Eira, prefers longswords, seeing them as the blade that best aligns with her noble form. Once a creature has successfully attuned to Eira this choice cannot be changed.
Aquan. While attuned to Eira you have the following benefits:
- Eira deals additional cold damage equal to its weapons damage die, as it drains the energy from its target with even the smallest of cuts.
- You are immune to cold damage and ignore the drawbacks of difficult terrain caused by blizzards, snow, ice, and other such phenomena.
- In temperatures of extreme cold, Eira may shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
- As a bonus action, you can extinguish all non-magical flames within 120 feet of you. This property can be used no more than once per hour.
- You can speak, read and write Aquan.
Autophobia. Eira has a fear of abandonment, and as a result, the weapon hates being sheathed. Demanding to always be in their wielders hand or at least by their side. A user may be able to convince Eira that they'll be right back or it will only be for a short while, but if she views this promise as broken it leaves a difficult to remove mark on their relationship that the wielder will simply, not hear the end of, and depending on the length of time she was alone for a conflict may occur, potentially triggering Eira's Sentimental property.
Icy Barrage. When you take the attack action with this weapon, you can, as a bonus action, let out a sub zero slash that damages all creatures in a 10 foot wide by 60-foot line. Any creature in the affected area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or have the warmth ripped from them, taking 4d6 cold damage. If this damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it is petrified in ice.
Winter's Recall. As a bonus action, you can teleport this weapon to your hand, provided the effects of Sentimental are not in effect.
Snowstorm. The weapon contains a reservoir of ice magic that can a freeze most things. As a bonus action, you can release the ice magic within causing the following effects:
- All creatures within 5 feet take cold damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
- The ground or water beneath you in a 15-foot radius becomes difficult terrain as it becomes ice.
- The area in a 120-foot radius from the point you activated this property becomes Extreme Cold[6].
All effects fade after 1 minute and you can't use this property again until the next dawn.
Sentimental. When the attuned creature of this weapon dies, the area in a 5-mile radius manifests the following effects over the next minute:
- The area rapidly decreases in temperature until it becomes Extreme Cold[7].
- The wind in the area rapidly increases in speed and strength until it becomes Strong Wind[8].
- The clouds twist and form above and snow begins to fall, eventually becoming Heavy Precipitation[9].
- Most water in the area freezes becoming a mix of Frigid Water, Slippery Ice, and Thin Ice[10].
- The area is considered difficult terrain.
- Creatures within a mile of the center have disadvantage on saving throws against all of the above effects and their respective DC's increase by 10. In addition, creatures wearing cold weather gear, with resistance to cold damage, and creatures naturally adapted to cold climates begin to feel the effects of Extreme Cold in this area.
These blizzard effects last all year round, getting more violent the closer you get to the center and persist until Eira can be calmed down by a revived attuned creature or another creature can convince her to attune to them.
Locked: Weapon of Water. As an action, you can control any freestanding water inside an area you choose that is a cube up to 100 feet on a side as if you were concentrating on a spell. You can freeze this water as a bonus action and any saving throw you force with this property has a DC of 20. In addition, you gain the following benefits:
- You can breathe air and water.
- You have a swimming speed of 120 feet.
- Your visibility is always clear underwater as if it was bright light.
- You ignore any of the drawbacks caused by a deep underwater environment.
- You gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts that can breathe water.
Sentience. Eira is a sentient lawful neutral weapon with an Intelligence of 16(+3), a Wisdom of 18(+4), and a Charisma of 13(+1). It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 80 feet. The weapon can speak, read, and understand Common, and Aguan and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. While you are attuned to it, Eira also understands every language you know.
Personality. Eira personality is ever changing, much like the water, she is the manifestation of. Moody and emotional she is a difficult weapon to manage with a lawful disposition often insistent on following rules and laws, yet is inconsistent and difficult to manage herself. She typically favors actions that run parallel to that predisposition. She is also extremely picky in terms of who she is willing to allow to attune to her. Stick her in the hands of an inexperienced fighter, and she will waste no time in calling them a dunce, and berating them for their amateurish lack of form. Which only highlights her moody, autocratic, and haughty, though she is moderately less so towards her wielder and underneath those insults are the caring, life-giving intentions of water, a want to see and allow others to grow and develop regardless of if they are the acorn or the great oak. Eira also insists on being cleaned on a regular basis, as she absolutely hates being left dirty for too long. If Eira isn't regularly cleaned each day, thinks she's being ignored, disrespected or taken advantage of, her mood can take a sour turn, waterskins freeze and rooms become cold by her presence. While this may seem trivial if neglected enough a conflict arises at midnight.
