User:BigDunzles/Dunzle (5e Class)
The Dunzle is a bizzare yet immensely powerful and capable warrior from the land of dunzle. Their origins are shrouded in mystery due to the mysterious nature of Dunzledorf. Although it has been reported that Dunzledorf seems like a humongous city with life there being similar to life in Chicago, Detroit, Or other violent places and such. With their bizzare weaponry and inhuman feats, the Dunzles are sure to make strange yet powerful warriors on the battlefield. The Dunzledorfians are specialists at heart, owing much of what they do to their specialty rather than the average Dunzledorfian experience.
From The Streets of Dunzledorf[edit]
Dunzles never leave Dunzledorf willingly, Dunzledorf leaves you. The only time you will spot a Dunzle without you yourself being in Dunzledorf is if Dunzledorf decides they've seen enough and sets them free.
Creating a Dunzle[edit]
How did your character operate in the streets of Dunzledorf? Were they Rollin N Controllin? Were they opp stopas? Why did Dunzledorf decide they had enough? What is their purpose for being here?
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Tra "Real Dunzle" Rags |
- Quick Build
Make a Dunzle quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Intelligence. The rest is up to you.
Class Features
As a Dunzle you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d4 per Dunzle level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 4 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per Dunzle level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: light armor, medium armor, heavy armor
Weapons: Simple melee weapons, Dunzledorfian Equipment, Firearms, and one martial melee weapon of your choosing
Tools: All
Saving Throws: Strength, Intelligence
Skills: Choose four of your choice, although one must be Athletics.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) One piece of Dunzledorfian equipment or (b) One simple weapon or one martial weapon
- (a) One piece of Dunzledorfian equipment or (b) leather (armor) or chain mail (armor)
- An Dungeoneer's pack
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Dunzle Tactics Known |
1st | +2 | I'm from Dunzledorf you know how we get down, Street Profession, Dunzledorf survivor | 1 |
2nd | +2 | Notorius | 2 |
3rd | +2 | Street Cred, Street Profession feature(2) | 2 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 3 |
5th | +3 | Built Different | 3 |
6th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 4 |
7th | +3 | Top Shotta | 4 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 5 |
9th | +4 | Great Minds.....(2) | 6 |
10th | +4 | Street Profession feature(3) | 6 |
11th | +4 | Head on a Swivel | 7 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 7 |
13th | +5 | Top Shotta(2) | 8 |
14th | +5 | Dunzledorfian Monster, Street profession feature(4) | 8 |
15th | +5 | Great Minds.....(3) | 9 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 9 |
17th | +6 | Dunzledorfian adaptability | 10 |
18th | +6 | — | 10 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 11 |
20th | +6 | Legendary Dunzle | 12 |
“I’m from Dunzledorf you know how we get down”[edit]
You add 1/2 your strength and intelligence modifiers to your Hit point formula (rounded up) along with your constitution. Along with this your proficiency bonus with the Laser Sighted Dumbell (5e Equipment) is doubled for attack rolls, and it is added to your damage rolls for all Dunzledorfian Equipment
- Dunzledorf survivor
You can make sandwiches. These take 2 minutes to make. Alternatively, you can expend hit die on a short rest to make sandwiches instead of healing or make sandwiches during a long rest equal to 2 x your level + your dexterity modifier in sandwich amount. These sandwiches heal for 1d12 + intelligence modifier. This increases to 2d10 at level 2, 3d8 at level 7, 5d6 at level 13, and 8d4 at level 17. The max amount of sandwiches which can be held is equivalent to your dunzle Tactics level + your intelligence modifier. These sandwiches never spoil or rot, no matter what ingredients were used to make them.
Street Proffession[edit]
At 1st level, you chose a Dunzledorfian Street Proffession. Choose between Genius, Patroller, and Menace. Your choice grants you features at 1st level and again at 3rd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 20th
Upon reaching level 2, you begin to accrue notoriety. Every humanoid you intimidate, frighten, or injure will go and tell the ones close to them of your encounters. This will cause certain towns to become wary of you. After Frightening, intimidating, or injuring a creature, you have advantage on all charisma checks made against everyone who resides within the same town sized area as them. This lasts for 1d4 + charisma modifier days.
Street Cred[edit]
Upon reaching level 3, your origins can instill fear in even the mightiest of foes. as a Bonus Action, you can start a speech for 1-10 minutes. This speech recants the trials and tribulations you experienced while in Dunzledorf. Once the speech ends, every non-chaotic aligned creature in a 100ft radius which can understand you is Frightened for 1d4+speech minute(s) turns. The DC for this save is a Nat20. Upon rolling this Nat20, The Cosmic tides shift and the universe actively rewrites itself. The creature which succeeded the DC now has a backstory in which they have been in Dunzledorf for at least 1 year.
