Unique Equipment (5e Fallout Setting)
The following equipment is typically one of a kind weapons and armor, typically found sealed in some ancient pre-war ruin or in the hands of powerful members of large factions. They should be treated like magic items are in base 5e, being rewards at the end of a long journey or even the core of an entire adventure.
- Alien Atomizer
The primary weapon of the Zetan combat force, alien atomizers are rarely found on Earth. These energy pistols are worth 5500 caps, deal 4d6 damage, have a range of 45/365 feet, weigh 2 lb., and have a 20-round magazine of alien power modules.
- Alien Blaster
The main secondary weapon of the Zetan combat force and the self defense weapon of their pilots, alien blasters are rarely found on Earth. These energy pistols are worth 4000 caps, deal 4d6 damage, have a range of 30/240 feet, weigh 2 lb., and have a 10-round magazine of alien power modules.
- Alien Disintegrator
The most advanced hand-held Zetan weapon used by their combat force, alien disintegrators are rarely found on Earth. These energy rifles are worth 10,000 caps, deal 6d8 damage, have a range of 100/365 feet, weigh 7 lb., and have a 100-round magazine of alien power modules.
- Brian's Tombstone
This is a 4 foot long pipe wrench, the wrench head is on gear-like wheels used for moving the normal sized head across the long body, used by Brian Cranston and was used as his tombstone when he died. It is a melee melee weapon worth 120 caps, deals 3d8 damage, weighs 8 lb., and has the two-handed and heavy properties.
- Containment Rifle
This unique laser weapon shoots electric bolts. This energy rifle is worth 1650 caps, deals 4d6 damage, has a range of 150/200 feet, weighs 7.5 lb., has a has a 24-round magazine of MicroFusion Cells, and on a hit the target must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be unconscious for 1 minute.
- Drone Cannon
Drone cannons are the Zetan combat force's most powerful weapon, though it is primarily used by their drones as the name implies. It is an energy heavy weapon worth 20,000 caps, deals 5d8 damage, has a range of 80/600 feet, weighs 20 lb., has a 1-round magazine of alien power modules, and has the Blast (10) property.
- Euclid’s C-Finder
The prototype rangefinder for the US government's incomplete ARCHIMEDES solar-powered orbital laser system, the C-Finder triangulates a position between the device and the satellite to strike the target. Euclid's C-Finder is an energy pistol worth 2000 caps, deals 5d12 damage, has a range of 60 feet, weighs 3 lb., has a 1-round magazine of Archimedes Cells, has the Blast (30) property, and deals damage at end of the user's next turn when an attack is made with it.
Developed in Big MT, FIDO is a high-caliber K9000 cyberdog gun whose biological targeting matrix has been fed copious amounts of Psycho. It is a ballistic heavy weapon worth 1000 caps, deals 2d12 damage, has a range of 100/500 feet, weighs 27 lb., has a 50-round magazine of .44 magnum rounds, and has the Burst (5), Automatic, and Scope properties.
- Holy Hand Grenade
Spread thinly across the wasteland, holy hand grenades have been blessed by some force from beyond the universe; simply count to three and smite your foes. They are explosive thrown weapons worth 500 caps, deal 12d12 damage, have a range of 30/60 feet, weigh 0.5 lb., and have the Blast (60) property.
- Pulse Gun
Developed under project CIRCUTBREAKER to preemptively counteract potential Chinese power armor programs, the pulse gun is capable of completely destroying mechanical enemies without injuring biological targets. It is an energy pistol worth 1000 caps, deals 1d8 damage, has a range of 50/150 feet, weighs 2.5 lb., has a 5-round magazine of Small Energy Cells, and has the EMP property.
- Sonic Emitter
Developed in Big MT, the sonic emitter is capable of instantly deactivating electronic defenses, such as forcefields. It is an energy pistol worth 500 caps, deals 2d12 damage, has a range of 30/90 feet, weighs 3 lbs., has a 24-round magazine of MicroFusion Cells, and has the Blast (5) property.
- Staff of Mutant Control
Developed by the Master, this staff can control mutants, as the name suggests. It is a machete worth 1000 caps, and has 50 charges. While holding it, you can use your action to expend one charge and target a creature you can see within 60 feet of you that has the mutant tag. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or fall under your control for 1 week. The staff regains all expended charges every month.
- Winterized T-51b Power Armor
A staple of the Battle of Anchorage, this Power Armor was worn by the elite heavy soldiers of the operation. This armor has a 22 AC as well as boasting a strength of 22 and radiation resistance of 130. This power armor does not require fusion cores, and is indestructible.
- Supercharged X-03 Power Armor
This is easily the best armor ever made, and is nigh-unbeatable. This has AC 25, sets your Strength to 28 if it is not higher, has a radiation resistance of 200. Like Winterized T-51b Power Armor, it does not require fusion cores, and is indestructible.
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