Talk:Sure-Strike Matches (3.5e Equipment)

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I love DM'ing for my current group. They come up with the best ideas. --The Archivist 07:13, 29 August 2007 (MDT)

We already have these: Tindertwigs[1]. Nice idea, but already done.--Ionizer
Also, as an adventurer, I would never carry these matches. Why? Because fireball is just one of those spells you get used to getting caught in, and I don't need a luxury item doing the same damage as a Renaissance bomb to me when I get caught in such a common spell! Atypicaloracle 01:57, 27 July 2010 (UTC)

Slight Changes[edit]

Made some changes to make it more balanced and realistic.--Milo High-Hill 00:52, 8 April 2012 (MDT)