Eira is sentimental, when she allows a creature to attune to her they are hers for life and their death turns the weapon of water, soothing and steady into a weapon of ice of absolute cold and crushing pressure as she spirals down into the depths of depression. Eira can often morn for her passed wielder for centuries and even while another creature is attuned to them. It is only by getting Eira out of her depressive state that a creature is able to wield both the crushing pressure of ice and the eroding power of water as detailed by her Weapon of Water property.
Eira is the twin weapon of Aodh the primordial weapon of fire and while Eira is diligently lawful, Aodh is constantly chaotic, loving the freedom of his flame. Eira views her brother as over eccentric and a little psychotic, and on the rare chance, their wielders do cross paths they will often argue and bicker back and forth regardless of if there is any hostility between their users. However, despite their naturally conflicting natures Eira being the marginally older sister, cares for her brother in a way that her mortal wielder cannot experience and sees him reliable and brave no matter the dangers.
Unlike the indestructible weapons above, the weapons of the upper and lower planes can be destroyed and it is said that is their fate when they fall to the material plane is that of the destruction of each other. A character that possesses one of these weapons must agree to destroy the opposing weapon if they are to attune to the weapon and gain its power. It is by slaying the opposing weapon's wielder and then striking the weapon with their own that weapons of the Sphere of balance can be destroyed, otherwise, they may as well be as indestructible as their primordial cousins.
There can only be one positive and one negative weapon in exitance at any one time. The destruction of one of these weapon causes the next two weapons of the upper and lower plane to manifest in 10d10 years. The remaining weapon retains its power until those weapons manifest, at which point the soul that inhabits the successful weapon is freed and returns to its home plane and the weapon becomes a normal +3 weapon[11] but retains its indestructibility. Weapons that are destroyed, have their souls destroyed as well and as such push their wielders to fight beyond their normal limits or flee if the odds are not favorable in the face of their opposite. For the weapon, success is being able to return home and failure is not an option. Interestingly, weapons that are successful their first time around reanimate their previous weapon when it is that planes turn. For example, a kingdom founded on the deeds of a great hero king may find thousands of years after his rain, that the king's weapon who was preserved and passed down through the line of kings as a mark of legitimacy suddenly regained its legendary abilities.
Weapons of this sphere view the higher tier weapons with different measures of emotions. The dread that Spiritus inspires in weapons of the lower planes, to the deep respect that weapons of the lawful, good and even neutral planes express when in its presence. Some envy the immortal and indestructible weapons of the higher tiers while others pity the primordial weapons especially for being trapped in this world that seems to struggle eternally, unable to pass on and forced to live on without a clear purpose as wanderers.
As seen on The Great Wheel, the weapons that manifest are always of the opposing plane, a weapon of Mount Celestia would exist at the same time as a weapon of the Abyss. Regardless of which of the two weapons succeeded the next planes of existence will move clockwise to the next two weapons, spawning weapons from Bytopia and Carceri and so the cycle continues endlessly. These weapons are manifestations of the plane like all weapons of the weapon theory, however, planes are vast and sometimes the weapons take after a specific domain within the plane. Such is the case with Lloth's Glaive, which embodies the Demonweb Pits of the spider queens domain. The two weapons of this eternal balancing act have the following property:
Twin Destroyer. As an action, you may strike a weapon that has this property, destroying the struck weapon, provided it is not being held or carried by a creature and it is not attuned to a creature.
Mount Celestia: Herald[edit]
Weapon(large spear), sentient artifact(requires attunement by a good-aligned creature)
Herald is a large silver-tipped spear that is embellished with blue. At almost 10 feet tall this weapons might is all but apparent in its size and obviously magical appearance.
It deals 2d6 piercing damage and has the heavy, versatile(2d8), and thrown(60/120) weapon properties. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The weapon is seemingly weightless when wielded by its wielder and it has the following additional properties:
Critical Smite. When you score a critical hit with Herald, your additional damage is radiant damage and you can roll the weapon’s damage dice you can roll it three times instead of twice.
Hero Maker. Over the time the weapon is attuned to a creature it progressively makes them stronger and more physically attractive, molding them into the hero it demands they be. The end result is a creature that resembles their former self but without a fault to them, becoming what some would describe as the peak of whatever race they were. This process can take months or years as Herald. You are immune to diseases and the frightened condition.
