5e Evocation Spells:
5e SRD:Acid Arrow: A shimmering green arrow streaks toward a target within range and bursts in a spray of acid.
5e SRD:Arcane Hand: You create a Large hand of shimmering, translucent force in an unoccupied space that you can see within range.
5e SRD:Arcane Sword: You create a sword-shaped plane of force that hovers within range.
5e SRD:Blade Barrier: You create a vertical wall of whirling, razor-sharp blades made of magical energy.
5e SRD:Blinding Smite: The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack during this spell's duration, your weapon flares with bright light, and the attack deals an extra 3d8 radiant damage to the target.
5e SRD:Branding Smite: The next time you hit a creature with a weapon attack before this spell ends, the weapon gleams with astral radiance as you strike.
5e SRD:Burning Hands: As you hold your hands with thumbs touching and fingers spread, a thin sheet of flames shoots forth from your outstretched fingertips.
5e SRD:Chain Lightning: You create a bolt of lightning that arcs toward a target of your choice that you can see within range.
5e SRD:Chromatic Orb: You hurl a 4-inch-diameter sphere of energy at a creature that you can see within range. You choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder for the type of orb you create.
5e SRD:Cone of Cold: A blast of cold air erupts from your hands.
5e SRD:Contingency: You cast that spell–called the contingent spell–as part of casting contingency, expending spell slots for both, but the contingent spell doesn’t come into effect. Instead, it takes effect when a certain circumstance occurs.
5e SRD:Continual Flame: A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch, springs forth from an object that you touch.
5e SRD:Cure Wounds: A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
5e SRD:Dancing Lights: You create up to four torch-sized lights within range,making them appear as torches, lanterns, or glowing orbs that hover in the air for the duration.
5e SRD:Darkness: Magical darkness spreads from a point you choose within range to fill a 15-foot-radius sphere for the duration.
5e SRD:Daylight: A 60-foot-radius sphere of light spreads out from a point you choose within range.
5e SRD:Delayed Blast Fireball: A beam of yellow light flashes from your pointing finger, then condenses to linger at a chosen point within range as a glowing bead for the duration.
5e SRD:Divine Favor: Your prayer empowers you with divine radiance.
5e SRD:Divine Word: You utter a divine word, imbued with the power that shaped the world at the dawn of creation.
5e SRD:Earthquake: You create a seismic disturbance at a point on the ground that you can see within range.
5e SRD:Eldritch Blast: A beam of crackling energy streaks toward a creature within range.
5e SRD:Faerie Fire: Each object in a 20-foot cube within range is outlined in blue, green, or violet light (your choice).
5e SRD:Fire Bolt: You hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range.
5e SRD:Fire Shield: Thin and wispy flames wreathe your body for the duration, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
5e SRD:Fire Storm: A storm made up of sheets of roaring flame appears in a location you choose within range.
5e SRD:Fireball: A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range and then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame.
5e SRD:Flame Blade: You evoke a fiery blade in your free hand.
5e SRD:Flame Strike: A vertical column of divine fire roars down from the heavens in a location you specify.
5e SRD:Forcecage: An immobile, invisible, cube-shaped prison composed of magical force springs into existence around an area you choose within range.
5e SRD:Freezing Sphere: A frigid globe of cold energy streaks from your fingertips to a point of your choice within range, where it explodes in a 60-foot-radius sphere.
5e SRD:Guiding Bolt: A flash of light streaks toward a creature of your choice within range.
5e SRD:Gust of Wind: A line of strong wind 60 feet long and 10 feet wide blasts from you in a direction you choose for the spell’s duration.
5e SRD:Hallow: You touch a point and infuse an area around it with holy (or unholy) power.
5e SRD:Heal: A surge of positive energy washes through the creature, causing it to regain 70 hit points.
5e SRD:Healing Word: A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
5e SRD:Hellish Rebuke: You point your finger, and the creature that damaged you is momentarily surrounded by hellish flames.
5e SRD:Ice Storm: A hail of rock-hard ice pounds to the ground in a 20-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point within range.
5e SRD:Light: Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
5e SRD:Lightning Bolt: A stroke of lightning forming a line 100 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose.
5e SRD:Magic Missile: You create three glowing darts of magical force.
5e SRD:Mass Cure Wounds: A wave of healing energy washes out from a point of your choice within range.