Great Minds.....[edit]
Your experiences in dunzledorf have granted you vast knowledge. Once you reach level 3, you can either take a fighting style of your choice from the fighter class, a skill proficiency and a skill expertise in one skill you are proficient with, or you can learn two cantrips and one first level spell of any spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability modifier for any spells, and you have a number of uses of your 1st level spell equal to your intelligence modifier, and regain all uses upon completing a long rest. you gain this feature again at 9th and 15th level. If you chose the fighting style, you can take an additional fighting style of your choice. If you took the skill proficiency/expertise, you can either gain proficiency in another skill of your choice, or expertise in a skill you are proficient with. If you chose the cantrips and spells, you learn 2 additional cantrips or you gain a higher level spell slot that can only be used once per long rest.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Built Different[edit]
Upon reaching level 5, you awaken more of your inner dunzledorf. Your strength, intelligence, and 1 ability score of your choice are increased by 1 and have their ability score maximums increased by 2 as well. Additionally, you gain expertise in athletics or acrobatics, and one skill of your choice. Do not take any of the features from Built Different if you are not proficient in athletics or acrobatics.
Top Shotta[edit]
Upon reaching level 7, You gain proficiency in firearms. If you were already proficient in firearms you can now add that proficiency bonus to your damage rolls with firearms. You gain another Top Shotta at level 13.
Head on a swivel[edit]
Upon reaching level 11, you know how to be observant of your surroundings. You gain proficiency in perception and investigation, and expertise if you already have proficiency. You also have advantage on perception checks made to notice enemies and advantage on insight checks.
Dunzledorfian Monster[edit]
Starting at level 14, you gain the following abilities:
- CRUNCH: You now have a Dastardly bite attack which deals 5d20 piercing damage. this bite counts as a grapple, and any creature trying to escape this "grapple" make the checks to do so with disadvantage. For each round you're grappling a creature this way they take 1d8 necrotic damage. When the creature escapes the "grapple" they take 2d6 slashing damage. They gain 1 level of exhaustion if they failed the first 2 attempts to break free. You can use the poison dunzle tactic in order to lace your teeth, dealing whatever effect the poison would cause to the target.
- The Grind is Real: Buying any item will cause its value to increase by 25% (rounded up) for the next 1d4 days. You have advantage on persuasion and deception checks when it comes to convincing people to buy the item off of you. This is a 50% increase (rounded up) if said item is a magical item.
- Band For Band: Your target must succeed on a combined wisdom + intelligence saving throw (DC 34). On a fail both you and the targeted creature are ascended 300ft above where you are standing and gain the ability to float. Neither of you can move. You and the target must expose all currency and valuables which either of you are in possession of. If your sheer amount of currency surpasses the creatures then they are forced to make a charisma saving throw (DC 12). On a fail the creature falls unconscious for 1d4 days until hit with half their hit points worth of damage. If they succeed they take 10d12 psychic damage - the amount of money possessed in GP. If the creature succeeds you must make the charisma saving throw or suffer the effects previously listed.
- Indomitable: The streets of Dunzledorf are far worse than anything you could possibly experience at this point. for 1 minute you channel your indomitable spirit and become immune to all status effects and advantage on all ability checks. You also gain resistance to all non-magical slashing, bludgeoning and piercing damage. Finally, you gain temporary hit points equal to one quarter of the remaining health of the highest CR creature which has attacked you within the last minute. You gain 1 level of exhaustion each time you use this feature. This ability has a number of uses equal to your proficiency bonus.
You can only use any of these abilities once per long rest
Dunzledorfian adaptability[edit]
Upon reaching level 17, the resilience acquired from residing in Dunzledorf starts to take an even greater form. You can choose 1 ability score to increase by 4, and you now have proficiency in saving throws using that ability score. If you use this feature on an ability score in which you are already proficient in it's saving throws, increase your maximum for that ability score by the same amount and gain expertise in that type of saving throw
Legendary Dunzle[edit]
Upon reaching level 20, you have harnessed an unthinkable amount of power from Dunzledorf. You can now use legendary actions. You gain 2 legendary actions. These legendary actions are replenished each round.
- Attack: You make one attack with a weapon you are holding.
- Dunzle special: you use a Dunzle tactic of your choice.
