User:Bigboi21/Solar Knight (Heir The King Variant)

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Praise The Sun!

Solar knight[edit]

The Solar knights are a very jolly group of happy go-getters ready for life. They have the sun on their side after all!

Creating a Solar knight[edit]

A solar knight praising his beloved sun

Solar Knights are often jolly, happy-go-lucky, and friendly people. They are willing to help any one who is in trouble and fill them with radiance as if from the sun itself. You are no average knight of the sun. But the mortal descendant of the light lord himself. Your presence brings righteous fear to evil itself. You will know no sleep till all the evil in the world is purged. You feel it a connection to the fire, the flame, the light of the sun. The strength of those who've wielded the flame before you flows through you. You are the Heir to the king . Your birth means great change is underway. And you will the way to a new era.

As a solar knight, you were taught to use very specific weapons. Ones that the sun can shine upon properly. Following the footsteps of those before you

  • All Solar Knights worship the Sun
  • All Solar Knights count as Paladins.

Class Features

As a Solar Knight you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Solar Knight level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Solar Knight level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, medium armor,Heavy armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons,
Tools: Pick one af any artisan tool
Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom
Skills: Persuasion, Religion, and two other skills


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A longsword and Flail or (b) Any martial melee weapon
  • (a) A breastplate or (b) Chain shirt and 10GP
  • (a) A heavy crossbow and 10 bolts or (b) A light crossbow and 30 bolts
  • A shield, a sun symbol, a set of common clothes, and an explorers pack

Table: The Solar Knight

Level Proficiency
Solar Charges Features
1st +2 10 Solar Charges, Power of the Glow, Sun Strike, Sun orb, Sacred Bonfire
2nd +2 15 Radiance
3rd +2 18 Solar Way, Estus Soup, Miniature Sun
4th +2 20 Ability Score Improvement, Solar Seal
5th +3 22 Solar Blessing, Extra Attack
6th +3 25 Sun Strike (2)
7th +3 30 Solar Way Feature
8th +3 35 Ability Score Improvement, Sun Rays
9th +4 40 Solar Blessing (2) Solar way (2)
10th +4 50 Solar Seal (2), Power of the glow (2) Extra Attack
11th +4 60 Solar Way Feature
12th +4 70 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 80 Sun Strike(3)
14th +5 90 Sun Shield
15th +5 100 Estus soup (2) Extra attack
16th +5 120 Ability Score Improvement, Solar Blessing (3), Solar Seal (3)
17th +6 130 Solar Way Feature
18th +6 140 Sun Strike (4)
19th +6 150 Ability Score Improvement, Solar Blessing (4), Solar Seal (4)
20th +6 200 Sun Strike, Solar Way Feature, Final Strike

The power of the sun fills you with determination and the ability to smite your foes!

Solar Charges[edit]

The Solar Knight draws power from the sun to fuel its special features. Your abilities will cost varying amounts of Solar Charge depending on their difficulty. As your devotion to the sun grows, you will be able to focus your Solar Charges into more powerful effects. Solar Charges are regained by taking a short rest in direct sunlight.

While you have Solar Charge available, you will emit a radiant glow of a luminosity depending on the amount of Solar Charges. At 10 solar charges or less you glow lightly 6ft around you. At 13 to 15 solar charges you illuminate a 15 foot cube of dim light. At 20 or more solar charges you illuminate a 25 foot cube in dim light. You can choose to turn this off

At first level, you have 10 charges

Power of the Glow[edit]

When in direct sunlight, you have advantage on Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom checks and saving throws.

Descendant of light[edit]

You have a natural resistance to radient, fire damage and resistant to decay environments. But weak to Decay(corruption, dark magic etc) attacks. Your eyes have small dim ring of light around the iris's you can see normal in low light areas and dark areas are considered low light for you.

Sun Orb[edit]

Small in size and power the sun orb deals 1d4 fire damage but can be infused with a sun charge to deal 2d4 instead.

Sun Strike[edit]

When you make a melee weapon attack you can choose to make it a Sun Strike. If the Sun Strike hits, you deal 2d4 radiant damage in addition to the weapon's damage. You may only use this feature an amount of times equal to your proficiency modifier(as with all of your abilities). Activate this feature after a successful attack roll. You regain uses after a short rest in direct sun light, a long rest, or you may spend a solar charge to activate this power. This is the bread and butter for damage dealing.

Sacred Bonfire[edit]

When resting and you make a bonfire and plunge your sword into it the chances of ambush are cut in half but you must take watch all night gaining only half of missing health and half of your solar charges so that your allies may rest easy in turn.