5e SRD:Mass Heal: A flood of healing energy flows from you into injured creatures around you.
5e SRD:Mass Healing Word: As you call out words of restoration, up to six creatures of your choice that you can see within range regain hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
5e SRD:Meteor Swarm: Blazing orbs of fire plummet to the ground at four different points you can see within range.
5e SRD:Moonbeam: A silvery beam of pale light shines down in a 5-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point within range.
5e SRD:Prayer of Healing: Up to six creatures of your choice that you can see within range each regain hit points equal to 2d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
5e SRD:Prismatic Spray: Eight multicolored rays of light flash from your hand.
5e SRD:Ray of Frost: A frigid beam of blue-white light streaks toward a creature within range.
5e SRD:Resilient Sphere: A sphere of shimmering force encloses a creature or object of Large size or smaller within range.
5e SRD:Sacred Flame: Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can see within range.
5e SRD:Scorching Ray: You create three rays of fire and hurl them at targets within range.
5e SRD:Sending: You send a short message of twenty-five words or less to a creature with which you are familiar.
5e SRD:Shatter: A sudden loud ringing noise, painfully intense, erupts from a point of your choice within range.
5e SRD:Shocking Grasp: Lightning springs from your hand to deliver a shock to a creature you try to touch.
5e SRD:Spiritual Weapon: You create a floating, spectral weapon within range that lasts for the duration or until you cast this spell again.
5e SRD:Sunbeam: A beam of brilliant light flashes out from your hand in a 5-foot-wide, 60-foot-long line.
5e SRD:Sunburst: Brilliant sunlight flashes in a 60-foot radius centered on a point you choose within range.
5e SRD:Thunderwave: A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you.
5e SRD:Tiny Hut: A 10-foot-radius immobile dome of force springs into existence around and above you and remains stationary for the duration.
5e SRD:Wall of Fire: You create a wall of fire on a solid surface within range.
5e SRD:Wall of Force: An invisible wall of force springs into existence at a point you choose within range.
5e SRD:Wall of Ice: You create a wall of ice on a solid surface within range.
5e SRD:Wall of Stone: A nonmagical wall of solid stone springs into existence at a point you choose within range.
5e SRD:Wind Wall: A wall of strong wind rises from the ground at a point you choose within range.
Absolute Zero:
Abyssal Eruption:
5e SRD:Acid Arrow:
Acid Storm:
Acidic Blast:
Acidic Bolt:
Acidic Smite:
Adula's Moonblade:
Aero Slash:
Aether: Ascent:
Aether: Quickdraw:
Aetheric Aura:
Afraid of the Dark:
Aganazzar's Scorcher:
Agni Shine:
Air Bubble, Variant:
Air Cannon:
Air Cushion:
Air Hammer:
Air Slash:
Air Wave:
Al-Taraj's Fulgursphere:
Alchemical Bomb:
Alchemical Grenade:
All Consuming Light:
Almighty Strike:
Ancient Dragon's Lightning Spear:
Ancient Dragon's Lightning Strike:
Antimatter Beam:
Antimodes Greater Fireball:
Apocalypse from the Sky:
Apostle's Black Flame:
Apostle's Black Flame Blade:
Apostle's Black Flame Ritual:
Arc Bolt:
Arcane Attraction:
Arcane Barrage:
Arcane Blast:
Arcane Bolt:
Arcane Diffusion Bomb:
Arcane Explosion:
Arcane Fusion:
5e SRD:Arcane Hand:
Arcane Needle:
Arcane Sluggers:
Arcane Smite:
Arcane Sneak Attack:
Arcane Spear:
Arcane Strike:
5e SRD:Arcane Sword:
Aria's Dancing Main-Gauche:
Arrow of Dusk:
Arthur's Infinite Inferno: The caster of the spell holds a container carrying their own tear in one hand and another carrying their loved one's tear in the other as they speak an ancient chant lost to the ages. When the chant is over, the caster's soul is destroyed, preventing them from being resurrected via any means other than a Wish Spell, and nuking everything in a 100 feet radius in the process.
Creatures within a 5 to 10 feet radius must make a Constitution save, taking 9d12 fire damage and 9d12 force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. Creatures within a 10 to 30 feet radius must make a Constitution save, taking 7d10 fire damage and 7d10 force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. Creatures within a 30 to 100-foot radius must instead make a Dexterity save, taking 5d8 fire damage and 5d8 force damage, or half as much on a success. Additionally, creatures that fail their saves against this spell catch on fire, suffering 1d10 fire damage at the start of each turn until they use an action to put out the fire and creatures who are reduced to 0 hit points by this spell are turned to ash.