- See into Dunzledorf: You take a peak into the dunzledorf at the dunzledorfian version of the creature you are facing. You gain advantage on the next roll of your choosing relating to that creature
- Hustle: You either move half your speed, or can take the dash action as a bonus action on your next turn
- Refresh: You can attempt to make a saving throw against something affecting you
A Profession which excels in scouting out information, mobility, and protecting itself as well as allies. Your mastery with vehicles goes beyond even the average dunzledorfian due to your special skills and supernatural bond with your vehicle
Vehicular mastery[edit]
Beginning at level 1, You are proficient in the handling of any type of vehicle, and can instantly learn the controls of the vehicle after spending a number of minutes equal to 5 - your intelligence modifier by simply looking at them. All vehicle speeds (travel and movement) are increased by 2 x (5 + your dexterity modifier) while you are controlling them. Driving Rules:
- Been doing this shit for a while
You are allowed 1 free hand while controlling a land vehicle, needing only 1 to control it now. You can simultaneous use 1 handed weapons (ranged or melee) while controlling the vehicle. Using the vehicles movement speed counts as a free action therefore not requiring an action. Additionally, you gain advantage on any check or save for the vehicle you are in, and you only need 15 minutes of time along with a toolbox to repair[1] a vehicle, and you gain proficiency in the repair and drive skills.
- Extra notes
- Your Reflex save is the better of your Dexterity and Intelligence save bonuses.
Rollin N Patrollin[edit]
Beginning at level 3, While you are in a vehicle, you can attack someone as a reaction if they attack one of your allies. All ranged attacks made while inside a moving vehicle have advantage on creatures which are not on a mount or vehicle of their own
"My Baby!"[edit]
Additionally at level 3, you gain the ability to cast the Awaken [2]spell without requiring material components, but it must be cast on an inanimate object (such as your vehicle). The vehicle will keep its physical ability scores and features, as well as its associated stat block. When it comes to determining the mental ability scores, choose from the numbers 18, 10, and 6, or 16, 12, and 8. From the selected set of numbers, assign them to your vehicles mental ability scores as you please. Outside of what is listed here, use the standard rules of the awaken spell. Your vehicle cannot take a turn of its own unless it is a vehicle which can have multiple people man it.
Drive by Specialist[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn only while inside a vehicle.
Beginning at level 6, You are allowed to make 3 modifications to your vehicle. You gain double the modifications at level 10. The modifications are listed below:
- Stick Shift
While controlling the vehicle, you are now allowed the swerve action. This action functions identically to the Dodge action but for your vehicle. You must pass a Drive check (DC 12) when using this or spin out, causing you to lose control of the vehicle
- Mounted Weapon
You can mount any weapon on your vehicle if it is a large vehicle or bigger. This weapon functions as normal, and requires as many people to man/fire it as it did before. The weapon has to be at least 1 size class smaller than your vehicle, and the weight of the mounted weapons cannot exceed half the weight of the vehicle or the vehicle will collapse (unless you have the stronger frame upgrade). The amount of mounted weapons is limited to your proficiency bonus
- Spiked Wheels
You deal 1/2 collision damage when sideswiping a vehicle instead of 1/4, and your vehicle does not take this additional damage.
- Tinted windows (only available to vehicles with controllable windows)
Any ability checks regarding seeing people inside the vehicle are made with disadvantage. During the night, all stealth checks are made with advantage. Rolling down/retracting the windows gets rid of this effect.
- V12 Engine (only available on gas powered vehicles)
You now gain the action to rev your engine on your turn. This will double your movement speed upon acceleration of the vehicle and give the effects of Gas Gas Gas while you are actively revving your engine. Your speed increases by your dexterity modifier x your intelligence modifier for the first turn of vehicle movement.
- Dunzle "Grip Right" Tires
You ignore difficult terrain while travelling in the vehicle, and the vehicle gains a climbing speed equivalent to it's movement speed. This speed is halved when anyone except for you is controlling the vehicle.
- Gold Rims
Whenever a creature sees your vehicle, roll a d20. On a 20, they take 1 psychic damage and become blinded for 1 turn. This roll is made every turn the creature looks at the vehicle. You also gain advantage on persuasion checks while inside the vehicle.
- Ice Cream Paint Job
You gain advantage on persuasion, intimidation, and deception checks made while inside the vehicle, but disadvantage on stealth checks while inside the vehicle.
- Armor Plating
You weld weapons or metal to the outside of your vehicle, increasing its health. You need a minimum of 10 weapons worth of metal in order to do this. The health increase is equal to (the weapon metal amount + 1/2 dexterity modifier) x intelligence modifier. The armor plating also affects the vehicle's AC, increasing it by 1 + 1/2 your intelligence modifier. This can only be done once to each vehicle. The weapon metal amounts are as follows:
- 0 Weapon Metal Amount
Club, Greatclub, Whip, Quarterstaff.
