Frenzied Flame[edit]
Every time a creature is hit with the Frenzied Flame technique, they gain a point of Frenzy. The maximum amount of Frenzy a creature can accumulate is determined by 4 + Wisdom modifier, with a minimum of 3. All points of Frenzy are lost on a short or long rest. Once a creature meets its Frenzy maximum, it will suffer 1d8+2 psychic damage, and be stunned until the beginning of its next turn. While stunned in this way, the creature’s Frenzy is reset to 0, and it cannot gain more until it is no longer stunned.
Creatures defeated using the Frenzied Flame technique have one of their eyes partially melted. Over a 10 minute period, the user may carefully extract a Shabriri Grape from the cranium of a fallen enemy. Alternatively, this may be done as an action, with a high likelihood of destroying the Grape. Roll a d4. On a 4, the Grape is recovered successfully. On a 1, 2, or 3, the Grape is destroyed. The user may consume a Shabriri Grape to recover 1d4 hit points or 1d4 cursed energy. If another creature consumes a Shabriri Grape, they are subject to a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, they regurgitate the Grape, resulting in its destruction. On a failure, the creature is enticed by the Frenzied Flame, and will attempt to seek out another Grape. A creature seeking Grapes that succeeds the saving throw on two consecutive attempts no longer seeks more. Conversely, a creature that fails six of these saving throws will be charmed by the Frenzied Flame user and will attempt every order given to the best of their ability. Every long rest the creature takes, they may take a Wisdom saving throw to end this condition.
Lapse Technique This technique’s damage increases to 4d6 at 5th level, 8d6 at the 11th level, and 12d6 at the 17th level. Unendurable Frenzy. At 5th level, whenever you cast Flame of Frenzy on two consecutive turns, you may turn the second cast into a radius of 15 feet by spending double of the initial cast. Creatures caught in this radius must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 8d6 + Charisma modifier fire damage and gain two levels of Frenzy. On a success, they take half the damage, and gain no Frenzy. The damage of this technique increases to 16d6 at the 11th level, and 24d6 at the 17th level.
Extension Technique Cursed energy is not spent if this attack misses. At the 7th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier. At the 11th level, you may spend up to twice your Charisma modifier. At the 17th level, you may spend up to thrice your Charisma modifier.
Extension Technique
Technique Improvement
A technique feature cannot benefit from a Tokyo school damage increase and from the Howl of Shabriri simultaneously. You are allowed to choose which you wish to benefit from for each feature during a long rest.
Technique Improvement Solar Flare. For 1 cursed energy, you may make a cursed energy attack roll that replaces an attack you make in the Attack action. On a hit, this attack deals 2d6 + Charisma fire damage and inflicts a level of Frenzy.
Maximum Technique
Technique Reversal
After spending the initial cost of 2 cursed energy, you may spend additional cursed energy up to your proficiency modifier.
Domain Expansion The Wisdom save and its effects are the sure-hit of this domain. |
Sensory Amplification[edit]
This innate technique utilises a Wisdom save called Sensory. The difficulty class for this save is determined by the user’s Curse Save DC in conjunction with the affected creature’s Perception modifier.
Lapse Technique
A creature can only have one of their senses overloaded at a time. You may end this technique’s effect early, which subsequently lifts any benefits or detriments gained from it.
Technique Improvement
You can only benefit from one of these at a time. You can gain two benefits as part of the same bonus action at the 11th level, and three benefits at the 17th level.
Extension Technique
Technique Improvement
Extension Technique
Technique Improvement
I have also made this.
- test
- test
Size | Damage |
Tiny | d4 |
Small | d6 |
Medium | d8 |
Large | d10 |
Huge | d12 |
Gargantuan | 2d12 |