Ashkin's Spazzledazzle:
Astral Cannon:
Astral Guardian:
Astral Light:
Astral Release:
Atomic Bolt:
Attract Object:
Aura Pulse:
Aura Sphere:
Aura of Victory:
Aura of Vitality:
Aysa's Plasma Cage:
Babu Slime: You begin to sweat an acidic slime from your pores that damages your attackers.
Baja Blast:
Bakudo 30:
Bakudo 4:
Ball Lightning:
Ball of Blackwater:
Bane Bow:
Barrier of the Four Kings of the World:
Begone Thot:
Bites the Dust:
Black Candle:
Black Fire:
Black Flame Blade:
Black Hole Beam:
Black Snow:
5e SRD:Blade Barrier:
Blade Lightning:
Blade Storm, Variant:
Blade of Justice:
Blast Cantrip:
Blast Cast:
Blast Everything in That Direction:
Blasting Beam:
Blasting Bolt:
Blasting Smite:
Blaze Net:
Blazing Counterstrike:
Blazing Slash:
Blazing Smite:
Blinding Bolt:
Blinding Heal:
Blinding Smite:
Blink Slash:
Blink Strike:
Blood Flame Blade:
Blood Transfusion:
Bloody Smite:
Bolt Strike:
Bolt of Time:
Bolt of the Storm:
Bolts of Tiamat:
Boom Beat Arrow:
Booming Blade:
Booming Word:
Borca's Improbability Zone:
Bore Hole:
Boreal Strike:
Bounding Flame:
5e SRD:Branding Smite:
Breath of Malice:
Briars of Sanguar:
Brutal Blade:
Bubble Blast:
Burning Coals:
5e SRD:Burning Hands:
Burning Orbs:
Bursting Shot:
Bèta Radiation: You release a radioactive ray of Bèta Radiation.
Cacophonic Shield:
Calamitous Strike:
Cannon of Haima:
Carian Greatsword:
Carian Piercer:
Carian Slicer:
Cascade of Thunder:
Catastrophic Devastation:
Caustic Blood:
Celestial Storm:
Chain Heal:
5e SRD:Chain Lightning:
Chains of Ice:
Chaos Ball:
Chaos Blade:
Chaos Bolt:
Chaos Hand:
Chaos Orb:
Chaos Storm:
Chaotic Rocket:
Chaotic Smite:
Charged Magic Missile:
Charged Weapon:
Chill Boomerang:
Chilling Smite:
Chilling Wind:
Chords of Dissonance:
Chromatic Bile:
Chromatic Bolt:
Chromatic Explosion:
Chromatic Missile:
Chromatic Spray:
Chromatic Weapon:
Ciao's Magic Missile:
Cleanse Wound:
Clockwork Sphere:
Cold Flame:
Collapsing Stars:
Combat Messaging:
Comet Azur:
Concussive Blast:
5e SRD:Cone of Cold:
Coned Blast:
Conflagulated Breath:
Consecrate Strike:
Contained Apocalypse:
5e SRD:Contingency:
5e SRD:Continual Flame:
Continuous Frosty Ray:
Control Sunlight:
Coral Blast:
Corroding Strike:
Corrosive Flame:
Corrosive Hands:
Crackle With Power:
Crash To Desktop:
Crash and Burn:
Crono's Energy:
Crowley's Complicated Combustion:
Crown of Stars:
Crown of Stars, Variant:
Crunch Wrap:
Crusader's Mantle:
Crushing Wave:
Cry of the Ancestral Druids:
Crystal Barrage:
Crystal Burst:
Crystal Shard:
Crystal Torrent:
Crystal Wave:
Culdir's Orb of Fire:
Cure Disease:
Cure Heavy Wounds:
5e SRD:Cure Wounds:
Cutter Boomerang:
5e SRD:Dancing Lights:
Dark Fire:
Dark Flare:
Dark Force:
Dark II:
Dark III:
Dark Matter Blast:
Dark Matter Pulse:
Dark Meteor:
Dark Mote:
Dark Reach:
Dark Star:
Dark Striking Thunder:
5e SRD:Darkness:
Dashing Strike:
Daunting Volt Blade:
5e SRD:Daylight:
Dead Man's Volley:
Death Finger:
Death Strike:
Deceiving Bolt:
Delayed Beam Dissolution:
5e SRD:Delayed Blast Fireball:
Delayed Blast Time Bomb:
Delayed Spell:
Deliberate Surge:
Desert Wall:
Destruction Bolt:
Destructive Slash:
Destructive Wave:
Devilish Brand:
Dhoulramses' Glutinous Flame:
Diluvian Wave:
Din's Fire:
Direct Lightning:
Disarming Cry:
Disassemble Molecules:
Discord Bolt:
Dispel Law:
Divine Arcane Attraction:
5e SRD:Divine Favor:
Divine Judgement:
Divine Mission:
Divine Power:
Divine Punishment:
Divine Ruin:
Divine Spark:
Divine Strike:
5e SRD:Divine Word:
Dominating Smash:
Dongle's All-Purpose Mending:
Dongle's Frozen Fire Bolt:
Dongle's Frozen Fireball:
Dorsatum's Deterrent:
Double-Edge Dance:
Double-Edge Dance, Variant:
Dovar's Brutal Beam:
Dr. Nefario's Battery Zap:
Draconic Strike:
Drago Bolt:
Dragon Meteor:
Dragon Rend: You rip through the air with magically-manifested dragon claws, evoking gales of wind to cut through foes.
Dragon Rises from the Sea:
Dragon's Breath:
Dragon's Stolen Breath:
Drill Beam:
Durnash's Flames:
Dusk and Dawn:
Earth Shatter:
Earth Spike: You manifest a spike of earth to hurl at a creature or object within range.
Earth Tremor:
Earthen Onslaught, Dagger:
Earthen Onslaught, Handaxe:
Earthen Onslaught, Mace:
Earthen Onslaught, Quarterstaff:
5e SRD:Earthquake:
Ebb And Flow, Dagger:
Ebb And Flow, Handaxe:
Ebb And Flow, Mace:
Ebb And Flow, Quarterstaff:
Eclipse Life:
Eilistraee's Moonfire:
Eilistraee's Moonfire, Variant:
Elden Stars:
Eldridge Blast:
Eldritch Blade:
5e SRD:Eldritch Blast:
Eldritch Blast, Variant:
Eldritch Burst:
Eldritch Cannon:
Eldritch Rebuke:
Eldritch Strike:
Eldritch Strike, Variant:
Eldritch Strikes:
Electrical Handaxe:
Element Blast:
Elemental Armor:
Elemental Arrow:
Elemental Blade:
Elemental Blast:
Elemental Blow:
Elemental Bolt:
Elemental Maelstrom:
Elemental Storm:
Elemental Strike:
Elemental Weapon, Variant:
Elemental Wrath:
Ember Blast:
Ember Strike:
Emberbolt: You concentrate heat and energy in your hand, then lash out with a powerful strike.
Emerald Splash:
Emit Spores:
Enchantment of the Wind:
Endrian Slash:
Energizing Smite:
Energy Beat:
Energy Burst:
Energy Ray: You extend both your arms, and create two portals in front of each other. Elemental forces then propel a ray of pure, condensed energy that passes through the portals, towards a creature or object in a flash of light.
Energy Rupture:
Energy Strike:
Energy Vortex: You stir up the elemental chaos within the Universe and unleash it on a single point causing a chaotic vortex of energy or you remove the normal elemental energies from an area, denying its very existence.