Ysgardian Will. If damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you can make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC of 5 + half the damage taken, unless the damage is from a critical hit. On a success, you drop to 1 hit point instead.
Locked: Protection from Evil. While you hold Herald, a protective coating of celestial magic coats your body, causing any evil creature to have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. If you take damage, the property is suppressed until the start of your next turn. Creatures with truesight can see this coating of magic.
Locked: Celestia's Wrath. At the start of your turn, as an action, you may tap the ground with your spear a wave of force blowing out in all directions, all evil creatures within 10 feet of you with a challenge rating less than or equal to 5 are destroyed. Creatures with a challenge rating greater than 5, take 10d10 radiant damage. In addition, all creatures within a 120 feet radius feel the overwhelming wrath of the Seven Heavens from you, that may invoke fear to the fearless, dread to the dreaded or even faith to the faithless, creatures within range must make a DC20 Wisdom saving throw, or become frightened, and palayzed in fear by your presence for 1 minute. Affected creatures may repeat their saving throw at the end of their turn. Once used you cannot use Herald this way again until the next dawn.
Locked: Legendary Smite. As an action, you can perfectly hurl Herald at a creature within 1 mile, as Herald moves through space he becomes a molt of celestial force that disintegrates anything he touches. Any creature in a 10-foot line between you and the targeted creature must make a DC20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 10d6 + 40 radiant damage. The targetted creature must make a DC20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 19d6 + 60 radiant damage. Creatures that pass this saving throw are frightened of the weapon for 1 minute as they are filled with an existential dread. If damage from this attack reduces the target to 0 hit points, it is disintegrated.
This attack penetrates creatures, objects, or a creation of magical force, such as the wall created by a wall of force. A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine semi-luminous dust. The creature can be restored to life only by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell. This attack automatically disintegrates a Large or smaller nonmagical object or a creation of magical force. If the target is a Huge or larger object or creation of force, this attack disintegrates a 10-foot-cube portion of it.
In addition, the area in a 120-foot radius from the target is considered consecrated ground.
Once used you cannot use Herald this way again until a month has passed and Herald unless he believes the target to be a significant threat such its opposing weapon or an immediate and seemingly unbeatable foe, will simply not allow its wielder to use this ability.
Sentience. Herald is a sentient, lawful good weapon with an Intelligence of 13, a Wisdom of 19, and a Charisma of 16. It has hearing and darkvision out to 120 feet. The weapon can read and understand Common, Celestial, Primordial, Draconic and also understands every language you know. It communicates telepathically with its wielder. Its voice is strong and fatherly, just hearing it is enough to fill one with determination.
Personality. Herald seeks to create a hero from its user to defeat the evils of the world that have risen since his last incarnation. He also seeks to destroy Lloth's Glaive but not before the first. Herald of Mount Celestia is a lawful good sentient weapon. He has slain his opposing weapon, The Aybss every single time without fail and now fights against the incarnation of the Demon Web Pits, Lloth's Glaive. Over the centuries he has watched the world grow and built up a new hero each time worthy of ascending the steps of his home plane through smiting the darkness that threatens to trample the good of the world.
Herald like all sentient items Herald is capable of suppressing its wielders ability to use any of its properties, which it does to teach its wielder the ways of Mount Celestia and put them on the path of becoming a hero through their strength rather than through its own tremendous magical power. Herald has often suppressed several of its more powerful properties unlocking them one by one when it feels the time is right for its wielder to advance. This attests to Herald's nature as a teacher, guide and father type figure to its wielder.
The Abyss: Lloth's Glaive[edit]
Weapon (dual-bladed glaive), legendary (requires attunement by a follower of lloth)
Lloth's Glaive was a blessed magic weapon given to a forgotten drow warrior by Lloth for the accomplishment of a great deed and an unwavering faith. Over the years the blade has changed hands only by the spilling of the blood of the previous owner and the victor taking ownership of the weapon.
Lloth's Glaive has several similarities to the traditional magical weaponry made by the drow such as being made from the supernaturally hard adamantine, a dark metal that in the case of Lloth's Glaive is as black as the abyss itself. Its form is decorated with cut obsidian and is adorned with web-like engravings making its drow origins ever present. This weapon is considered sacred to those of Lloth's faith and may grant the wielder a degree of status within a temple or religious area. However, due to the nature of the drow, they are an easy target of enmity to drow who may seek to take the glaives power for themselves.
