The Game Hypernium (5e Equipment)

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Cost: 1 GP to 100 GP depending on quality

This is a very complicated game and was invented to help young wizards with their memory skills. It has since become popular among the nobility and others with enough free time to learn it. Hypernium is as complex as D&D and MTG, and as strategic as Go and Chess. Setup resembles Go, and play resembles Chess. For cost, multiply 1d10 times 1d10 GP; averages to about 30 GP.

The game comes with
  • 6x6 board
  • 36 tiles
  • 24 pieces
  • 1 rule book


One player plays Materium (the material plane) and one player plays Hypernium (everything else). They battle for control of the multiverse. The first player to have all of their remaining pieces on tiles of the opponent wins. It is possible to win even if you have only one piece left.

Tiles and Pieces[edit]

  • 12 blank tiles.
  • 24 pieces and 24 home tiles:
Home Tiles
Home Tiles
1 fairy vampire dream air
2 elf drow forest feywild
3 knight dragon road open
4 dwarf beholder dungeon pit
5 king queen town citadel
6 angel devil heaven hell
7 pirate mermaid ship sea
8 wizard liche tower ruin
9 giant god mountain valley
10 golem skeleton seafloor quagmire
11 priest shaman river styx
12 aboleth flayer aquifer artesian Aquifer is fresh water submerged dungeon, artesian is salt water submerged dungeon.

Setup and Play[edit]

  1. Each player has 12 home tiles, either the materium set or the hypernium set plus six blank tiles.
  2. Each player takes turns placing one tile on the board.
  3. Each piece is placed on its home tile.
  4. Then the player that went last in placing tiles goes first.
  5. Each player takes turns moving a piece.
  6. Different pieces and combinations of pieces in different configurations can cause an opponent's piece to be removed from the board.


All the pieces move differently. Each pair of pieces interact differently, and differently depending on which tile they stand on. The rules determine which pieces are removed from the board etc.Some rules even allow you to remove your own tiles. Therefore players have to memorize 12x12x25 = 3600 different interaction rules. Entire books are written just to contain the rules. Each book has a slightly different rule set. There are hundreds of different versions of the game.

For the Dungeon Master[edit]

The game is designed to give player characters clues about the universe they are in. This article unedited describes the game in a way that can be used in most campaigns. However, I recommend editing it to swap out pieces and tiles to give the players clues about what is important in your campaign.

Go ahead and copy this into a Word document and edit it. For example:

  • If you use demons a lot and devils rarely, feel free to swap out the devil piece for a demon piece.
  • If you have some other tyrant race of the deep places than a beholder, swap out the beholder piece for the deep tyrant.
  • If you don't have water adventures but you have lots of underdark adventures, swap out the pirate and mermaid and sea and ship for underdark and cavern tiles and a couple new pieces and so on.

Remember to delete this 'For the Dungeon Master' section before showing this article to players

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