Template talk:Playtest

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The idea behind this template is to cover a bunch of different ideas and issues.

  • A lot of complaints revolve around the content on the wiki being untested. That is mostly justified. Even in the cases where the content has been testplayed though, there is no way for our audience to know, nor is there any way for them to know what that test play looked like or involved.
  • Since actual play is always a better measure of the balance and quality of a piece of content, I think we should encourage that style of review process whenever possible. Theoretical discussion is fine during design, but when everyone thinks it's done- that's when it's time to take the show on the road and see how it handles for real!
  • Several redditors have come to me asking for advice on how to go about playtesting content on the wiki, and were disappointed that the only tool we have for communicating such information is the talk pages. They felt their efforts would have been wasted. I agree, most people never see the talk page, and most talk pages are severely out of date from the page itself.

How do I use this template? I would like to playtest something. Arquebus (talk) 18:40, 23 August 2020 (MDT)