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Sensory Amplification[edit]

Sensory Amplification is tied around manipulating both your own, and your opponents senses.

Own Worst Enemy

This innate technique utilises a Wisdom save called Sensory. The difficulty class for this save is determined by the user’s Curse Save DC in conjunction with the affected creature’s Perception modifier.

Sensory Overload

Lapse Technique
Starting at the 1st level, whenever you make an unarmed strike or as a bonus action melee attack roll, you may spend 2 cursed energy to amplify one of your target’s five senses.

  • Sight. For one minute, the creature’s sight is overclocked. The creature gains 60 ft. of darkvision in total darkness and can see normally in dim light. In bright light, the creature has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks using sight. In presence of an immensely bright light, such as a car’s high beams, a spotlight, or a flashbang, the creature must undergo a Wisdom (Sensory) saving throw. On a failure, they suffer from the blinded condition for one minute. On a success, nothing happens. This saving throw can be repeated at the beginning of the creature’s turns, and on a success, Sensory Overload ends.
  • Hearing. For one minute, the creature’s hearing is overloaded. The creature gains advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks using hearing. In loud environments, such as a factory, active city street, or similar places, disadvantage is imposed instead. If the creature hears a loud sound or suffers thunder damage from any source, the creature must undergo a Wisdom (Sensory) saving throw. On a failure, the creature suffers from the stunned condition until the beginning of its next turn. On a success, nothing happens.
  • Smell. For one minute, the creature’s sense of smell is overclocked. The creature gains advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks using smell. In putrid environments or in contact with a strong smell, the creature must undergo a Wisdom (Sensory) saving throw. On a failure, the creature suffers from the poisoned condition. On a success, nothing happens.
  • Touch. For one minute, the creature’s touch is overloaded. The creature gains 10 ft. of tremorsense. If the creature witnesses something such as a heavy object falling or an earthquake within the tremorsense radius, they must undergo a Wisdom (Sensory) saving throw. On a failure, they are overwhelmed and knocked prone. To stand up again while the source of the original saving throw is present, the creature must succeed on a subsequent Wisdom (Sensory) saving throw.
  • Taste. For one minute, the creature’s sense of taste is overclocked. When the creature consumes a spicy or unpleasant tasting food, it must undergo a Wisdom (Sensory) saving throw. On a failure, the creature becomes incapacitated, with the only action it may take being drinking from a source of water or milk. The affected creature may end this condition early by drinking from a source of water or milk.

A creature can only have one of their senses overloaded at a time. You may end this technique’s effect early, which subsequently lifts any benefits or detriments gained from it.

Sensory Enhancement

Technique Improvement
At the 3rd level, you have acquired finer control over your technique, and feel comfortable with using it on yourself. For 3 cursed energy, you can gain one of the following benefits as a bonus action, lasting one minute:

  • Sight. You gain 60 ft. of darkvision in total darkness and can see normally in dim light. Furthermore, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) rolls involving sight.
  • Hearing. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks using hearing.
  • Smell. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks using smell.
  • Touch. You gain 15 ft. of tremorsense.
  • Taste. You gain the ability to discern if a substance is safe to consume and how likely it is to kill you by taste alone. Consumption is not required for this to work.

You can only benefit from one of these at a time. You can gain two benefits as part of the same bonus action at the 11th level, and three benefits at the 17th level.

Reflex Tuning

Extension Technique
At the 6th level, you expand your enhancement to your broader nervous system, and not just your brain. As a bonus action for 5 cursed energy, you gain the following benefits for one minute:

  • You gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
  • You no longer provoke opportunity attacks.
  • Attacks that are, or originate from a creature that is invisible are no longer done with advantage against you.
Compounding Punishment

Technique Improvement
At the 10th level, you have a greater understanding of the sensory system, and learn how to impose multiple conditions at once. You may impose up to half of your proficiency bonus, rounded up, in conditions at any one time on a creature. Additionally, you may apply the conditions from the 3rd level feature on a willing creature as an action.

Tokyo School Improvement: Sense Nullification

Extension Technique
At the 14th level, after your studies in the Tokyo school and a lot of experimentation, you have realised that your technique is deeper than simple amplification. For 10 cursed energy, you may nullify a creature's senses with a Constitution saving throw, within touch distance. On a failure, choose one of the following effects, which last for one minute:

  • Sight. The affected creature is blinded.
  • Hearing. The affected creature is deafened.
  • Smell. The affected creature fails any Wisdom (Perception) check using smell, and cannot smell at all.
  • Touch. The affected creature cannot react to taking damage and cannot benefit from Temporary Hit Points.
  • Taste. The affected creature loses their sense of taste.
Sensory Apex

Technique Improvement
At the 20th level, your nervous system is perfectly in sync. When you are under the effect of Reflex Tuning, you get the following benefits:

  • You gain an additional reaction.
  • Once per use of Reflex Tuning, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action.
  • Once per round, you can turn a saving throw into a Dexterity saving throw, avoiding it entirely on a success.


Size Damage
Tiny d4
Small d6
Medium d8
Large d10
Huge d12
Gargantuan 2d12