- 1 Weapon Metal Amount
Pike, Sickle, Spear, Dagger, Rapier, Javelin, Handaxe.
- 3 Weapon Metal Amount
Glaive, Scimitar, Shortsword, Trident, Warhammer, War pick, Halberd, Flail, Battleaxe.
- 6 Weapon Metal Amount
Greataxe, Greatsword, Longsword, Morningstar, Maul.
- Submersible
As an action, you can engage the submersible mode for your vehicle. Your vehicle gains a swimming speed equal to half of its base speed.
- The Big One
During an 8 hour period of time, you can add to your vehicle and make it even bigger. Increase its size class by one, increase its hit points by 25% (rounded up), increase the damage die of vehicle based attacks by one, and double its carrying capacity. You can only perform this upgrade once per vehicle, and need at least one half of your vehicles total weight in material (this material depends on the type of vehicle you have).
- Elemental Buffer
Due to some strange energies you've infused into the vehicle, you can choose one elemental damage type (except fire). The vehicle is now resistant to that damage type
- Stronger Frame
Double the push, pull, drag, lift, and carrying capacity of your vehicle. Your vehicle now has advantage on strength checks and saving throws, and allow for a greater weight of mounted weapons.
- Headlights
As a bonus action, you can turn on your vehicle's headlights. They emit light in a 60 ft cone, with the first 30 ft being a bright light, and the second 30 ft being dim light.
Gas Gas Gas[edit]
Beginning at level 10, you can now drift with your vehicle. After driving any vehicle with wheels at least 100 ft you are allowed to use this feature. When drifting, you will turn 180 degrees and move at least 15 ft in any direction. During this drift the vehicles armor class is increased by 2 and you create a smoke cloud which is a 15 x 10 ft oval like sphere surrounding your vehicle. Anyone inside the smoke cloud is heavily obscured. Any creature attempting to attack another creature inside the radius of the smoke cloud do so with disadvantage. This cloud dissipates after 2 turns and its size is doubled for each size class the vehicle is above medium. You can continue drifting to increase the duration of the smoke cloud, but after the first turn of drifting you make all ranged weapon attacks with disadvantage until the drift ends. You must pass a DC 15 dexterity saving throw or spin out.
Advanced Modifications[edit]
Beginning at level 14, your understanding of your vehicle becomes even deeper. You can upgrade your vehicle modifications now. It takes the same amount of time it took to install them, and the benefits are additive to the benefits of the same upgrade. You gain the following upgrades to your vehicle modifications:
Stick Shift: Driving Master[edit]
You no longer need to pass a drive check when performing a swerve, and now you only need a bonus action to use this feature.
Mounted Weapon: Control Panel[edit]
You can control up to 3 mounted weapons at a time instead of just one.
Spiked Wheels: Spiked Shot[edit]
Whenever you use your spiked wheels to sideswipe a creature or an object, you can eject the spike with great force into the creature/object. This deals 5d12 piercing damage, and requires your bonus action or one of your own attacks to do.
V12 Engine: V16!?[edit]
The speed of your vehicle increases by 1/2 of its original speed, and your collision damage is doubled.
Dunzle "Grip Right" Tires: Extra Grippy[edit]
Your vehicle cannot be forcibly moved, pushed, or pulled by anyone except for you. Additionally, your vehicle cannot be moved off of any solid surface.
Gold Rims: Diamond Encrusted[edit]
If a creature is aware of approximately how wealthy you are, you can automatically succeed one deception, persuasion, or intimidation check against them as long as you are near your vehicle.
Ice Cream Paint Job: Flawless[edit]
Any creature with an intelligence score of 7 or less has disadvantage on the first attack they make against the vehicle or anyone inside
Armor Plating: Bulky Thing[edit]
The maximum hit points of your vehicle increase by 10 x the AC increase granted by your Armor Plating
Submersible: Fully Realized Aquatic Vehicle (F.R.A.V)[edit]
Your vehicle automatically enters submersible mode when on water instead of taking your action, and its speed on water is equal to the vehicles movement speed.
The Big One: The Giant One[edit]
The size of your vehicle increases by an additional size category, its hit points increase by 1/3 of its previous hit point total (rounded up), It gains an additional damage die on all of its attacks, and its carrying capacity doubles again.
Elemental Buffer: Elemental Dampen[edit]
The chosen damage resistance granted to your vehicle is now counted as an immunity to that damage type.