At 2nd level, You may emit a white, yellow, or red light from your body. This effect lasts 1 hour and gives off the same light as a torch. You may end this effect immediately if you wish to. You must wait until you complete a short rest in direct sunlight to use this again, or consume a Solar Charge.

Boundless energy[edit]

When in direct sun light you regenerate solar charges and health. At level 1 you regen 1hp every hour and a solar charge every 30 mins at the 3rd lvl. This effect is doubled every 3 lvls.

Solar Way[edit]

You have traveled and destroyed many a' foe. It is time for you to take 2 aspects of the sun and focus on it. Beginning at 3rd level choose one Solar way, and gain the appropriate features. May your choice reflect your true love for the sun. Once you are stronger and filled with more wisdom you may take another path at lvl 9 and again at 15th lvl. Gain the passive of +1 ac, +5 movement and +5 health at lvl 1

Ability Score Increase[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 3, or you can increase 3 ability scores of your choice by 1.

Solar Seal[edit]

With an action on your turn, you seal a creature you have in direct line of sight in a circle of radiant light. Activate this feature by using the gesture, "Praise The Sun!" (see The Sun deity page). The creature must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save it takes 4d6 radiant damage and it is blinded until your next turn. On a successful save it takes half damage and isn't blinded. You must complete a short rest in direct sunlight to use this again, or consume 5 Solar Charges.

Solar Seal Save DC= 10 + your wisdom modifier + proficiency

Solar Blessing[edit]

When you reach 5th level, by using a bonus action on your turn you can call upon the sun to enchant you and two allies with a blessing. Activate this feature by using the gesture "Praising The Sun"(see The Sun page). This blessing grants +2 AC. You must wait until you complete a short rest in direct sunlight to use this again, or consume 15 solar charges. This effect lasts for 3 minutes. You may only use this feature on an ally that you can see or is using the "Praise The Sun" gesture at the same time as you.

Sun Strike (2)[edit]

At the 6th level, The sun smiles upon you and your Sun Strike now deals 4d4 extra damage.

Solar Blessing (2)[edit]

At the 9th level, Your solar blessing has gained in power, and may now effect you and one and three allies.

Solar Seal (2)[edit]

At the 10th level,Your solar seal has gained a considerable amount of power it now deals double damage.

Suns Rays[edit]

You can cause solar light to radiate from any place. A spot that you can see radiates with sunlight for 1 hour. This light spreads evenly over a 60 by 60 by 60 foot cube. This light is not blinding, nor is it heated. This light is considered sunlight. If the spot chosen for the light to radiate from is covered, this effect ends. You must wait until you complete a short rest in direct sunlight to use this again. Or use a solar charge

Power of the Glow (2)[edit]

At the 10th level,When in direct sunlight, add half your proficiency bonus to your proficiency bonus.

Sun Strike (3)[edit]

At the 13th level,The sun smiles upon you once again, and your sun strike now deals 4d6 extra damage.

Sun Shield[edit]

At the 14th level,You reinforce yourself with the power of radiance. You gain +3 ac and resistance to a damage type of your choice. This effect lasts 3 minutes. Costs 20 Solar Charges.

Estus Soup[edit]

At 3rd level you learn the fine art of cooking estus. Once per long rest, at a rest you may cook up a batch of invigorating soup that grants up to 2 people 1d10+ your WIS modifier temporary hit points each. Doubled at 15th lvl

Solar Blessing (3)[edit]

At the 16th level, Your solar blessing has been honed to near perfection. Solar blessing now gives +4 AC rather than +2.

Solar Seal (3)[edit]

At the 16th level, Your solar seal has been honed to near perfection. You may now cast solar seal on two creatures you can see if they are within 15feet of each other.

Sun Strike (4)[edit]

At the 18th level, You have nearly mastered the art of channeling the sun and your sun strike now deals 4d8 radiant damage.

Solar Blessing (4)[edit]

At the 19th level, You have perfected your Solar blessing. It now can effect you, and 5 other willing creatures.

Solar Seal (4)[edit]

At the 19th level, Your have perfected your Solar seal. It now deals 8d6 radiant damage. And stuns (instead of blinding) targets that fail the saving throw until the beginning of your next turn.

Sun Strike (5)[edit]

At the 20th level, the Sun has fully submitted its power to you. When a creature takes radiant damage from your Sun Strike, if the damage is over or equal to 30, the creature makes a Constitution saving throw. If the creature fails this throw, it becomes petrified. This affect costs an additional two solar charges.

