UA talk:Gnome Paragon

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Which ability gets the +2 bonus? The table says Con: the writeup says Cha. As Con is the main racial attribute and Cha is the prime attribute of the favored class, it could be either. Findail 06:49, 23 October 2007 (MDT)

I wouldn't know specifically (I don't have Unearthed Arcana), but the other SRD compilations out there use Charisma for both text and table. Either way, I'd imagine that text trumps table. But again, I wouldn't be an authority on the subject since I don't have the actual book... Finfreeze 07:12, 23 October 2007 (MDT)
It's probably just a transcription error. I'll check my copy of UA when I get a chance. If it's the same there, WotC policy is that descriptive text supersedes table text. —Sledged (talk) 13:18, 23 October 2007 (MDT)