Stronger Frame: Strongest Frame[edit]
Double the carrying capacity of your vehicle once again. Additionally, if your vehicle has a damage threshold, that threshold is doubled.
Headlights: Highbeams[edit]
The range of your headlights is tripled. any creature that starts or ends their turn within 10 ft of your headlights must make a DC 15 dexterity saving throw or be blinded until the end of their next turn. If they stay in front of the headlights, they must remake this save at the end of their turn until they leave the area.
Hit and Run[edit]
Beginning at level 14, your vehicle gains temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt when attacking a creature from inside a moving vehicle. Along with this, your vehicle gains a temporary movement speed increase equal to 3 x your dexterity modifier when attacking a creature from inside a vehicle you are controlling. This movement speed increase lasts for 1 turn.
Finally Found the Keys to the Dunzledorf Garage[edit]
Beggining at 20th level, you remembered the location of your keys to your interdimensional garage in Dunzledorf
"Well Damn, you really went out of your way to terrorize people, innocent or not". A true Dunzledorfian at heart, menaces are experts at mass murder, brutalization, and destruction. These dunzles specifically do NOT play around at all.
Menacing DC = 6 + Strength modifier + Charisma modifier + Proficiency bonus
Upon reaching level 1, you gain the ability to ruin peoples lives in more ways than one. You deal double damage to buildings.
Additionally at level 1, you have already acquired enemies. You can target 1 creature within line of sight as an action. That target must make a Menacing saving throw. If they fail they are now marked as an opp. Opp's will trigger opportunity attacks if they try and dash, disengage, or attack another creature while withing 5 ft of you. If these attacks hit the target must make another saving throw or be frightened until the end of their next turn. You can only have 1 opp at a time
Face of Death[edit]
finally at level 1, you gain access to a class specific Dunzledorfian equipment, the ski mask. While wearing the ski mask all weapon ranges are reduced to 5ft. These weapons will now only do full damage, crit on 19-20, and push the target back depending on which weapon hit them as long as you use the weapons within 5ft of you.
- Run up
You gain an extra 5ft of movement speed when moving towards a hostile creature. This triples if the creature is a opp.
- Laser-Sighted Dumbbell: Extra Knockback of 10 ft, and now gains the versatile property (2d8)
- Burrito wit da scope: Knockback of 25 ft
Upon reaching level 3, you can make 2 attacks instead of 1 when taking the attack action on your turn. any extra attacks made have disadvantage on any creature who isn't an opp. This increases to three attacks at level 6, and four at level 11.
Tough Talk[edit]
Upon reaching level 3, You have a + 3 to intimidation and persuasion when within 5 ft of an opposition, and a +1 to intimidation and persuasion for everyone else. You can also choose to conduct a speech for 1 minute as a bonus action. When finished, the target must make a saving throw or they become shaken with fear and have a -4 to all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws along with being frightened. This lasts indefinitely until they succeed the saving throw DC, which they can do at the end of each of their turns as a free action.
In addition to this, while wearing the ski mask you can take the dodge, dash or disengage actions as bonus actions as many times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain these charges upon short rest
Upon reaching level 6, you become one sick motherfucker. Every time a creature within line of sight is affected by a negative condition effect, you know immediately. Each time you start or end your turn within 5ft of any creature with a negative condition, you regain hit points equal to 2 x your Charisma modifier. Additionally, you can target a number of creatures equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) to be an opposition.
Cheap shot[edit]
Upon reaching level 10 you become a master at being a bitch to other people. Whenever a creature would trigger an opportunity attack, surprise attack, or whenever you score a critical, on top of your weapon damage you can perform one of these Cheap Shots:
- Straight for the Eyes: The creature becomes blinded for 2 turns.
- Slobber Knocker: The creature must succeed a menacing saving throw or become stunned until the end of their next turn.
- Ear Popper: The creature becomes deafened for 2 turns.
- Suprascapular Smash: The target must make a menacing saving throw. Upon fail the target immediately freezes up, becoming incapacitated until the end of their next turn
- No Ribs survived: The target is subjected to a DC 12 constitution saving throw. On fail they take 10d6 bludgeoning damage and lose the ability to breathe for 2 minutes, They must then pass a DC 20 constitution saving throw or be incapacitated for 1 minute. Upon success they take half damage and keep their breathing privileges.
- Knocked Knees: The target's movement speed is reduced by 2/3 of it's total. This lasts for 1 minute.
Upon Reaching level 14, something awakens within you. Whenever an opp is within 5 ft of you, you can choose to take on 2 level of exhaustion to perform one of the following techniques as a free action on your turn..
