Talk:Warforged, 5th Variant (5e Race)

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I feel fine in general with all these so i’m gonna tell you my only real complaint; the celestial machine is way too strong and needs some form of nerf, I can’t say exactly what would be best for that though because I’ve never been super creative so all I can say is best of luck in that aspect. Just checked something, as far as spells go for these subraces you should probably try to limit to one spell per level of spell, give a choice between a few if you want. Also taking 1st level spells that upcast to 2nd seems acceptable since every released tiefling subrace has done that but no spells at the 3rd level scale.

I nerfed Celestial Machine and cleaned up a few other things. I didn't limit spells per spell level, as the particular features that do that don't strike me as immensely overpowered. --Belial (talk) 11:57, 4 January 2022 (MST)
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