Final Strike[edit]

Upon landing every attack successfully you end the combo by plunging your blade in the ground and causing an explosion dealing 2d20 of fire damage and a 1d20 of force damage. Blasting the foe back 10ft.

  • Sun strike (5) save DC: 10 + your wisdom modifier + proficiency.

Order of the Burning Sun[edit]

You have chosen to be the fire and flame that the sun glows with harshly. Fire and flames of the sun will smite your enemies and awe your allies.

Burning Glow[edit]

Beginning when you choose this solar way at 3rd level, all radiant or fire damage now does an extra 1d4 fire damage. This damage is increased to 1d8 in direct sunlight. At 12th level this damage increases to 2d4 and 2d8.

Extra Proficiency[edit]

Starting at 3rd level when you choose this Solar way, you gain proficiency in exotic weapons

Burning armor[edit]

Starting at 7th level, you may set your armor ablaze and cause damage to those risking an attack against you. This fire does not harm you or your armor. All creatures that make an attack against you have disadvantage, and take 2d4 fire damage on a successful hit, and 1d4 fire damage in a failed one. This effect lasts 1 minute. You must wait until you complete a short rest in direct sunlight to use this again, or consume 3 Solar Charges.

Sun at Hand[edit]

Starting at 11th level, you can summon a line of The Sun's flame at any location. You deal 8d6 fire damage to a creature within a 30 foot wide by 50 foot long line. Any creature other than the Solar Knight which moves into this fire for the first time or starts its turn in this fire will be inflicted with 8d6 fire damage. You must complete a short rest in direct sunlight to use this again, or consume 8 Solar Charges.

Embrace Flame[edit]

Starting at 17th level, when you take fire damage, you only take damage equal to 1d4 radiant damage and gain 2d4 temporary hit points.

The Fire Champion[edit]

Starting at 20th level, you may channel the sun straight through your body and fibers of being. Activate this feature before you take an attack. For 2 minutes, all of your attacks will be enabled with Sun Strike, though they will not petrify and now deal fire damage instead. You also gain the effects of Burning Armor in addition to becoming immune to fire damage and heal for half of the would be fire damage. This consumes 50 Solar Charges.

Way of the Healing Sun[edit]

Gentle Glow[edit]

Beginning at 3rd level when you choose this Solar way, when you activate radiance it now causes all friendly creatures within a 30-foot circle to gain temorary hit points equal to the numbers rolled on 2d4 + your wisdom modifier for 1d4 hours. This amount increases to 2d6 at level 6, 2d8 at level 9, 2d10 at level 12, and 2d12 at level 15.

Benign Aura[edit]

Starting at 3rd level when you choose this Solar way, if the glow from Solar Charges is active on you, all humanoids with an intelligence below 6 will assume you're of the good alignment. You also gain proficiency in medicine if you do not have it, or double proficiency if you already do. Also when taking a short rest if you or others with you roll a 1 on their hit die they may reroll it and take the second result.

Healing Light[edit]

Beginning at 7th level, you can call upon The Sun to heal an ally greatly. An ally you can see that is also in direct sunlight Gains your wisdom modifier + (solar knight level) d4 hit points. This feature is activated by using the gesture, "Praise The Sun!" (see The Sun page). You must wait until you complete a short rest in direct sunlight to use this again, or consume 5 Solar Charges.

Soothing Lights[edit]

Beginning at 11th level, the light cast by Radiance will heal you and friendly targets for 2d4 + your wisdom modifier per turn after its first use. You also become immune to all radiant damage.

Link with The Sun[edit]

Starting at 17th level, as a bonus action you may link a willing creature you can touch with the sun. This creature gains one of the following features for 1 minute.

  • advantage on all saving throws
  • +2 Ac
  • deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage on melee attack rolls per solar charge spent on this (max5)

Any of these effects require a solar charge to activate.

The Suns Eternal Rise[edit]

Starting at 20th level, as an action you can nullify the effects of all conditions currently effecting a creature you can see, and restore it to full hit points. This feature is activated by using the gesture, "Praise The Sun!" (See The Sun page). This feature consumes 50 Solar Charges.

Way of the True Sun[edit]

Heir of The Sun[edit]

Beginning at 3rd level when you choose this solar way, you can directly speak to The Sun at a shrine or use your sun amulet and roll a d20 + wisdom mod with a dc of 15 if you succeed you may speak directly with The Sun without fail. If you fail, you cannot attempt to speak to The Sun again for 24 hours this is reduced to 12 hours at level 10. The Sun can give knowledge, blessings, and gifts(also up to DM)

Extra Proficiency[edit]

Starting at 3rd level when you choose this solar way, you gain proficiency in two of the following: arcana, heavy armor, and history.

