Talk:Two Dagger Fighter (5e Feat)
The name should be altered. Feat names in 5e reflect what a character with that ability might refer to themselves as in-universe. The prerequisite is also incorrect, as it should be an odd number. Most (in fact, all, I believe) feats that have an ability score prerequisite have it at 13. SirSprinkles (talk) 19:30, 9 July 2017 (MDT)
I changed it now it should be okay but i think i cant change the main name or ? if yes could you do it ? i dont know how
Hello, fellow wikian! I made some tiny edits on the page, and quickly undo-ed it just to leave it in history. You can check it here. I'm not exactly the brightest tool in the shed, but I hope my rework help you further improve this feat. --WeirdoWhoever (talk) 06:58, 4 August 2017 (MDT)
- What SirSprinkles means it the title would be "Two Dagger Fighter" or (now) "Rogue Weapon Master".
- Unfortunately I find this to be Yet Another Dagger Feat (tm) to go with Dagger Expert (5e Feat) (you get another attack with dagger when two weapon fighting), Dagger Martial Artist (5e Feat), Dagger Master (5e Feat) (+1 to attack rolls with daggers). Marasmusine (talk) 07:17, 4 August 2017 (MDT)
- In June or July, someone created a feat called "Two Dagger Fighting," which was later moved to "Two Dagger Fighter (5e Feat)." The content page was moved, but this talk page was not.
- In December, Yamburglar created a feat called "Two Dagger Fighting," which just so happened to have the same name as that previous feat. The talk page for the PREVIOUS feat of that name was still in place there.
- In part to solve this issue, I moved "Two Dagger Fighting" to "Two Dagger Fighting (5e Feat)." This disconnected it from the unrelated talk page.
- SirSprinkles then moved the unrelated talk page to "Talk:Two Dagger Fighting (5e Feat)." I imagine he thought I neglected to move the talk page (as is a common problem on this wiki), when in reality that talk page should not have been moved here.
Tl;dr - The comments above this section header are about a different feat that was was previously called "Two Dagger Fighting." - Guy (talk) 09:32, 13 December 2017 (MST)
I eventually noticed once I saw the timestamps on the comments, haha. --Yamburglar (talk) 17:25, 13 December 2017 (MST)
Balance Issues[edit]
I hadn't really thought about how this feat would affect monks, what balancing suggestions do you have for that? "Double dagger attacks cannot be used in unison with Flurry of Blows"? "This feat cannot be taken by monks"? -I see now that somebody had edited the specification of the bonus attack needing to be a dagger while two-weapon fighting to just "a bonus action attack," I can see how that would change the balance for monks. I changed it to back, for now. --Yamburglar (talk) 12:12, 31 December 2017 (MST)
Updated Changes[edit]
Anonymous users keep editing this feat to include features it was not originally meant to have. The original was as follows: Your Dexterity increases by 1 to a maximum of 20. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you make with daggers and Shortswords When you use use a bonus action to make an attack with a dagger using two-weapon fighting, you can make two attacks with the dagger, instead of one. When you use 2 Daggers and no other weapon or 1 Shortsword and a Dagger, the damage die of your dagger increases to 1D6. (this does not stack with other improvements)
Unlike what someone edited in there, this feat is not supposed to add a damage modifier to the dagger attacks. It was supposed to be balanced in what it did give by being restricted to only working when dual-wielding daggers or dagger/shortsword, and only giving a single additional bonus action attack to a dagger. The dagger damage die increase would also no longer work if the user dropped either weapon. It is not the Two-Weapon fighting style, but is supposed to synergize with it. --Yamburglar (talk) 00:17, 8 November 2018 (MST)