The Harvester's Touch (5e Equipment)

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Wand, legendary (requires attunement by a creature with the ability to cast a 7th level spell)

This wand is shaped like a sickle. Made of dried wood and rusted iron, it has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend a charge to cast the finger of death spell (save DC 24) from it.

A creature attuned to This wand is granted a +3 bonus to spell attacks and spell DC while holding it.

While attuned to this wand, you do not require rest and cannot gain levels of exhaustion, as the Harvester herself. If you break attunement with The Harvester's Touch, you are immediately effected by the sequester spell for a number of hours equal to the levels of exhaustion you would have gained while attuned to it. If sequester ends early or fails to affect you for any reason, you gain the remaining levels of exhaustion immediately.

The wand regains any expended charges when you complete a long rest.