Lloth's Glaive has the same properties as a normal glaive, however, it also has the finesse property. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon and deal an additional 1d10 necrotic damage on each successful strike. If you make a successful attack you can as a bonus action attack again with the other end of the glaive. It has the following additional properties.
Heart Sense. You can hear the heartbeat of living creatures within 60 feet of you. This allows you to accurately pinpoint the location of creatures within range even if you cannot see them and grants you advantage on Wisdom(Insight) checks to discern if a creature within range is lying or not. This property doesn't work against undead or constructs.
Blood Sacrifice. Whenever you use it to reduce a creature to 0 hit points, the glaive slays the creature draining it of all blood which is channeled into the blade and causing the body to shrivel up. When you do this, Lloth grants you temporary hit points equal to the slain creature's hit point maximum. These hit points fade after 24 hours. This has no effect on constructs or undead. If you are killed you fall under the same effect and are sacrificed to Lloth granting the creature that killed you temporary hit points equal to your hit point maximum and that creature can then instantly attune to the glaive.
Blood Pact. You can, as a reaction, trade your hit points for the following additional effects:
- 10: You can make another Attack against an opponent within range.
- 5/10: You gain advantage on a saving throw, ability check or attack roll. This can be used before or after you make a roll, however, if used afterward the amount is doubled.
- 5: If you hit two attacks consecutively against a single target you can force a target to make a DC17 Wisdom saving throw or become paralyzed in fear for 1 minute or until they next take damage. They can repeat this save at the beginning of each of their turns.
You can take one or multiple effects when you spend your reaction. For example, you could spend 10/15 hit points to make an additional attack that is advantaged or spend 60 hit points to make 6 additional attacks.
Sentience. Lloth's Glaive is a sentient chaotic evil weapon with an Intelligence of 17, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 19. It has hearing and darkvision out to 120 feet. The weapon can read and understand Common, Elvish, Undercommon, Abyssal and can communicate by transmitting emotion to the creature carrying or wielding it by sending various sensation through their hand. When the user sleeps or trances its voice can be heard as soft, silky smooth whispers that echo through their mind. While you are attuned to it, Lloth's Glaive also understands every language you know.
Personality. If Lloth's Glaive believes its user to be weak it communicates with its user by sending shivers and setting off goosebumps up and down its body else it sends pangs of emotion through their hand. In the wielders dreams, it talks with a creeping knowingness down at its user in a blatantly sadistic manner. When angered this becomes a harsh and spiteful assault of elvish that causes its user to wake up in a cold sweat, sensations running through their body until she has calmed. Its purpose is that of a destroyer, craving the destruction of surface-dwelling life, good-aligned creatures and goads its user to fight arbitrarily to assert its dominance over its wielder and those that would be normally stronger than its wielder.
Lloth like the glaive hungers for sacrifice and must be regularly fed. If the glaive goes three days or more without consuming blood, a conflict between it and its wielder occurs at the next sunset.
Bytopia: Gemelli[edit]
Weapon(staff), sentient artifact(requires attunement by a good-aligned creature)
Magic Weapon. Gemelli is a magic sentient quarterstaff that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. As a bonus action, you can swap between the weapons two forms. The first being Dothion, a quarterstaff reminiscent of that used by shepherds and the elderly and the other being Shurrock, a wild tree branch. As Dothion, Gemelli is a quarterstaff, that functions as a staff of healing and a staff of striking. When you switch to Shurrock the staff grows branches, vines and leaves functioning as a broom of flying, a staff of the woodlands. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by Gemelli sprouts into a small sapling and cannot be raised as undead.
Random Properties. Gemelli has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 2 minor detrimental properties
Blessings of Bytopia. If you are attuned to the staff, you gain the following benefits:
Rural Mentor. The people of the first layer of Bytopia, Dothion, understand the importance of an honest living and learn a craft at a young age to better support their idealistic village communities. If you spend your downtime learning an artisan tool[12] Gemelli is considered your mentor and you don't expand a gold cost for each day you learn. To another viewing you, it may appear as if you are doing nothing, fiddling with appliances that aren't there and taking instructions from an individual that is absent, however, you are in fact experiencing a hallucination of sorts created by Gemelli. In addition, you take half as long to craft an item[13].
Spells. While on your person, you can use an action to cast one of the following spells (save 18) from it, requiring no material components: calm emotions, catnap[14], commune with nature, find the path, entangle, grasping vine, Leomund's tiny hut, plant growth, purify food and drink, or reverse gravity. Once you use the item to cast a spell, you can't cast that spell again from it until the next dusk. In addition, you are immune to the effects of any spell that xxx can cast.