Enhanced Darkness:
Enhanced Permanency:
Entropy Field:
Ephemeral Storm:
Eradication Flame:
Erratic Bolt:
Eruption Counter:
Eruption, Grisaire Supplement:
Essence of the Elements:
Eternal-Force Blizzard:
Etheric Tethers:
Everlasting Poison:
Exploding Spaghetti Meteor:
Explosion of Happiness:
Explosion, Variant:
Explosive Ghostflame:
Extrasensory Strike:
Extreme Wish:
Eye of the Euryale:
Eye of the Storm:
5e SRD:Faerie Fire:
Faerie Glitter:
Fallen Meteor:
Fantasy Heaven:
Fantasy Seal:
Farron Dart:
Faust's Card Flourish:
Fayne's Fiery Flagellation:
Feu Sans Nuit:
Fiend Fire:
Fiendish Claws:
Fiendish Desecration:
Fiery Beam:
Fiery Dance:
Fiery Disengage:
Final Gambit:
Final Move:
Final Stroke:
Finger Gun:
Finger Guns:
Finger of Chaos:
Finnegan's Forceful Fusillade:
Firaga IV:
Fire Avatar:
5e SRD:Fire Bolt:
Fire Boom:
Fire Dragon's Iron Fist:
Fire Dragon's Wing Attack:
Fire Flow:
Fire Orb:
Fire Punch:
5e SRD:Fire Shield:
Fire Shot:
Fire Spin:
Fire Splash:
Fire Spray:
5e SRD:Fire Storm:
Fire Swing:
Fire Tornado:
Fire Volley:
Fire Whip:
5e SRD:Fireball:
Fires of Entanglement:
5e SRD:Flame Blade:
Flame Blast:
Flame Blast, Variant:
Flame Burst:
Flame Charge: Your body is launched forward with magical force, and your weapon is lit with magical flame as you strike all creatures in your path.
Flame Mastery:
Flame Ring:
Flame Shot:
Flame Spiral:
5e SRD:Flame Strike:
Flame Swathe:
Flames of Destruction:
Flames of Hephaestus:
Flames of the End:
Flare Blade:
Flare Blitz:
Flare Counter:
Flare Shot:
Flare Wave Explosion:
Flight of Fire:
Flurry Rush:
Flèche Chromatique Himo:
Flèche Chromatique Snaraach:
Focus Flame:
Focus Strike:
Force Arrow:
Force Beam:
Force Bulwark:
Force Cannon:
Force Lightning:
Force Nova:
Force Speed:
Force Streak:
Force Surge:
Force Wave:
5e SRD:Forcecage:
Forceful Flash:
Forceful Hand:
Forceful Strike:
Forceful Strike, Variant:
Fox Fire:
Franklin's Funny Missiles:
Freezing Burst:
Freezing Gale:
5e SRD:Freezing Sphere:
Frigid Rebuke:
Frigid Smite:
Frost Bolt:
Frost Breath:
Frost Fingers:
Frost Lance:
Frost Strike:
Frostfire Bolt:
Frostwave: A spray of crystal laden cold sweeps out from you to deter movement.
Frozen Armament:
Frozen Tomb:
Furious Unleashment:
Fury Fugue:
Gamma Radiation:
Gandr Shot:
Ganon's Fist:
Gaseous Death:
Generic Off-the-Shelf Multipurpose Power Blast Spell:
Ghost Light:
Gilded Wave:
Glacial Pass:
Glass Canon:
Glintstone Pebble:
Glyph of Pain:
God Hammer:
God's Dice:
Golden Experience:
Goldweaver's Ray:
Gorgath's Rock-Volver:
Grasp of the Void:
Grasping Shadows:
Gravitational Annihilation:
Gravity Fissure:
Gravity Force:
Gravity Sinkhole:
Grease, Variant:
Great Chaos Fireball:
Great Lightning Spear:
Great Scorching Bolt:
Greater Contingency: You cast that spell–called the contingent spell–as part of casting greater contingency, expending spell slots for both, but the contingent spell doesn’t come into effect.
