The seven winds (3.5e Equipment)

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The Seven Winds: The seven winds are boots made from the first winds that ever blew in the world, tying their strength to all winds in the world. It was crafted by the same unknown forger that made Worldsplitter and Sunslasher.

The seven winds appear as boots made of crystalized air, weighing as much as boots made of air would weigh.

They grant the wearer +10ft. to his movement speed. He also gains a +2 to all escape checks.

The user can use Feather Fall three times per day as a spell-like ability as if he was a spellcasting class of his level.

He can use Gust of Wind four times per day as a spell-like ability as if he was a spellcasting class of his level.

And finally, he can use Fly (Spell) on himself once per day as a spell-like ability as if he was a spellcasting class of his level.

strong n/a; CL n/a; n/a; Cost n/a; Weight: It has no weight. lb.

As the third creation of the mysterious forger, The Seven Winds were created through gathering of the first seven winds that ever blew in the world and then crystallizing them. They were made with the intention of getting the champion of the elemental gods faster towards and away from their enemies. It is impossible to destroy them without first destroying all of the winds of the world, which makes them invulnerable to all damage, even from gods.

Item set[edit]

This item is part of the Apocalypse item set. The other items in this set are:

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