- Smash: this attack is rolled with disadvantage, but can be done with any weapon as long as you are within 5 ft of the target. If this attack hits the target must Succeed a Menacing saving throw or take 8d20 + 2 x your strength modifier + your charisma modifier. Your target permanently loses the ability to think properly and become incapable of attacking, and their movement speed is halved. This lasts for 5 minutes or until they receive some form of healing. If the target succeeds the saving throw they take half damage and retain the ability to think properly, however they still lose 10 ft of their movement speed.
- Colossus: Grow to even more monstrous proportions. Your Height quintuples and your weight is now around 120x what it was. You are now 2 size classes bigger than what you were before. Your hit point maximum quadruples and you are healed up to your new hit point maximum. Your weapons grow with you. You gain an additional +4 to all strength ability checks and saving throws, a +4 to damage and attack rolls for all non-finesse melee weapons, your melee reach is extended to 25 ft and an additional 5 ft if you are now a gargantuan creature, You gain 3 x your movement speed, You have advantage on intimidation checks, and you can now stomp on any creature 2 size classes lower than you. This stomp does 4d8 + Strength modifier + 2d6 X the size difference between you and the target in bludgeoning damage. This lasts for 3 minutes or until you are incapacitated in some way or decide to deactivate it yourself. The exhaustion level you are currently under before activating Colossus does not go away while in this form.
Oppa Stoppa[edit]
Upon Rebirthing and reaching level 20, you have become the ultimate, legendary opposition eliminator. Making a creature your Opp now only takes a bonus action, and creatures who succeed any menacing saving throw make the next one at disadvantage. Additionally, while targeting an opp and wearing a ski mask, you have an unlimited number of attacks when making the attack action. However you gain a stacking -3 to attack rolls for each attack made after the 5th one. If you miss, your turn ends. You can also use your reaction to gain a bonus to your AC equivalent to your strength modifier when being attacked by an Opp. And Finally, creatures will trigger an opportunity attack when they take any action within your weapon's normal range.
Evil Genius[edit]
Calculating, insightful, a mastermind among masterminds, a prodigy among prodigies, the genius survived the streets of Dunzledorf through sheer mental prowess alone. This subclass is based around planning for battles and calculating your attacks
Oppressing saving throw DC = 6 + proficiency modifier + intelligence modifier + wisdom modifier. This is a constitution based saving throw
Venomous Concoctions[edit]
Upon reaching level 1, your understanding of venomous substances from back in the days is evident. If you have 2 mushrooms of your choice and a sample of any creatures blood you can make the following concoctions:
- Neurotoxin
When this toxin enters an enemy wound, they must make an Oppressing saving throw or take 2d6 necrotic damage each turn. They can reroll this save at the end of their turn. If they are affected by outside sources of healing (such as healing spells or healing potions) then the toxin ceases to affect them. If this toxin persists for another 2 turns (or 1 minute) the target must make another oppressing saving throw or take 6d6 necrotic damage and have disadvantage on all rolls. After 4 turns (or 3 minutes) they must succeed another Oppressing saving throw or be paralyzed. After 6 (5 minutes) turns they must succeed one final oppressing saving throw or die instantly. With needles, halve all of these time periods (rounded up)
- Hemotoxin
When this toxin enters an enemy wound, they must make an Oppressing saving throw or be afflicted with level 1 Bleeding. They are allowed to repeat this saving throw at the end of their turn. After 1 round, the bleeding advances to level 2, and after 2 rounds the bleeding progresses to level 3, it progresses to level 4 after 3 combat turns, and finally after 4 combat turns their bleeding progresses to level 5. With needles, the target immediately gains 2 levels of bleeding, with level 4 following the next round, and level 5 the round after.
- Cytotoxin
When this toxin enters an enemy wound they must make an Oppressing saving throw or take 3d6 necrotic damage and have the skin on one of their hands start to visibly decay. This gives them disadvantage on all sleight of hand checks and charisma checks. After 1 combat turn they take 4d6 necrotic and lose the function of 1 arm; making them incapable of using heavy or 2-handed weapons. After 2 minutes they take 5d6 necrotic damage and lose the function of 1 leg, decreasing their movement speed by 3/4 of its total. After 3 minutes they take 6d6 necrotic damage and are paralyzed permanently. Only high level restoration spells can give them the function of their limbs back (or a wish spell). With needles, halve all of these time periods
The Mastermind[edit]
Additionally at level 1, you remember how the streets were and how to plan for battles. If you spend 10 minutes observing an creature, you can determine either one ability score of your choice, the creatures AC, its hit points (rounded to the nearest 10, or nearest 100 if it has above 100 hit points), or if it can use magic. Additionally, if you spend at least 1 minute observing an area with a radius no more than 250 feet, you become immune to any difficult terrain already present in that area. You can also take an action on your turn to make an investigation check on a creature. Upon success, you predict their exact next move and what rolls they will make associated with that move (for example; you can look at a half orc and know it will make a melee attack against your wizard friend. You know it will roll a 13 to hit, and you know it will deal 7 damage).