Greater Darkness:
Greater Dragon's Stolen Breath:
Greater Heal:
Greater Purge:
Greatspear of Justice:
Greatwyrm's Wrath:
Green-Flame Ammo:
Green-Flame Blade:
Guardian of the Living:
Guided Strikes:
5e SRD:Guiding Bolt:
Gurranq's Sling:
Gush of Ash:
5e SRD:Gust of Wind:
Hado 1:
Hado 31:
Hado 32:
Hado 4:
Hado 58:
Hadō Sōren Sōkatsui:
5e SRD:Hallow:
Hallowed Rain:
Halo of Lightning:
Halo of Rejuvenation:
Hands of Elements:
Hart's Incredibly Hot Lightning Laser:
Hateful Lance:
Haunting Whispers:
5e SRD:Heal:
Heal Major Injury:
Healer of Multitudes:
Healing Dagger:
Healing Rain:
Healing Ray:
Healing Spores:
Healing Touch:
Healing Wind:
5e SRD:Healing Word:
Heart Jumpstart:
Heart of the Sea Gods:
Heat Beam:
Heated Hands:
Heavenly Fall:
Heavenly Lightning:
Heavenly Rebuke:
Hell's Lightning:
Hellfire Bolt:
Hellfire Sphere:
5e SRD:Hellish Rebuke:
Heritage Rebuke:
Hershey Squirt:
High Octane Explosion:
Hissing Darkness:
Hoarfrost Blade:
Holy Blade:
Holy Exodus:
Holy Spear:
Holy Weapon:
Homing Shards:
Homing Soulmass:
Howling Wraiths:
Hræsvelgr's Glory:
Hurricane Blade:
Hydrogen Bomb:
Hymn of Battle:
Hyper Voice:
Hyperion Lance:
Ice Beam:
Ice Blade:
Ice Bolt:
Ice Coffin:
Ice Eruption:
Ice Reave:
Ice Rupture:
Ice Shards:
Ice Shock:
Ice Spear:
Ice Spike:
5e SRD:Ice Storm:
Ice Wave:
Icicle Crash:
Igneous Suffocation:
Ignite, Variant:
Ijuyr's Symphony:
Illumination, Variant:
Imbue with Spell Ability:
Immolation, Variant:
Imperial Blight:
Imperial Bolt:
Improved Magic Missile:
Incinerating Impacts:
Incomplete Chord:
Inquisitor's Strike:
Instil Pain:
Instrument of Life:
Internal Incineration:
Inumaki Word "Blast Away":
Inumaki Word "Crush":
Inumaki Word "Die":
Inumaki Word "Don't Move":
Inumaki Word "Explode":
Inumaki Word "Plummet":
Inumaki Word "Return":
Inumaki Word "Run Away":
Inumaki Word "Sleep":
Inumaki Word "Stop":
Inumaki Word "Twist":
Inumaki Word Variant Command:
Inumaki Word Variant Eviscerate:
Inumaki Word Variant Ignite:
Inumaki Word Variant Mute:
Inumaki Word Variant Power Word Heal:
Inumaki Word Variant Rise:
Invisibility Purge:
Invocation of Ate, Lord of the East:
Invocation of Gedula, Lord of the South:
Invocation of Markt, Lord of the North:
Iridescent Ray:
Isaac's Missile Swarm:
Isband's Freezing Chains:
Jallarzi's Storm of Radiance:
Jalthier's Impending Boom:
Jim’s Magic Missile:
Julia's Magical Healing Missile:
Kaleido Star Cannon:
Keen Cut:
Kerrhylon’s Magic Missile:
Kime's Magic Missile:
Kinetic Garrote:
Kinetic Throw:
Kiss of the Petals:
Klee's Fireball:
Kraken's Tentacle:
Kunai of Ice:
Lafayette's Lavish Blade:
Lake of Fire:
Lambent Lance:
Last Act:
Last Words:
Lava Burst:
Leaf Barrage:
Lee's Fume Punch:
Lesser Baja Blast:
Lesser Purge:
Lesser Smite:
León's Small Wind:
Liberate Flame:
Life Flare:
Life Seed:
5e SRD:Light:
Light Arc:
Light Beam:
Light Binding:
Light Drive:
Light of Celestia:
5e SRD:Lightning Bolt:
Lightning Charge:
Lightning Cloak:
Lightning Field:
Lightning Field, Variant:
Lightning Lasers:
Lightning Leap:
Lightning Lure:
Lightning Orb:
Lightning Rush:
Lightning Spear:
Lightning Spear, Variant:
Lightning Stake:
Lightning Strike:
Lightning Surge:
Lightning Tendrils:
Lightning Whip:
Lingering Flame:
Lion Elemenacy: Holy:
Lockhart's Fireball:
Lofting Breeze:
Long Beam:
Lucent Singularity:
Lucky Star:
Luminous Globe:
Lunar Blast:
Lunar Branding:
Lunar Serenity:
Mad Mage's Rage:
Maddening Darkness:
Mage Fist:
