Talk:Zoltraak (5e Spell)

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The range of the spell is in template guiding bolt, magic missile and eldritch blast spells that are compared to zoltraak of the manga the damage, format and gramar of the spell was revised, please notify... english are not my mother language

Ok, hold up, let's talk about this: the statement of the spell exceeding appropriate damage for a 1st level spell did not get thrown into the mix when volley shot, requires 3 separate attack rolls, and is a potential 6d6 on a 1st level spell. Volley shot can critically hit as well, in addition to just having a chance to miss, due to it being an attack roll. The closest spell to compare to this is Guiding Bolt a 4d6, which the volley option for this spell is still potentially exceeding. Lowering the damage of volley to a 2d4 and increasing Focused to a 3d10 not only gives versatility in the hands of the caster, but it also makes both options viable. At a minimum, I can see Focused being a 3d6 damage because it is a 30ft line, and that would make it equal to Burning Hands. Still, saying a spell having versatility is not an excuse for making one of its options blatantly bad in comparison.--ThighRash (talk) 08:49, 24 November 2024 (MST)

Since the "focused" mode is a beam, it can hit multiple targets. If there are 3 creatures in the beam, that is three lots of 2d6. It's nice that volley can deal critical hits, the attacks can also miss; on the other hand, focused will deal damage to everything in the beam. Burning hands does deal more damage, but it has its own disadvantages: a cone is often more awkward to place than a beam, and it deals a single type of damage. Marasmusine (talk) 09:53, 24 November 2024 (MST)