Talk:Way of the Swamp Guardians (5e Subclass)

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Fixed a bit of wording issues between the phrasing of sphere and bubble, by replacing all mentions of spheres that refer to your bubble with the word bubble. This is to help distinguish between the actual poison spheres and the bubble. I also added the ability to make damage dealt by the spheres nonlethal, which is more in line with the subclass' original inspiration from Ranno of the game Rivals of Aether, who is notoriously a pacifist yet a fighter. --Supersmily5 (talk) 21:23, 21 September 2019 (MDT)

QOL Improvements[edit]

Le Sigh. I hate how the Ki feature doesn't give a Ki attack bonus. It would have been so simple to add it just in case. Because it didn't, you can't make Ki attack features without having the feature tell the player what to add to the attack. So I did. I also added the ability to recover the Poison Darts on a short rest at level 11. It needed to go somewhere, but there was no room for it anywhere else unless I made it a thing at 3rd level, which heavily changes it. --Supersmily5 (talk) 08:53, 14 April 2020 (MDT)