Truth Seer (5e Feat)

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Truth Seer

Prerequisites: Proficiency with Insight
Through a subconscious analysis of people and your environment, you can easily see through any deception, material or magical, in either.

-You gain expertise with the Insight skill, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with it and for your passive Insight.

-Whenever a creature makes a Charisma (Deception) check against your active or passive Insight, they make the ability check with disadvantage but only need to use the lower roll against your Insight, not other creatures, unless they have disadvantage from another source. If the contest results in a tie, you discover the creature is trying to deceive you but not about what specifically.

-Whenever you would make an Intelligence (Investigation) check against an Illusion spell or similar magic effect, you can make a Wisdom (Insight) check instead. You can make this ability check using an action or bonus action.

-You have advantage on Wisdom saving throws against Illusion spells and similar magic effects. You can add your proficiency bonus to these saving throws if not already proficient with Wisdom saving throws.

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