Talk:Voice of the Gods (5e Class)

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DONE. I have spent a few days making edits to this class, please tell me what you think of the class now. I removed Voice of Old because it didn't seem to fit with the class, and no class has two features at 20th level (no core ones, anyways). And for those of you who are actually reviewing and criticizing this class, please answer this question; is this class unbalanced? I think it is, how the original creator had set it up (there is only one level where no feature is received or improved...), but I didn't change that because maybe it could be a class for a high-powered campaign? Thank you for letting me keep my edits on this class, I hope it is good! --Cosmos (talk) 17:36, 2 March 2019 (MST)

Lafull, I do like your class here, but I would like to say that it is terribly unbalanced. Most of the core spellcasters have dead levels (levels with no new features or improved features) at where they gain the next level of spellcasting. Also, what you just added to Blade Song is preeeety much completely ignoring what I said about all core classes having only one feature at 20th level. And it still just makes the class even more OP. Just a few things, there are more, but first, think about what you can (and are willing to) do to make this class more balanced. Some first steps would be adding in dead levels, and reducing the number of improved features. Sorry if I'm harsh, I just want you to see that this class isn't exactly playable yet. --Cosmos (talk) 13:52, 4 March 2019 (MST)