The Impossible Range (Beachblush Setting)

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The Range Proper[edit]

The Impossible Range is a harsh and unforgiving frozen wasteland. Nobody who's ever ventured more than a day past Winterview has ever returned, whether because of the near impossible temperatures, the unforgiving and unpredictable avalanches, or the myriad beasts that lurk in caves, and under the ice, waiting for a careless adventurer to make a wrong step. With that said, certain rewards are being offered to those anyone able to charter the region. Since nobody knows what the area is like, these rewards are as steep as 100 000 Platinum Pieces. Only Stumpy O'Cley is rumored to have crossed it, and his story changes each time somebody asks him about it.

In particular, members of the Guild of Expeditionists often see it as the end goal of their adventuring career.

The Wall of Repulsion[edit]

The Wall of Repulsion was among the first acts of King Luca Santiago, it is an enchanted wall designed to keep anyone out. The bricks and metal supporting it shift and carry any prospective climbers back into a safe zone, it's designed so that only one entrance is accessible throughout the entire country, located on the path to Winterview.

The Wall took 5 years to finish construction and enchantment by a group of internationally renowned mages all dedicated to keeping the populous of the country safe, and marked one of the first acts of international cooperation with the outside world that Beachblush had with the outside world since the destruction of the dictatorship.

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