Sentience. Gemelli is a sentient neutral good item with an Intelligence of 13, a Wisdom of 16, and a Charisma of 15. It has hearing out to a range of 120 feet. The weapon communicates telepathically with its wielder and can speak, read, and understand Common.
Personality. Alternates between the village elder and the untamed/ primal hunter.
Carceri: Carric[edit]
Weapon(dagger), sentient artifact(requires attunement by a evil-aligned creature)
Othrys. The first layer, Othrys, consists of a war-ravaged landscape of swamps and stagnant rivers crossed only by spotted ranges of mountains.
Cathrys. The second layer, Cathrys (also called The Crimson Jungle), is a layer of thick jungles and open plains of razored grass.
Minethys. The third layer, Minethys, is a parched layer of crimson glowing sand and biting, desiccating sandstorms.
Colothys. The fourth layer, Colothys, consists of jagged, unforgiving mountains and sudden chasms with little flat ground to find refuge.
Porphatys. The fifth layer, Porphatys, is a cold layer dominated by a shallow, acidic ocean, cut only by sandbars and drifts of semi-solid acid snow.
Agathys. The last layer, Agathys, consists of a single orb of black ice alone in the void, almost completely devoid of light and sound, with only the shifting and breaking of ice and the slow, crushing agony of petitioners frozen in it being heard.
The blade is said to hold two, dimensional spaces, one within its blade, a demiplane that takes the form of a vault, and another within its hilt, a six-cell prison with each cell representing one of the layers of Carceri. Carric has one rune on its blade for each creature that is imprisoned within it (typically 2d4-2), the more detailed the rune the stronger the creature is. Carric grants several benefits depending on the total Challenge Rating of the creatures imprisoned within it. The DM chooses the current total Challenge Rating upon attunement or determines it randomly by rolling a number of d20’s equal to the number of creatures imprisoned. The Prisoner’s table gives a list of random creatures that could be imprisoned within Carric and the Carric Properties table gives the list of benefits.
Carric Properties Table[edit]
Each property is based off each of the six layers of Carceri.
Total Challenge Rating |
Property |
16 | Othrys. You gain a +1 bonus to your attack and damage rolls and you ignore any of the drawbacks or hazards caused by grassland or swamp environments. |
32 | Cathrys. You gain a +2 bonus to your attack and damage rolls and you ignore any of the drawbacks or hazards caused by forest or jungle environments. |
48 | Minethys. You gain a +3 bonus to your attack and damage rolls and you ignore any of the drawbacks or hazards caused by desert environments. |
64 | Colothys. You gain a +4 bonus to your attack and damage rolls and you ignore any of the drawbacks or hazards caused by underground or mountain environments. |
80 | Porphatys. You gain a +5 bonus to your attack and you ignore any of the drawbacks or hazards caused by underwater or coastal environments. |
96 | Agathys. You gain a +6 bonus to your attack and you ignore any of the drawbacks or hazards caused by artic or Underdark environments. |
Magic Weapon. Carric is a magic sentient dagger that grants a bonus to attack and damage rolls depending on the total Challenge Rating of creatures it has imprisoned within it. The dagger also functions as a weapon of warning, an amulet of proof against detection, and oddly enough, a portable hole. Which can be opened and closed by slashing at the air and speaking a command word.
Random Properties. Carric has the following random properties:
- 1 minor beneficial properties
- 1 major beneficial property
- 1 minor detrimental properties
- 1 major detrimental property
Blessings of Carceri. If you are attuned to the dagger, you gain the following benefits:
- You can perfectly recall any path you have traveled.
- You can expand 5 feet of movement to automatically escape from nonmagical restraints, such as manacles or a creature that has you grappled.
- You can’t become lost even by magical means.
Dimensional Bands. You can use an action to speak a command word and throw the dagger at a Huge or smaller creature you can see within 60 feet of you without disadvantage. Upon impacting a creature the dagger returns to your hand and metal bands open from the wound like a flower, entangling the creature in a ball of bands. The target is restrained until you take a bonus action to speak the command word again to release it. Missing with the attack, causes the dagger to reappear back in your hand once more. In addition to being restrained the bands prevent a creature bound by them from using any method of extradimensional movement, including teleportation or travel to a different plane of existence. They don't prevent the creature from passing through an interdimensional portal. A creature, including the one restrained, can use an action to make a DC 30 Strength check to break the restraints. On a success, the restrained creature is freed. If the check fails, any further attempts made to free that creature automatically fail until 24 hours have elapsed. Once this property is used, it can't be used again until the next dusk. If this property is used again while it is active, the older of the two restraints fail.