Upon reaching level 3, your genius begins to manifest to higher degrees. You gain proficiency in insight and investigation, and expertise in 3 tools of your choice. You can also repair any equipment given the appropriate tools, time and materials (up to the DM).
Upon reaching level 6, you are an expert in knowing the inner workings of your weapons. Your ranged weapon range is doubled, and you can take 1 level of exhaustion to double your oppressing saving throw DC and add an extra damage die to any of your damage rolls.
Know thy Enemy[edit]
Additionally, once you achieve level 6 your understanding of the battlefield and your enemies is phenomenal. Whenever an enemy within your line of sight rolls to attack, you can make a reaction to attack them without applying your proficiency bonus to the attack or damage roll. If this attack hits the creature has the damage of their attack reduced by the damage rolled. this can be done against any attack made if your weapon range allows for it. Additionally, after missing an attack you can add 1d4 to your next attack roll, wearing off after the attack hits.
Mechanical Savant[edit]
Once you reach level 10, you start to manifest your talent in other areas. You now know 4 Artificer Infusions, and you can have a maximum of 2 infusions. You can also craft Prosthetic Limbs. Additionally, you grant yourself different ways to inject your toxins
- 1
- Needle(s)
Decreases the save DC by 3, and doubles it's progression rate
- 2
- Airborne Toxin(s)
Toxins can now be released into the air, creating a cloud of toxins 25 feet in radius. These toxins can be avoided if a creature moves through the cloud without breathing, closing their eyes (blinded for the duration), and they must be at 50% hp or above
Absolute Brilliance[edit]
You have achieved the peak of intelligence. upon reaching level 14, your intelligence is beyond all those who surround you. Your intelligence score becomes 23. In addition you will always succeed investigation checks which involve determining anything physics related or determining the origin of an object/creature. In addition to this you can now give armor 2 infusions if given the time, tools, and required materials to do so. Your Venomous Concoctions also gain the following upgrades.
- Neurotoxin
Neurotoxin will now kill whichever creature is affected by it after 2 minutes instead of 3.
- Hemotoxin
Hemotoxin will always cause 1 level of bleeding no matter if they succeed the oppressing saving throw or not. If this bleeding is not cured for a day straight the creature rolls 1d3 and takes one of the following effects:
-1: Cornea Erasure: The creature loses their vision permanently. This can only be undone by a True Resurrection or a wish spell.
-2: Complete Cochlea Rupture: The creature loses their sense of hearing. This can only be undone by a True Resurrection or wish spell
-3: Nasal Obstruction: The creature loses their sense of smell. This can only be undone by a True Resurrection or wish spell.
- Cytotoxin
If the creature fails 4 Oppressing saving throws in a row they must roll a 1d4 and lose a limb correlating to the specific number -1: One of their left arms
-2: One of their left legs
-3: One of their right arms
-4: One of their right legs. If the creature rolls a 4 they must roll the d4 again. If they roll another 4 they lose one of their heads.
Dunzle Tactics[edit]
You know a number of dunzle tactics equal to the number on the dunzle tactics level. You have a number of uses of these tactics equal to your proficiency bonus + your choice of mental ability score, and regain all uses upon completing a long rest.[edit]
- Backflip
As a reaction to any ability or effect which would prompt a dexterity saving throw, you can choose to do a sick ass backflip. This backflip gives you advantage on the saving throw and you take no damage on success. However upon failure you take max damage.
- Front
You can claim to be anything or have done anything. Anyone who is suspicious of these claims must roll an insight or investigation check higher than your charisma or strength score (your choice). Upon fail they believe whatever you may have just said (Up to the DM on what effects this has on the creature). Upon success the creature is unaffected and continues whatever they were doing as normal. Every fail made by a creature reduces the DC by 1 permanently for that specific creature..
- Quickdraw
You can grant yourself a bonus to your initiative roll equal to your proficiency bonus. If you manage to go first, when determining damage, roll an additional damage die.
- Facing Death
You can gain advantage on all persuasion and intimidation checks when you hold any piece of dunzledorfian equipment in their direction.
