The Plague (5e Disease)
The Plague[edit]
Contracting The Plague[edit]
One can contract the plague through direct contact with the god, Mirad, or one of his disciples, known as the Plague Priests, or if a non-infected comes into contact with the vomit of an infected. When contracting the plague through either a plague priest or an infected person, one must critically fail a constitution saving throw presented by the priest ,and doing so will cause one to contract the illness. The only other way to contract the plague is to get infected organic matter into your bloodstream, ie, a rat bite, a cut, or saliva. When this happens, one must make a constitution save of 8 or higher, or become infected by the plague. After contracting the plague each day you must make a constitution saving throw starting at a DC of 10 and growing higher with each progressive stage, after 3 days of successful saves the next stage (Day) will begin. (In theory you can stay at each stage (Day) for a total of 4 days before moving on giving the infected more time to find a cure.)
Day 1 (DC 10): After contracting the plague, the infected will begin to vomit violently, dealing 1d4 acid damage that cannot be reduced. After doing this, the infected will suffer from one level of exhaustion that cannot be removed with a long rest.
Day 2 (DC 12): During the next 24 hours, the infected will begin to vomit violently once again, this time dealing 2d4 acid damage that cannot be reduced. After doing this, the infected will suffer from another level of exhaustion that cannot be reduced for a long rest. If a creature attempts to eat anything while suffering from these effects, then they again begin to vomit and take 2d4 acid damage.
Day 3 (DC 15): During the next 24 hours, the infected will begin to vomit violently once again, this time dealing 3d4 acid damage that cannot be reduced. After doing this, the infected will suffer from another level of exhaustion that cannot be reduced by a long rest. If a creature attempts to eat or drink anything while suffering from these effects, then they again begin to vomit and take 3d4 acid damage.
Day 4 (DC 18): During the next 24 hours, the infected will begin to vomit violently once again, this time dealing 4d4 acid damage that cannot be reduced. After doing this, the infected will suffer from another level of exhaustion. The infected can use up to 1/4th of its hit dice during short rest while infected. If a creature attempts to eat or drink anything while suffering from these effects, then they again begin to vomit and take 4d4 acid damage.
Day 5 (DC 20): During the next 24 hours, the infected will begin to vomit violently once again, this time dealing 5d4 acid damage that cannot be reduced. After doing this, the infected will suffer from another level of exhaustion that cannot be reduced by a long rest. The infected does not gain the benefits from taking a short rest while infected. If a creature attempts to eat or drink anything while suffering from these effects, then they again begin to vomit and take 5d4 acid damage.
Day 6 (DC 25): During the next 24 hours, the infected will begin to vomit violently once again, this time dealing 6d4 acid damage that cannot be reduced. After doing this, the infected will suffer from another level of exhaustion. The infected does not gain the benefits from taking a long or short rest while infected. If a creature attempts to eat or drink anything while suffering from these effects, then they again begin to vomit and take 6d4 acid damage.
Day 7: If the creature has not died of the plague by this point, they begin to recover. They can now benefit from long or short rests. During the next 24 hours, the infected will begin to vomit violently once again, this time dealing 5d4 acid damage at one point. If a creature attempts to eat or drink while suffering from these effects, then they again begin to vomit and take 5d4 acid damage.
Day 8: During the next 24 hours, the infected will begin to vomit violently once again, this time dealing 4d4 acid damage that cannot be reduced. If a creature attempts to eat or drink anything while suffering from these effects, then they again begin to vomit and take 4d4 acid damage.
Day 9: During the next 24 hours, the infected will begin to vomit violently once again, this time dealing 3d4 acid damage that cannot be reduced. If a creature attempts to eat or drink anything while suffering from these effects, then they again begin to vomit and take 3d4 acid damage.
Day 10: During the next 24 hours, the infected will begin to vomit violently once again, this time dealing 2d4 acid damage that cannot be reduced. If a creature attempts to eat or drink anything while suffering from these effects, then they again begin to vomit and take 2d4 acid damage.
Day 11: During the next 24 hours, the infected will begin to vomit violently once again, this time dealing 1d4 acid damage that cannot be reduced. If a creature attempts to eat anything while suffering from these effects, then they again begin to vomit and take 1d4 acid damage.
Day 12: Your body is now recovering from the plague. You will not vomit randomly during the next 24 hours. If a creature attempts to eat anything during these 24 hours, then they again begin to vomit and take 1d4 acid damage.
Day 13: Your body has now purged itself of the plague. However, it has weakened your immune system, meaning that rolling a natural 2 will now classify as a critical failure. For every time one catches the plague, the range for a critical failure grows, up to a maximum of a natural 5. After that point, the critical failure window stops growing.
The Plague can only be cured with heal cast with a spell slot of 6 or higher, drinking holy water before Day/Stage 3, or through the direct intervention of a god of life. When one perishes of the plague, if brought back through either resurrection or through direct divine intervention, one no longer suffers from the effects of the plague unless once again infected. To delay death on day 7 however, one can be healed using greater restoration and continuously fend off the exhaustion caused by the plague until cured. However... if one wishes for complete immunity to the effects of this plague, they must pledge themselves to Mirad, and take a level in the Plague Priest class, as to spread the plague further.
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