Spells. While the dagger is on your person, you can use an action to cast one of the following spells (save 18) from it, requiring no material components: arcane lock, alarm, forbiddance, forcecage, knock, passwall, planar binding, maze, magic circle, or wall of force. Once you use the sword to cast one of its spell, you can't cast that spell again from it until the next dusk. In addition, you cannot be detected or targeted by any spell that Carric can cast.
Traitor’s Blade. When you deal damage to a creature while they are surprised, or consider you their ally you deal additional damage equal to the total Challenge Rating of creatures imprisoned in Carric.
Warden. You can cast the spell imprisonment as an action, requiring no material components and instead of picking one of the spells options, you imprison the creature within a tiny demiplane that is warded against teleportation and planar travel within Carric’s hilt. You can communicate with each of the imprisoned creatures telepathically and can release an imprisoned creature as an action, however, Carric may refuse to do so in that regard, unless it is the make space for a stronger one. The DC for this saving throw is 20 and you can have no more than six creature imprisoned by this method at any one time. Once used, you cannot use this property again until the next dusk. Like the spell imprisonment, if a creature targets Carric with the spell, dispel magic as a 9th-level spell an imprisoned creature is randomly freed, however, if that spell fails and Carric hasn’t used this property yet, he can attempt to do so as a reaction, targetting the creature that attempted to release his precious prisoners.
Sentience. Carric is a sentient neutral evil weapon with an Intelligence of 16, a Wisdom of 15, and a Charisma of 13. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. The weapon communicates telepathically with its wielder and can speak, read, and understand Common.
Personality. The dagger seeks to imprison only the strongest of creatures within its limited confines and in particular, urges it’s user to hunt wardens or criminals of exceptional note such as the archdevil’s Levistus[15] and Glasya[16] of the Nine Hells.
Prisoner’s Table[edit]
d100 | Contents | Challenge Rating |
01-05 | An very affectionate awakened shrub | 0 |
06-10 | A drunk dwarfen veteran with the tavern brawler feat, who is just ouncing for a fight | 3 |
11-15 | A haughty elvish noble | 1/4 |
16-20 | A talking but well spoken skeleton that thinks he's a lich | 1/4 |
21-25 | A familiar looking ghost | 4 |
26-30 | A shrieking medusa | 6 |
31-35 | A human mage that just wants to go home. | 6 |
36-40 | An invisible stalker that hunts whoever holds the dagger | 6 |
41-45 | A sleeping hydra | 8 |
46-50 | A very big but otherwise normal looking tree that is actually a treant. If attacked or not observed it will attempt to return to a forest with a fey prescence. | 9 |
51-55 | A noble djinni that may grant a wish, obliterate the holder for imprisoning it or sit down for a nice coversation before leaving. | 11 |
56-60 | A hungry vampire lord. | 13 |
61-65 | A purple worm | 15 |
66-70 | A very grumpy cat | 0 |
71-75 | A planetar that will promise their destruction for weilding such a item and destroy them taking the dagger to the celestial plane or they will flee to battle them another time with allies if they believe cannot win. | 16 |
76-80 | A raging iron golem | 16 |
81-85 | An adult red dragon | 17 |
86-90 | A furious balor | 19 |
91-95 | A pit fiend warden of Glasya[17]. | 20 |
96-00 | A lich that thanks you for freeing him before teleporting away | 21 |
- ↑ Dungeon Masters Guide p.110
- ↑ Elemental Evil Players Companion p.21
- ↑ Elemental Evil Players Companion p.17
- ↑ Elemental Evil Players Companion p.17
- ↑ Dungeon Masters Guide p.110
- ↑ Dungeon Masters Guide p.110
- ↑ Dungeon Masters Guide p.110
- ↑ Dungeon Masters Guide p.110
- ↑ Dungeon Masters Guide p.110
- ↑ Dungeon Masters Guide p.110
- ↑ Dungeon Masters Guide p. 213
- ↑ Xanathar's Guide to Everything p.134/ Players Handbook p.187
- ↑ Xanathar's Guide to Everything p.128
- ↑ Xanathar's Guide to Everything p.151
- ↑ Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p.13
- ↑ Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p.14
- ↑ Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p.14