- Dunzledorf Special
You pull a pie out of thin air. When thrown it will detonate on contact with any surface. The pie heals for 1d6+6 hit points in a 10 ft radius from where it landed. Creatures without mouths cannot make use of this effect. This healing increases by 1d6 for each four levels you take in this class. Using this tactic takes 1 bonus action
- "You can take a Dunzle out of Dunzledorf, but you can't take Dunzledorf out of a Dunzle." (level 13)
You cast plane shift. This plane shift can only target yourself and other willing creatures, and will take you to a random part of Dunzledorf.
- Bravado
You steel your nerves, strengthen your resolve and become as brave and bold (maybe a little too bold) as you can be. You now have advantage on all charisma saving throws but have disadvantage to all dexterity saving throws. this lasts for 1 minute. This can be done as a reaction, or bonus action.
- Build a House (level 3)
You build a house. This tactic takes 3 turns to execute. The house is your average sized 2 bedroom 1 bathroom living space equipped with everything the average house would have given the time period. This house does not dissipate unless you die. In the event that happens the house disappears completely and everyone's memory of the house is altered in a way to make it seem like it never existed.
- Dunzledorf Walk (level 7)
You start to move in a bizarre way which looks like the combination of the Crip Walk, Running Man, and Belly Dancing. while doing this any hostile creature near you must make a DC 15 intelligence saving throw or they are mentally overloaded and incapacitated for 1 turn. This "dance" lasts for 1 turn, but you can extend the duration for an extra use of your dunzle tactics.
- Stink Eye (level 7)
You glance at a creature of your choice. If this creature becomes hostile towards you within the next minute or is already hostile towards you, you are allowed to add your wisdom modifier to your next attack roll and to your AC as a reaction for 1 turn.
- Post Traumatic Dunzledorf Disorder
remind yourself of an experience which outweighs the one in which you are currently in. If your DM deems it so than you cleanse one negative status effect from yourself.
- Tackle
if you move at least half of your movement speed before taking the attack action, you can push/shove a creature as a bonus action, or deal an additional 1d8 bludgeoning damage on your first attack. You can increase this extra damage by 1 hit die, with the increased damage being dealt to you as well..
- Bitch Slap
Roll as if this were an unarmed strike. Whichever hand you are using for this tactic must be free or equipped with a light weapon. If the target is hit by this attack they gain disadvantage on all attacks except against you and have disadvantage on all charisma checks/saving throws for 1 minute.
- Surgery (13th level)
choose a creature to perform surgery on. This creature must be prone and willing. You can make A DC 13 medicine and take 5 minutes of your time to cure any temporary status affecting the creature. You can take 1 hour to cure a permanent ailment, sickness, or status affect. Upon fail you take triple the time to do whatever procedure you choose to do and flip a coin do determine the outcome. On heads the surgery is a failure and the creature takes 5d4 - your intelligence modifier in necrotic damage. Upon success the surgery goes as planned and the creature recovers successfully.
- Toss (10th level)
You must succeed a grappling attempt against your target. Upon success you can trigger Toss as a bonus action. Upon activation you start swinging your opponent in circles around you like so. You can throw the opponent 20 ft x the rounds spent swinging them in any direction. If thrown upwards fall damage rules may apply
- Rebirth (Level 15)
Upon being knocked unconscious, instead of making death saving throws you can choose to rebirth by expending a successful death saving throw. Being rebirthed this way increases one ability score of your choice by 2 along with it's maximum, and you now have the ability to gain access to the level 20 features of your specialty upon reaching level 20. You can only use this dunzle tactic once
- Diluted Pocket fent (20th Level)
you can replace one of your attacks on your turn with a splash of diluted fentanyl safely contained in your pocket. The target must make a DC 25 constitution saving throw or be incapacitated until the start of your next turn. You can only use this dunzle tactic once per long rest, as summoning the diluted fentanyl takes a lot of energy.
- Weapon Block
You raise whatever weapon you have in your hand(s) to block an incoming melee, ranged, or spell attack. You must make an attack roll against the attackers attack roll as a reaction. If you meet or exceed their attack roll, the damage is reduced to 0. If you do not meet their attack roll, the attack hits anyway.
- Commanding Prescence
As a bonus action, you can target one creature within 30 ft of you. That creature receives either advantage or disadvantage on their next roll (your choice), however the type of roll is dependent on your command.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Dunzle class, you must meet these prerequisites: Acquire access to the land of Dunzledorf and reside there for 1 year.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Dunzle class, you gain the following proficiencies: All tools, Dunzledorfian Equipment