The Hillgiant's Holy Hamwich (5e Equipment)

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April Fools!
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Wondrous Item, artifact

A ham sandwich the size of a grown man, ham cannily used instead of bread. Consume to gain its power.
Random Properties. The The Hillgiant's Holy Hamwich has the following random properties:
INTO THE HAM WITH THEE Place a magic item next to the Hamwich; the great mound of meat drains the magic from these enchanted items, and grants bonuses according to the following algorithm:

  • 20 common magic items = double size category but gain only the benefits. Lasts until the end of the round
  • 10 uncommon magic items = double size category but gain only the benefits. Lasts until the end of the encounter.
  • 5 rare magic items = double size category but gain only the benefits. Lasts until the end of the day
  • 3 very rare magic items = double size category but gain only the benefits. Lasts until the end of three days.
  • 2 legendary magic items = double size category but gain only the benefits. Can be sustained by taking an extended rest, if done within a three day period.


The Hamwich can grant greater boons by increasing its level.

  • Level 1: Sacrifice 10,000xp+ 1 legendary magic item. The Hamwich doubles all its benefits (4x size) except legendary, in which you deal 50% more damage (add half of the damage dealt to itself, so if 20 was normally dealt, deal 30 instead), and take 25% less damage while enlarged.
  • Level 2: Sacrifice 30,000 xp + 3 legendary magic items. The Hamwich triples all its benefits (6x size) except legendary, in which you deal 100% more damage and take 30% less damage while enlarged.
  • After level 2: multiply the amount of xp and items required by the level - 1. Your size benefits are multiplied by this same number. Your damage resistance increases by 5% until it reaches 50%. Once this part reaches 50%, all requirements are multiplied by 10+ (desired level number -2) for each successive level.
    Destroying the The Hillgiant's Holy Hamwich. Eat the Hamwich.

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