Treasure (Sylfaen Supplement)

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Special Materials[edit]


Animarum is a special mineral, found in underground veins were once high magical activity had took place. This mineral can absorb arcane magic, and is extracted and mainly used as fuel for Weaveships, arcane vehicles who can move through the invisible flow of magic.

Dragon Bones[edit]

One of the most precious materials in all Sylfaen, dragon bones have the ability to enhance magical power. It is used to enhance the power of spellcaster, and was instrumental in the creation of sorcerers and witchbloods.


Weird and unknown substance of abyssal origin. This sticky and viscous semi-liquid substance has a purple-reddish hue, and is constantly moving, even when contained inside a vessel. It can be used to mutate creatures, and to open portals.

Magic Weapons[edit]

Alagh, the sword of Aelin[edit]

Magic weapon (longsword), uncommon

This longsword belonged to the dwarven templar Aelin, and guided him through the shadows of the Inverted Sky. This sword is extremely light, enabling its user to choose either Strength or Dexterity for attacks and damage rolls with it. The sword has dwarven runes in its blade, that spells the Dwarvish word for "Light", that can be read as a Bonus Action. Whenever the runes inscribed in the sword's blade are read - the sword glows, shedding bright light in a 20-foot radius, and dim light in another 20 feet.

While the sword is glowing, the damage caused by it is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunity to non-magical damage. On a hit of a glowing sword, you can choose to dispel the light, causing additional 1d8 radiant damage with this attack.

Dwarvish Reliq. This sword doesn't normally require attunement, but a dwarf can choose to attune to it. If it does so, it can use a Bonus Action to conjure the sword into its empty hand, if it start its turn without the sword in hand. Both the sword and the dwarf must be in the same plane of existence.

Dawnbringer. A dwarf attuned to the sword can cast the spell daylight, centered on the sword. Once this spell is cast, it can be used again for the next 7 days.

Brathiad Dur - The Broken Blade of Althur[edit]

Magic weapon (longsword), rare

This sword belonged to Althur Artagan, and was broken in the Battle of the Bloodied Peaks. Although broken and battered, its blade retains its sharpness.

Broken Blade. While the blade remains broken, it can be used as a shortsword. This weapon can be used to cause either slashing or piercing damage (choose when making the attack). The damage caused by this blade is considered magical.

Reforged Blade. After being reforged, the blade has the following properties:

  • The weapon is a Longsword, with the finesse property, and can be used to cause either slashing or piercing damage.
  • This sword has 7 charges, and regain 1d6+1 charge in each dawn. Whenever the sword has all its charges, it has a bonus of +1 on the attack rolls. If the sword reaches 0 charges, the sword breaks again, assuming the characteristics of a Broken Blade again.
  • If you are attuned to the blade, when you hit a creature with an attack from it, you can spend 1 or more of its charges to increase the damage caused by +1d6 per charge spent. Also, for the next minute after using the charge, or until you use this property again, your attacks against the hit creature are a critical on a roll of 10-20.
  • While attuned, you can spend 1 charge as an Action to make two attacks with the sword. Both attacks must be made against the same target.

Reforging the Blade. The blade was broken in seven parts. Each part requires a smith's tools, and a smith check against a DC of 15 to be reattached, in a process that takes 8 hours. The process also requires a constant source of heat.

Magna Gladius[edit]

Magic weapon, rare (require attunement to a spellcaster)

These long daggers made of mithral, with particles of Animarium and socketed with sapphires are gifted to the war mages in their graduation ceremony, as a reminder of their role as the first blades of the empire.

The Magna Gladius is a magical weapon, that has a bonus of attack and damage rolls equal to the proficiency bonus of its user (rounded down). Also, whenever it is attuned by a wizard, the Gladius has the following properties:

Empowering. When the gladius wielder cast a spell targeting himself, it can use a Bonus Action if the spell would normally require an Action. While it is concentrating on a spell, the caster can use its Spell Attack Bonus for attacks with the dagger, and add its Spellcasting ability modifier to the damage rolls with it.

Military Focus. When you cast a spell that requires concentration on yourself, you can declare Military Focus when doing so. While you are in Military Focus, you gain the following benefits and restrictions:

  • You don't need to concentrate on that spell.
  • You can't cast spells of 1st-level or higher that have a target other than yourself. If the spell cast requires concentration, this spell automatically ends the spell cast to enter in military focus. You can choose to keep the focus or end it when you do so.
  • When you take damage, you can automatically end the spell in which you are concentrating, or spend a spell slot, to reduce the damage taken by 5, plus 5 per level of the spell ended or slot used.

Honor Proelium. A war mage attuned to this dagger can use a Bonus Action to challenge another war mage it can see within 60 feet and that it is also attuned to a Magna Gladius to a Honor Proelium, a duel of blades. Another war mage can attempt to avoid the duel by succeeding on a Wisdom save against the challenger's spell save DC. On a failure, the target can use its reaction to draw the gladius can cast a spell on himself, automatically entering in Military Focus.

The duel lasts if the war mage succeeds on a Wisdom save, that can be made against the spell save DC at the end of each of its turns, if the challenger ends the Military Focus, or if the challenged becomes target of any attack or harmful effect that comes from a creature different than the challenger.

Curse. The magna gladius is cursed, and the attunement can't be removed without the casting of a Remove Curse of Wish spell. Any creature that it is not a war mage and is attuned to the Gladius send a constant signal to any war mage within 6000 miles. War mages in the radius know the exact location of this gladius bearer.

The Eternal Flame[edit]

Magic weapon (longsword), artifact (require attunement)

The eternal flame is an object of deep religious significance amongst all the northern tribes. According to the legends that were passed orally between pyromantic priests of the Jordernsbarn Clan, the blade was a gift of the Fire Lord, a supernatural entity, or deity according to some, as a way to protect the people in the north from the relentless winters, long nights and the ravaging beasts that wander the northern wastes. This blade was kept in the Solitary Beacon, a lighthouse tower that shed the eternal flame light as a way to guide nomads in the dangerous wastes, and it was believed to keep evil spirits at bay. Since the north was conquered, the fire who once was eternally lit on that blade was magically suppressed, and the sword is now stored, hidden in an unknown imperial fortress.

Without the lit flame, the sword is a longsword with a +1 bonus on attacks and damage rolls. It has the following additional traits:

Eternal Flame. When lit, the flame sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius, plus dim light in another 20 feet, and the weapon causes additional 3d6 fire damage on a hit. The eternal flame dispels any magical darkness it touches.

Warding Beacon. Creatures within the eternal flame radius are considered to be under the effects of protection against evil and good, are immune to the frightened and charmed conditions and grant Advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Honed by Fire. Without being suppressed, the bonus to attacks and damage rolls becomes a +3.

Restoring the Blade. The blade can be restored to its full power by being plunged in the heart of an ancient dragon. The blood of dragons taken directly from a dragon's heart was used in its creation, and only dragon's blood can restore it.

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