Magic Brand:
Magic Burst:
Magic Dart:
5e SRD:Magic Missile:
Magic Missile Barrage:
Magic Missile Massacre:
Magic Missile Storm:
Magic Strike:
Magic Warhead:
Magical Blast:
Magma Storm:
Major Mark:
Malcador’s Fallen Star:
Manus Semoto:
Mass Arcane Cure:
5e SRD:Mass Cure Wounds:
Mass Disintegrate:
5e SRD:Mass Heal:
5e SRD:Mass Healing Word:
Mass Immolation:
Mass Power Word Heal:
Massive Magic Missile:
Master Spark:
Maya's Symphony:
Megaton Punch:
Melf's Minute Meteors:
Mending Sinews:
Mental Shred:
Message Connected:
Metaphysical Smite:
5e SRD:Meteor Swarm:
Meteoric Barrage:
Mind Blast:
Mind Flay:
Mini Tornado:
Minor Implosion:
Minor Mark:
Miracle Moon:
Misinterpreted Color Spray:
Moon Pulse:
5e SRD:Moonbeam:
Moonbeam Bolt:
Moonfire (Pathfinder Spell):
Mordenkainen's Force Missiles:
Multi-Elemental Combustion:
Nahal's Reckless Dweomer: Intentionally create a wild surge, with a SLIGHT chance of casting the intended spell
Necrotic Boom:
Necrotic Overchannel:
Needle Hex:
Nexus Weapon:
Notes of lesser death:
Noval Strike:
Noxious Blast:
Nuclear Missile:
Nyan's Ball Lightning:
O'Bannon's Siege Missiles:
Oblivion Wave:
Omega Finishing Blow:
One Inch Punch:
Orb of Charm:
Orb of Deception:
Orb of Discord:
Orb of Harmony:
Orb of Light:
Orb of Sacred Fire:
Orcans Eye:
Orion's Bolts:
Overward Smite:
PK Fire (5e spell):
Paddle Star:
Pain Share:
Paralysis Blow:
Paralyzing Smite:
Pattern Screamer:
Permanency, Variant:
Phoenix Climax:
Phoenix Fire:
Phoenix Strike:
Phoenix Wave:
Phy's Wondrous Acid:
Pillar of Flame:
Pillar of Sand:
Pity of Acherus:
Pixie Storm:
Pixie's Gale:
Pixies's Blade:
Plague Blast:
Plasma Bolt:
Pleasant Breeze:
Poison Bolt:
Poison Matrix:
Polar Ray:
Portal Volley:
Positive Energy Blast:
Positive Energy Ray:
Positive/Negative Energy Zone:
Power Beam:
Power Bolt:
Power Chord:
Power Within:
Power Word Bind:
Power Word Explode:
Power Word Freeze:
Power Word Heal:
Powerful Punch:
Powerful Strike:
5e SRD:Prayer of Healing:
Pressure Sphere:
Primordial Rush:
Prismatic Bow:
5e SRD:Prismatic Spray:
Prison Realm:
Produce Electricity:
Psionic Blast:
Psionic Drain:
Psionic Kunai:
Psionic Strike:
Psionova: You create a psionic shockwave.
Psyche Drain, Variant:
Psychic Missile:
Psychic Scream:
Psychic Wrath:
Pull of Acherus:
Pulse Wave:
Purple Haze:
Pyroclasmic Unmake:
Quadon's intense pain:
Quantum Shift:
Quietus Beam:
Quincy's Epic Hammer:
Raddik's Plasmatic Tear:
Raddik's Weakest Link:
Raddik’s Focusing Blast:
Radiant Absorption:
Radiant Aura:
Radiant Blade:
Radiant Blast:
Radiant Death:
Radiant Flame Blade:
Radiant Flare:
Radiant Lance:
Radiant Leap:
Radiant Pulse:
Radiant Revolvers:
Radiant Splash:
Radiant Strike:
Radiant Strike, Variant:
Rage Armor:
Ragnaul's Systematic Surge:
Railgun: You extend your arm and flick the metal piece at the target. Elemental forces then propel the metal piece towards a creature or object in a flash of light.
Rain Blast:
Rain of Fiery Blades:
Random Spell:
Rapid Acceleration:
Rapture, Variant:
Ravenous Void:
5e SRD:Ray of Frost:
Ray of Light:
Realistic Explosion:
Recite Scripture:
Reckless Lightning Bolt:
Red-Flame Missile:
Reflexive Shot (5e spell):
Rejuvenate (Pathfinder Spell):
Remorseless Winter:
Remote Bomb: You magically create in your open palm either a bluish-white sphere or cube rigged to explode. ... further resultsThe part "]]" of the query was not understood.</br>Results might not be as expected.