Talk:Way of the Kakusareta Shōheki (5e Subclass)

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1st edit: This class is totally broken. You have lots of attacks, a critical hit on a 18 on the dice, a x4 critical. Only one of the features requires resource expenditure, but the cost is far too low when you compare with the power of it.

2nd edit: I've added some cost to some abilities, reduced the power of others and tried to organize some of these features (this class is overcrowded with them) into cohesive themes, without major changes on the mechanics of them. The "spirit" of the abilities still there, but the power are reduced.

3rd edit Former free abilities now have a cost in ki, and some abilities that i deemed to be way to cheap have now a higher cost to use. Either way, this subclass still to powerful

4th edit Tried to make a more cohesive lore and change some of the abilities to fit the theme, but without deviating from what op created. Next time i will probably change the order of some abilities and group them into one, like i did with the 6th level ability.

5th edit This time, i've tried this subclass following more or less the "Astral Self Monk", while keeping most of the names created and the mechanics intended by OP. It seems to be the most clear writing of this subclass up to now.

Anastacio (talk)