Twisted Creature (3.5e Template)
Twisted Creature
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Creatures with this template have been warped into hideous parodies of their previous forms.
Creating a Twisted Creature
This is an acquired template that can be applied to any corporeal animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, outsider with the native subtype, plant, or vermin. For campaigns that use them, this template can also be applied to constructs with the living construct subtype. This template cannot be applied to undead, but a creature with this template can become undead, if possible.
Size and Type
The creature's type changes to aberration and its size has a 25% chance of becoming one category larger, a 25% chance of becoming one category smaller, and a 50% chance of staying the same. Don't recalculate BAB, saves, and skill points.
Hit Dice
Hit dice remain unchanged.
A twisted creature has the following chances of each of the following: +10 to land speed 2%, +5 to land speed 2%, no change to land speed 92%, -5 to land speed 2%, -10 to land speed 2%; +10 to burrow speed 2%, +5 to burrow speed 2%, no change to burrow speed 92%, -5 to burrow speed 2%, -10 to burrow speed 2%; +10 to climb speed 2%, +5 to climb speed 2%, no change to climb speed 92%, -5 to climb speed 2%, -10 to climb speed 2%; +10 to fly speed 2%, +5 to fly speed 2%, no change to fly speed 92%, -5 to fly speed 2%, -10 to fly speed 2%; +10 to swim speed 2%, +5 to swim speed 2%, no change to swim speed 92%, -5 to swim speed 2%, -10 to swim speed 2%. If this would cause an increase to a movement form the base creature does not have, the creature gains that movement form at the indicated speed. If a decrease is either applied to a movement form the base creature does not have or would bring a movement speed to 0 or below, the creature has no change to the movement form or loses that movement form, respectively. If a creature gains fly speed and didn't have it before, the maneuverability is poor and it has 1d3+1 wings. A creature does not gain things such as the ability to breath underwater just by virtue of this change.
Armor Class
A twisted creature has a 60% chance of no change to armor class, a 10% chance of +2 to natural armor, a 10% chance of +1 to natural armor, a 10% chance of -2 to natural armor, and a 10% chance of -1 to natural armor. Natural armor cannot be reduced below 0.
Attack/Full Attack
A twisted creature has a 1% chance to grow five additional limbs, a 2% chance to grow four additional limbs, a 4% chance to grow three additional limbs, an 8% chance to grow two additional limbs, a 16% chance to grow one additional limb, and a 69% chance to grow no additional limbs. A limb grown this way has a 20% chance each of being an arm, a leg, a tail, a tentacle, or an amorphous growth. Each existing non-wing limb has a 5% chance to turn into a random limb type other than its original type, with equal chances of each and the limb types being arm, leg, tail, tentacle, and amorphous growth. Every arm, grown or otherwise, has a 20% chance of providing a claw attack, a 10% chance of providing a slam attack, and a 70% chance of providing no natural weapon. Every leg, grown or otherwise, has a 10% chance of providing a claw attack, a 5% chance of providing a slam attack, and a 85% chance of providing no natural weapon. Every tail, grown or otherwise, has a 25% chance of providing a slam attack and a 75% chance of providing no natural weapon. Every tentacle, grown or otherwise, always provides a tentacle attack. Every amorphous growth, grown or otherwise, always provides a slam attack. Every natural weapon provided by this template deals 1 damage for fine creatures, 1d2 for diminutive creatures, 1d3 for tiny creatures, 1d4 for small creatures, 1d6 for medium creatures, 1d8 for large creatures, 2d6 for huge creatures, 3d6 for gargantuan creatures, and 4d6 for colossal creatures.
Special Attacks
No change.
Special Qualities
No change.
Each ability that is not a nonability has a 1% chance of becoming a nonability, a 33% chance of staying the same, a 33% chance of decreasing by 1d5, and a 33% chance of increasing by 1d5. An ability cannot be decreased below 0 by means of the second effect. If an ability is brought to 0, all normal rules for an ability score of 0 apply as if it were damaged, including death from 0 consitution. This is not ability damage, however; it is permanent. An existing nonability has a 1% chance of becoming an ability with a score of 1d5.
For every ability that was increased by this template, each skill dependant on it has a 25% chance of gaining a 1d5 racial bonus to it. For every ability that was decreased by this template, each skill dependant on it has a 25% chance of gaining a 1d5 racial penalty to it. These stack with any pre-existing penalties or bonuses.
After all other changes, each feat for which the creature would no longer qualify that it already has is removed. Every feat that is not removed and is not a prerequisite for another feat that the creature has, has a further 2% chance of being removed. These removals occur at the same time, so a feat that is made to qualify for this removal by the removal itself, cannot be removed in this way. After this, each feat for which the creature qualifies has a 2% chance of being gained. These gains occur at the same time, so a feat that is made to qualify for this gain by the gain itself, cannot be gained in this way.
Usually the same as the base creature, unless it can no longer survive there.
Depends entirely on the individual creature; a twisted creature with a high intelligence might be highly organized, while one with an intelligence nonability might have no organization whatsoever.
Challenge Rating
Decided by the DM based on the results of the changes, due to the variable nature of this template.
Decided by the DM based on the results of the changes, due to the variable nature of this template.
Roll 1d12. Every alignment is assigned to one number, except for the base creature's alignment, which is assigned four numbers. The result determines the creature's alignment.
By HD or character class.
Level Adjustment
Decided by the DM based on the results of the changes, due to the variable nature of this template.
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