The Sun's Own Determination[edit]

Starting at 7th level, The Sun can fill you with determination. When you drop to 0 hit points, you can immediately go back to one hit point and take a movement action. You may use this feature again after finishing a long rest.

Greater Sun Strike[edit]

Starting at 11th level, your Sun strike can be filled with even more energy than usual. You may now use up to 2 Sun strikes and roll the damage done by one of your sun strikes twice. For example, a 2d4 sun strike can take up two of your Sun strikes and deal 4d4 instead.

Solar Flare[edit]

Starting at 17th level, you can cause The Sun to flare down on a single opponent. An enemy creature you can see must make a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails this throw, takes 5d6 radiant damage and is stunned for 2 rounds. If it succeeds it takes half damage and is not stunned.

  • Solar flare save DC: 14 + wisdom modifier.

Ultimate Sun Heir[edit]

Beginning at 20th level, you can speak with The Sun at any time and in any place and is much more likely to aid you. While in direct sunlight you gain advantage on all saving throws. You may also regain all Solar Charges by taking no actions on your turn. You may only regain Solar Charges in this way once per short rest in direct sunlight.

The Lords first born[edit]

Descendants Blade[edit]

At the start of the 3rd lvl You will fall unconscious and awaken in an realm of light, you will not know what is happening. A figure will hand you An ancient long great sword made of seemingly pitch black and Bronze material. But you feel it when it touches your hand This sword wasn't always black. Its merely scorched by a flame you cannot imagine yet. It's warm, soothing even to the touch. But when wielded its light as a feather allowing you to one hand it. You will awaken with the blade next to you. Humming with energy. Does the same damage as a normal great sword but with this blade you can use 5 solar charges to ignite the blade adding solar strike damage to its base damage. This can then be buffed with a normal solar strike. If this blade is wielded by those who aren't a descendant its weight would feel to be the equivalent of a mountain, feel almost repelled by it. Those who aren't righteous and try to wield it are set ablaze for 2d4 fire damage.

My Very Own Sun[edit]

At the 3rd level you conjure a small sun of your own. 1 charge = 2 hours of duration. While active you can regenerate sun charges while you rest at night. Or at the cost make it explode for 3 charges dealing 3d4 fire damage. While the sun is out hostile wild life is put at ease in its presence (doesn't mean they won't still attack you if you invade there space aggressively)

Humanity's true worth[edit]

You can view a man's aura and tell if he's worth. Does the light shine within him? Is he rightoues. You see a mans true worth. You have the ability to see if they walk the path of good or not

Sunlight spear[edit]

At the 6th lvl The very sun feels at your command instead of lighting you conjure a spear made of the suns energy. Once a day you can launch a sunlight spear at a foe for 6d6 fire dmg. Afterwards the cost is 10 sun charges untill you take a short rest

Mantle of the king[edit]

At the 9th lvl you fall unconscious once again. Another vision ensues this time more vivid you can make out more the figure but still unclear. You look around and see a bonfire. When lit it sets you ablaze. But it doesn't hurt it swirls around and into you becoming a part of you. Armor is fashioned onto you. It looks foreign not of this era something from a far gone age only those of the most ancient of life spans would even have a clue of. With this mantle you consume one less solar charge with your abilities. (Class of armor can be decided by DM or based off what you are wearing or profienct in.

Sun Ball[edit]

At the 12th lvl when charged for 3 rounds you will unleash a fire ball of immaculate power dealing 4d12 fire and force dmg. You must wait a long rest until you can use this once more or spend 15 charges.

Linking The Flame[edit]

At the 20th lvl Your journey, all the paths of the sun and light you've taken have lead to this. The linking of the flame of within. At the cost of your life you may link the fire within you to the flame of life itself and usher in the change that is the new era. For 5 mins while your body and soul burn your true potential is unlocked. For 5 mins you gain +10 ac unlimited solar charges and + 20hp and double movement speed. Afterwards unless through divine intervention you will cease existence for you have re-lit the flame that is life for another generation. You have ascended to kinghood and served your purpose in the grand cycle. Rest easy now king. You deserve it.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the class, you must meet these prerequisites:STR 13 WIS 13

Proficiency. When you multiclass into the class, you gain the following proficiencies: Religion and Persuasion